DECOS - Do you miss them?

Do you miss Decos? What’s a DECO? It’s a sort of mail art friendship book, but with a theme. Each book has around 6 to 10 pages inside and a THEME. You do a page according to your art style and following the theme, and you mail it to another DECO person. It’s like an ADD/PASS, in a way. When it’s full, it goes back to the person who started it.

I started doing DECOs back in 2004, but then people started making them too heavy, gluing all sorts of heavy embellishments, etc., and I couldn’t afford the postage. Then, the DECO world sort of died out. I’d like to see if any of you are interested. 

Let me know if you have questions! Hugs, Bonniediva

Bonniediva, 1726 Lind Lane, Gurnee, IL 60031 USA

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  • Bonniediva

    Hey Everyone! I’m so happy for the interest. To keep the weight down, we could use thin paper for the pages and keep them under 10 pages. I’m going to send one to each of you on the discussion board! Yay!

  • Uta Richter

    ok, I am going to send one to everybody in the group, too. 

  • Bonniediva


  • Bonniediva

    Any topic is fine. Mine have 6 pages. Send to IUOMA artists who are in this group. Keep them moving. Post the full decos when you get them back. 

  • Bonniediva

  • Bonniediva

    My hair-themed Deco below.

  • Uta Richter


  • Bonniediva

    Here’s what I usually write in my decos:

  • Uta Richter


    I am going to send decos with the following topics: women, silence, someone must have told a lie, water, migration, paradise, heroes.

    Can't wait to receive yours!



  • Uta Richter

    a college of mine in Geneva wants to part of the projet, she is a brilliant icon painter, I'll take care of sending your decos to her as well, she is not on IUOMA


  • Heide Monster

    Hi Bonnie

    I got the deco today.  I've never done this before and wonder: after I finish a page (one side, right) who do I send it on to ?  Does it matter, or I choose someone in the group randomly?

  • Manda Ballew

    Got my deco yesterday in the mail!

  • Heide Monster

  • Heide Monster

    My first deco.  

  • Amy Candiotti

    I've never heard of a deco, but want to try!  Where does the name "deco" come from?

    Send 'em here:

    Amy Candiotti

    1415 E. Union #1

    Seattle, WA 98122


  • Bonniediva

    Hey Everyone, to answer Amy’s question, I believe the name “Deco” simply comes from “decoration” but I’m not completely positive! LOL! I think they may be similar to what some call “colab books” for collaboration. Have no fear. You will see when you get it. Just decorate a page in the little book according to the theme and send it to another friend in this group. Please ask if you have questions! Hugs!

  • Bonniediva

    I’m sending one to everyone in the group!

  • Melanie Jayne Ashford

    I need someone to send Bonnie's deco on to. :)

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Wow I have two DECOS to work on already! This one is from BonnieDiva via Heidi Monster!

  • Jayne Barket Lyons

    Amber - I’d like to try my hand at DECOS! Send one my way, please. Thanks!

  • Amber Scribble

    You got it Jayne!!

  • Heide Monster

    DECO arrived from Carolyn Cline: Bright.  I will send it on to Amber

  • Heide Monster

  • Heide Monster

  • Heide Monster

    I know what I am working on this week.

  • Heide Monster

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Melissa Wand, "Wedding Deco" flying to you!

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Loving the Decos! Here's one started by Carol Cline "Bright Colors Deco" It reminds me a little bit of the aboriginal paintings of native Australians. 

  • Melissa Wand

    I received 3 DECO Books in the last couple of days!!!! Hooray!!! PLUS, I started my own: FOUND POETRY. If you happen to get mine in the mail you can interpret the subject any way you want. No Rules....Just have fun!

  • Bonniediva

    I haven’t received any decos yet. Please feel free to sent some to me. Hugs, Bonnie

  • Ella B.

    I have not received any decos yet so if anyone has any ready feel free to send them to me ;)

  • Ella B.

    I would be happy to send you one Carolyn!

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Friends,

    Years ago, like Bonniediva I too made Decos but then things kind of dwindled away. I wasn't going to join this group because I am ALWAYS BUSY but have decided to try it for a while. Thanks to Bonniediva , Carolyn and the others who wanted me to join.

    So here I am. :)



  • BoozyBarb

    Kayenderes.......I am mailing  you some Deco books Monday.  . 

  • Uta Richter

    I am sending 5 decos from Dublin, Ireland, in a kupple of days to Amber,

    Melanie, Jimmy (let's meet some time in Berlin?), Jon and Manda.

  • Uta Richter

    Bonniediva, I sent you a decos weeks ago. Trans Atlantic traffic jam?

  • Kayenderes

    Great Dear Norma.  I will send you a couple Tuesday.   Thank you for jointing. 

  • Kayenderes

    Yes Dear Melissa Wand.  I would love to do the Found Poetry.   Send me some and I( will send you some.    Have funny

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Two Decos arrived while I was on vacation -- one started by Amber and send by Melissa. The other started AND sent by Melissa. I love them both and will get to work on them soon, I hope. I'm BURIED!

  • Amy Candiotti


    I am interested in receiving decos - if you  have one and I have not already worked on it, then feel free to send it to me.

    I am wondering why everyone is asking who to send them to instead of just sending to someone in the group?  Let me know if I'm wrong, but I don't think that permission is necessary to send mail art once someone joins a group.

    Looking forward to more decos--

    Amy Candiotti

    1415 E. Union #1

    Seattle, WA 98122

  • Melissa Wand

    No Carolyn, Toni made this. It is a nice example of pieced together, found poetry.

  • Bonniediva

    Hey Deco friends, 

    Just remember that decos can get heavy, so please try to use lightweight materials. Postage can get high. Also, avoid heavy embellishments. Those can cause problems for customs when mailing internationally.

    With love and hugs! Bonniediva

  • Bonniediva

    Amy is correct. You can feel free to send to anyone in the group! 

  • jimmyconnors

    Received my first DECO from Bonniediva today. So this is how they look like. Nice. Thanks, Bonniediva. I'll do my best.

  • BoozyBarb

    Hi BonnieDiva, I received your coffee deco, added and passed it on. Thanks !

  • Norma Soulet

    I just received 2 decos from Kayenderes.

    One belongs to Bonniediva and the other to Kayenderes.

    I will work on them as soon as I can and send along.

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Amber, your butterfly deco is on its way to Caroline Cline!

  • Norma Soulet

    I have 2 Decos to pass along.

    One is from BoozyBarb "Cats".

    The other one from Kayenderes "Anything Corn'.

    Please let me know if anyone wants them. I can mail them out tomorrow.

  • Norma Soulet

    Two decos going to Laura Urbano today!

    One is from BoozyBarb "Cats" and the other from Kayenderes "Anything Corn".

    Thanks Laura for taking them.

  • Kayenderes