Tiny Art

This is a group for mail artists who share an affinity for tiny art!  Original tiny art is a unique subset of artistry because it's often more accessible, more easily circulated through postal services, and cheaper to create than larger works.

"Tiny" is a subjective and not rooted in specific measurements, but let's go with "fits in the palm of my hand" as a general guideline.

Paintings, prints, sculptures, doodles...etc.  If it's tiny mail art, you should share it here! 

Texas Tiny Art Exchange

For some time I ran a Tiny Art Exchange:


But I haven't done much with it for the last few years. I have all the works sent to me in envelopes, and I have been putting off moving the pieces into plastic coin collector sheets.

-Josh in Austin

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    Juan Petry

    hello josh,

    please have a look at www.artsurprise.eu and especially to these links (1) (2) and let me know if you like to figure out a project using tinyart and the MUARCO project...



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      Devin S. Turk

      Hello Josh, and wow!  I am browsing through your tiny art collection of various artists, and it's fabulous!  I have sent you a friend request, and would absolutely love to trade tiny art if you are ever interested.

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        Denice Newton

        Hi Josh!  Just wondering I’d you are still accepting tiny art?  Inchies? Twinchies? Atc size?
