Mail Art UK

I'm just interested to see how many mail artists in the UK right now. Are you one?

Exists UKkland M-Atists??

Are there even 5 Ukkland M-Atists??


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    Mail Art Martha

    I have lost touch with many of my old contacts since joining IUOMA online. Almost all the snail mail art I get is from new friends made through it. Has everybody else given up?

    I feel the same as Mike, I reply to projects but I do not initiate them anymore. It is mainly the work involved in preparing the documentation, as well as the cost. I have noticed that Guido Vermulen's projects are documented online in his blogs, despite that the work is sent to him by snail mail. I have been thinking of doing the same but I wonder if it is a good idea. One modification to this would be to ask for snail mail art, acknowledge receipt straight away with a postcard but do the documentation online.

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      Mail Art Martha

      By the way, Dawn, I am glad you started this discussion; it is a question that has bothered me for a while.

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        There are dozens among the members of the IUOMA alone.  I have dozens more in other lists compiled over more than 20 years.