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What do [men and] women want?

Freud asked it only about women, and he concluded that what they want is to be men. Apparently he already knew what men want, or maybe he didn't care.

I propose a continuation of the discussion, begun elsewhere in IUOMA, of the meaning of nudity in art and erotic art and degrading erotic images, and man's cruelty to man and to woman, and other stuff like that.
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    Deanna Joy Hallmark

    Some men have the silly notion that what we women want is a good man. The truth is that we want to be able to eat anything we want and still not get fat!

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      Guido Bondioli

      As each of us has distinct DNA no two will be looking for the same satisfactions. Even though there are propagandists paid to make us all alike, we cannot be. Our unique DNA prevent us from living in the same world. We hear and read the same propaganda. Each mind has a different experience and different expectations. it is unimaginable to expect all of a gender to want the same things in any aspect of life. Four Billion people in hundreds of different cultures wanting the same thing? Not going to happen.

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        My two cents worth.

        What we all want and what we all need are two different things. We want many things that really don't give us lasting happiness - a new car, higher salary, fame etc. What we need is more fundamental and intangible.

        We need to feel engaged and connected.
        We need to feel our lives are meaningful.
        We need to have a purpose.
        We need to give and receive love and compassion.
        We need to express ourselves creatively.

        These can all take many forms and depend on the individual. But one thing's for certain. Consuming more, accruing more stuff, does not lead to lasting happiness.