Mail Art for Peace, Equality, Love, Respect .... forever

This group, wants to pick up all those people, whom they think that the Mail Art both a tool to spread in the world the peace and the love, for a best world.

SAND BOOK Collaborative Project

I´ll be making a Sand Book by the Paraná River, at Rosario´s public beach in May.

There´s a Perfomance meeting 5, 6 and 7 th May and I´ll be writting along the riverside all the words related to the shore.

I´m inviting you to write here all your ideas, thoughts and poetry about this to include it in my sandbook. You can also add images that I´ll print and set at the beach, or send postcards of you own shore....

Do someone want to make some Sandbook at the same time?

We can share photos and ideas. Let me know...

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    Beautiful. I wish I could be there. I hope you will post photos. Peace, Sue
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      Clemente Padín

      Participaré con mucho gusto...tal vez nos encontremos en Rosario...fraternalmente,
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        Sabela Baña

        Marcela Peral: Is a very good idea.  I send poety image of my beach Orzan-Riazor (A Coruña) Spain.

         The best wished. Sabela Baña
