Mail-Art Books

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    ginny lloyd

    Published in English and German 1983 this is an early mail art interview book.

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      ginny lloyd

      1983 shows and events for a year with 2 mail art shows, 1 artistamp exhibit

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        ginny lloyd

        THE MAIL ART COMMUNITY IN EUROPE: a first hand view
        Editor's note: Ginny Lloyd last July began a trek through the United States and Europe. First in Cleveland, she produced artwork and lectured on copy art, under the auspices of the Image Resource Center. Then in New York City, she met other mail artists and collaborated with them on some film and audio works, but the goal was Europe, which she visited for the next four months. The following is her report for Umbrella.
        SAMPLE below
        The collection at Stempelplaats was unbelievable to see: rubber stamps from all over the world, some carved by artists whose names I recognized, the artists' rubber stamp books and the published catalogues of the exhibitions held in the gallery made the October closing of this space a great loss. At the Other Books & So Archive, I was able to pour over files and files of catalogued documentation of artists' activities, artists' books, mail art, sound tapes and magazines. After days of visual overload, I realized it would be impossible for me to see everything. I did more research on my return to Amsterdam, but did not completely go through every file that interested me.