This group is for members to connect with other members who are willing to send and receive Add & Pass mailart. It is not project specific, but rather simply for finding individuals who are willing to receive and forward miscellaneous items. Please join and include your address. Feel free to add photos of the pieces.

Accidental pet contributor

What’s the etiquette for an add and pass that has had an unintended alteration such as spills? I wish I was asking out of curiousity, but there’s been a pet related mishap. The two sheets effected seem to have dried ok, and it’s nothing hazardous, but the grossness factor is making me hesitant. At the same time, I don’t want to just toss out something several people have worked on. Photograph for the sender and toss it? Cover the stained bit and send it on? 

  • up


    That's what I call an A&P with legs; prolly 4 of 'em.