I love to cut circles. Sometimes I just sit and cut circles out of magazines pages or painted paper or old music scores. Just eyeballing them as I cut from a rough square shape. Then I use them up in a project and cut more. It's a way of preparing the material for projects when I'm too tired to do…
Hey Circle Folk, Summer is over, and it's time to get your fall and Halloween circles going. Who wants spooky circle art? Let's swap.
Anyone interested in doing some pre summer circles mailart!!!!
Hey Circle friends - Let's send each other some special circle art. (I have extra time in the summer since I'm a teacher.) Let's swap circles. Respond if you want to join in the Summer Circle swap. Informal. Do whatever. Send to whoever. Love and Hugs, Bonniediva
Idle hands are the devil's playground. It's so fulfilling to doodle, sketch, draw, cut or paint circles.
Call them circles, call them dots, use a hole punch, use a template, draw them, scribble them, paint them, collage them. This is all about circles and how we make use of them.