DECOS - Do you miss them?

Do you miss Decos? What’s a DECO? It’s a sort of mail art friendship book, but with a theme. Each book has around 6 to 10 pages inside and a THEME. You do a page according to your art style and following the theme, and you mail it to another DECO person. It’s like an ADD/PASS, in a way. When it’s full, it goes back to the person who started it.

I started doing DECOs back in 2004, but then people started making them too heavy, gluing all sorts of heavy embellishments, etc., and I couldn’t afford the postage. Then, the DECO world sort of died out. I’d like to see if any of you are interested. 

Let me know if you have questions! Hugs, Bonniediva

Bonniediva, 1726 Lind Lane, Gurnee, IL 60031 USA

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  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Melissa, your Found Poetry Deco is on its way to Jayne Lyons! I enjoyed working on it -- haven't done anything like that in a while.

  • Norma Soulet

    I have 3 Decos to send to someone else.

    If you want them, please let me know.



  • Kayenderes

    How do I get rid of those two discussions up above please take them out thank you

  • The Introverted Post

    Received mail from the wonderful Bonniediva. Sending on to a member of the group. 

  • Kayenderes

    Thank you for help Dear Bonnie.  Also I did forward all my decos to members.  Hope they all enjoy.  


    j'ai découvert DECOS grace à vous, et j'adore y participer.Suis trés contente

  • Kayenderes

    Sorry I do not read french.  I am Mohawk but only would write in english to friends here on this site.   thank you.

    I speak 3 Native languages her on reservation.  But I only write in english.  thank you for understanding.   Can you write me in english? please

  • Kayenderes

    Also my english is not proper and my spelling is worse but I do love to swap and keep up with group and understand.  thank you

  • Linda Rogers

    Latrille's remark being translated by this Canadian is "I have discovered Decos thanks to you and I l  love to participate with you.  I am very happy."

  • BoozyBarb

    I’m sending out fun Decos to two lucky mailboxes tomorrow.

  • Uta Richter

    Our International Mail Art Exhibition is up and running, please have a look at the pictures on our blog! We received a lot off magnificent art work from all over the world.
    Uta for projetM@MottattoM

  • Uta Richter

    follow up message: one transatlantic deco sent to Martine and one to Nasos ... ; ) aren't we having fun? 

    All the best!


  • Uta Richter

    received Kalenders deco on gnomes, worked on it, passed it on to my college Carmen Bayenet and she will send ist to Martine. 

  • Uta Richter

    ... an other deco left for Belgium today to the wasted angel 

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    I received a fabulous "Cats" Deco started by Boozybarb. Can't wait to add my Kitty ideas!

  • Wendi Powell

    I'm interested 

  • The Introverted Post

    Received and sending on -- a comic strip from Brooke, a word deco from Kayenderes and a bird missing its fry from Boozy Barb - cheers.
  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Friends,

    I am back from vacation!

    I have 5 Decos finished. 

    Please let me know if you would like a few.


  • Norma Soulet

    Thanks, Carolyn! I will send a couple your way.

  • Kayenderes

    Hope one or two can come my way dear Norma    thank you

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Kayenderes,

    Ok my dear , I have two for you.


  • Norma Soulet

    I  still have two more Decos to pass along.

    Anyone wants them?

  • Norma Soulet

    Can someone please tell me who made this Deco?

    It has no name or return address. I want to write it in before I send it along.


  • Kayenderes

    Kool,  I will take it thank you

  • Bonniediva

    Norma, you can send any decos to me, if I haven't had them yet. :)

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Bonniediva,

    Ok, I have two to send to you.

    Thank you.

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Boozy Barb,

    Received your Deco and will work on it soon. 

    Love the envelope too.

  • Linda Rogers

    I'm going through decal creative block as I have been sent a blank one and somehow doing the first page has me staring at the blank page with a blank look and empty mind.

  • Wendi Powell

    I am having artists block.  I've gotten 2 decos to work on. I'll get them out soon I promise. I'm just having a blip on the creative side if you know what I mean.

  • Linda Rogers

    Must be contagious.

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Carolyn, Bonniediva, and  Linda,

    Hope you are all doing well.

    I have some 3Decos to pass along as soon as I work on them.

    One was started by Carolyn "Make your Mark"(arrived today from Ruth Giles) 

    I will post to the group once they are done, ok?


  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Friends,

    I have 5 Decos ready to mail out.

    Please let me know if anyone would like them next.

    Two of them just need ONE person to finish them (one from Carolyn "Make your Mark Deco" and the other from Bonniediva "Idols and Icons".)

    Three are just starting with interesting themes: Countries and Flags and Vintage Recipes from Kayenderes. One from Boozy Barb "Do whatever you like".

    Please let me know and maybe they can go out in tomorrow's mail or on Tuesday.

  • Laura Urbano

    Hi Norma, you can send me a couple. 

  • Kayenderes


  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Laura,

    Ok, I will send you 2 Decos that Kayenderes started.

    Thank you.

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Carolyn,

    On Monday you said," you were having Deco withdrawals" so I already have one in an envelope ready to mail out today!

    I will send you Boozy Barb's Deco in a separate envelope today too, ok?

    Thank you.

  • Linda Rogers

    Kayenderes, I received one of yours and passed it on to someone else in the group but it still had several pages to go then.  I've only received 3 decos so far and one was yours.  All have now been passed on.  I haven't started any myself.  I haven't been keeping record of these.  I probably should.

  • Kayenderes

    Dear Linda.  

    Thank you but just asking where and when one will come home to me before I send on more.   I love mail and this is my only communication with out side world.  I am home bound in St. Regis.   So I go to mail box once week and shop every 2 weeks.  I have to hire car to go.   But, I am reliable to mail. 

  • BoozyBarb

    I’ve received Decos orginating from BonnieDiva,Carolyn Cline,Kayenderes, and Amazonia Wallin. I’ve completed some pages and I’m sending them back out into the world. Happy mail is on the way my friends.

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Bonniediva and Carolyn,

    Today I mailed out a completed Deco to both of you.

    Bonniediva your" Idols and Icons" Deco.

    Carolyn, your "Make your Mark" Deco.


  • Norma Soulet

    Does anyone have any Decos to pass along? I can take two if I haven't worked in them. :)

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Carolyn,

    You can send the two decos my way. Just make sure, I haven't worked on them.


  • Linda Rogers

    I had a deco come back to me "insufficient postage" which was annoying as the post office had affixed the postage.  They looked at it shook their heads and said, "that postage is correct but the validating stamp covered the first digit so someone thought it was $.80 not $1.80.  They cleaned the stamp off, stuck it back in the post.  Hope for better luck this time. 

  • Laura Urbano

    Hi Kayenderes,

    I'm mailing you this book today.

  • Amy Candiotti

    Just wondering - has anyone received a completed deco back?  How long did it take?

  • Amy Candiotti

    Just wondering - has anyone received a completed deco back?  How long did it take?

  • Amy Candiotti

    Thanks, Carolyn.  That's encouraging!

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Carolyn,

    Hope you are doing well.

    Received the Deco yesterday and it is now ready to go to someone else.



  • Norma Soulet

    Anyone want a Deco that was started by Kayenderes? Just 4 pages on this one. :)

    Please let me know.

  • John Gayer

    Yes please.