Call them circles, call them dots, use a hole punch, use a template, draw them, scribble them, paint them, collage them. This is all about circles and how we make use of them.

  • Making circles

    I love to cut circles. Sometimes I just sit and cut circles out of magazines pages or painted paper or old music scores. Just eyeballing them as I cut from a rough square shape. Then I use them up in a project and cut more. It's a way of preparing the material for projects when I'm too tired to do…

    By Linda French

  • Halloween Circles Time

    Hey Circle Folk, Summer is over, and it's time to get your fall and Halloween circles going. Who wants spooky circle art? Let's swap.

    By Bonniediva

  • Pre Summer Circles

    Anyone interested in doing some pre summer circles mailart!!!! 

    By Amber Scribble

  • Summer Circle Swap

    Hey Circle friends - Let's send each other some special circle art. (I have extra time in the summer since I'm a teacher.) Let's swap circles. Respond if you want to join in the Summer Circle swap. Informal. Do whatever. Send to whoever. Love and Hugs, Bonniediva

    By Bonniediva

  • Round and Round

    Idle hands are the devil's playground. It's so fulfilling to doodle, sketch, draw, cut or paint circles.

    By Lisa M Perez
