Asemic Writing for Mail-Artists

Asemic writing for mail-artists

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  • De Villo Sloan

    Ha Vikki Johnson! The asemic definition should include "bad handwriting." One of this group's founders, Cheryl Penn, I believe she got into asemics because no one could understand her handwriting.

    The Asemic Wars have come to our humble group, Where's Pete Spence? Well he's in New York City ensuring his literary fame. I doubt we'll hear from.

    Oh, I am ripped apart! Kerri & Moan are good friends of mine! But when shove comes to push on this, I am with Kerri. Her work is hers.

    We have great collabs in this group & it's just a matter of mutual consent.

    The post-avant is in an "appropriation culture" right now, but I don't think that's a license to steal.

    You know the later Neoists (like Stewart Home) started a plagiarism movement in the network that was just, in my opinion, widespread looting.

    Great work Ruud, BTW. If I do say so myself concerning Ruud's piece.

  • Richard Canard

    228.10.16 Dare Ms. Vikki J., Ms. Kerri P., & Mister DeVillo S., ...aha, I have just now dreamed up a "something truly Wretched C." ( & totally "original")...It's actual just another so-called  "poem"---entitled:                                                                                                                                                        "Poem by Richard C."                                               (& goes something like this)                                                                                                   " If I do say so myself."                                           Thanks to all for your inspiration , tolerance & understanding. Sincelery, Richard C.                                                                                                  Post Scriptum: Any similarity to what De Villo  S. said in regards to that "asemic business" by Ruud  J. is purely coincidental.                                                                                                 

  • Ruud Janssen

    off topic too....

  • De Villo Sloan

    NEONISM is a collection of my asemic-vispo using some pretty obvious filters. NEONISM is a play on the name NEOISM.

  • osvaldo cibils

  • De Villo Sloan

    I am pleased to share the news with you that at least one positive thing came out of the Asemic Jello Wrestling Contest that took place here in our humble group yesterday.

    Ruud Janssen's asemic letter to ME (you saw it here first! scroll down!) was selected (along with another RJ piece) by Michael Jacobson for the esteemed Post-Literate blog. Wow.

    Stay ahead of the asemic curve & stick with our group!

    Congrats to Ruud

  • Ruud Janssen

    In 2003 I made these photos of Litsa's work for Fluxus Heidelberg Center. Is this ascemic too? See the whole score and photos on:

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Kerri Pullo

    I was going to post a pic, be more involved positively ...but, when I read the words "street art shenanigans" from a person who just posted a pic of a Pablo Picasso quote?...presumably to use a Bansky reference to support his disrespectful behavior and allude to his own belief in his greatness by stealing...oh, look Banksy did it! I steal does not equal I'm great and on a clearly more philosophical level does not understand the quote in context in a nondigital age when it was stated...furthermore, disrespects street artists in general just a day after this insanity of one simple request by me. I don't argue with Trump supporters either, and the ignorance and intentional hurt displayed here by the group's friend Moan Lisa for his own benefit more than tears me apart, it makes me want to avoid this page. Not that I've figured out how to post a pic without a computer but no matter. I'm not going to open a spam mobile website and get you all to join under the 201st alias I've created and ask you to enter your info then hack your stuff. I'll just look away and hope for peace of mind.
  • Kerri Pullo

    Now...Moan Lisa, steal this, with your hand and pens!...not a computer scanner, thats not stealing, thats copying, then, show us all how you stole from my being to meld it with your own and create a work that surpasses the original's "good" artist work and show me "greatness" maybe then reconsider the intent oquoteand your ethics.

  • Kerri Pullo

    "of the quote and"

  • Litsa Spathi / NOBODY

    3TRILOGIE - 3TRILOGY  Punctuation Poetry By Litsa Spathi

  • De Villo Sloan

    Please, let's just be respectful of each other in this group.

    Let's have collabs be by mutual consent. Let's not have any appropriations without permission. None of us can control what happens on the larger internet.

    And this isn't the Court of Asemics. We can't settle disputes justly & fairly.

    People can draw their own conclusions. Let's move on.

  • De Villo Sloan

    Banned? Did I threaten to ban somebody? I don't ban people.

  • De Villo Sloan

    Somebody DID leave the group. I don't want anyone being made to feel uncomfortable. So let's cut this sh--t. Take it to Facebook.

  • Ficus strangulensis

  • Ruud Janssen

    For your information. Moan Lisa left IUOMA. So that explains the missing group member.

  • De Villo Sloan

    Thanks to Fike for linking to the definition of "appropriation." I think we have been using the terms "collaboration," "appropriation," and "plagiarism" (or copyright violation) interchangeably. Kerri's case is "as clear as an azure sky in summer to me." But that's my opinion only.

    More and more I see the term "appropriation" used negatively in literary studies (as in "cultural appropriation") even as the current avant adopts appropriation as a valid activity.

    Perhaps I am mixing terms. But appropriation can be a violation or I daresay a kind of rape. Cultural appropriation in the process of colonization can be a violation. I think it's true for nations or individuals. Theft of someone's creative production is violation of an individual, whether you choose to call it appropriation or not.

    So, you know, I think our goal should be sharing asemicss & vispo & not colonization.

    You can see Moan left and is welcome back as far as I am concerned. But there are 159 others here.

    Thanks to Litsa Spathi, Osvaldo & others who are sharing work.

  • Litsa Spathi / NOBODY

    Net Box - Punctuation marks poetry - By Litsa Spathi

  • De Villo Sloan


  • osvaldo cibils

  • Ficus strangulensis

  • Ficus strangulensis

  • Ficus strangulensis

  • Ficus strangulensis

  • Richard Canard

    11.01.16 De Villo S., ...the "ASEMIC" series  by Ficus S. is delightful thinking, work & play. ...all I have to offer is a little "anemic". Sincelery, Richard C.

  • Jan Hodgman

    Off to Lynn, this "Secret Message-"

  • osvaldo cibils

  • Kerri Pullo

  • Kerri Pullo

    Same, flipped... 

  • osvaldo cibils

  • De Villo Sloan

    Fatima Queiroz selected a piece by our own Kerri Pullo for "Asemic Brazil." Fatima is a FAB visual poet, and Kerri is becoming an absolute vispo star. Don't forget us Kerri!

  • De Villo Sloan

    Received vispo by Matthew Stolte in Wisconsin, USA. Many thx

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Kerri Pullo

    Thank you De Villo! I truly appreciate this group and the incredible support. <3
  • Kerri Pullo

    Also, Rudd... love that piece, lovely colors!
  • osvaldo cibils

  • John M. Bennett

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Googling that quote turned up "As clear as an azure sky of deepest summer". as the last line of Clockwork Orange.

    Pretty clever bungerhop, DVS!

  • John M. Bennett

  • De Villo Sloan

    Gold star, Fike.

    Yeah Alex says "Clear as an azure sky of deepest summer" (thanks for the correction) more than once in A Clockwork Orange (in the Anthony Burgess novel that is not sure about the Kubrick film). I always liked the phrase. Probably Burgess stole it from somewhere. Good one, Fike.

  • Kerri Pullo

    I won't read too much into it, and move on... Kubrick takes a piece of dialogue from earlier in the story and repeats it to the Minister, “As an unmuddied lake, Fred. As clear as an azure sky of deepest summer. You can rely on me, Fred.” The line, when spoken to Deltoid, was a lie. Alex, who is now cured and finally has developed a conscience, is going to betray the Minister and help bring his corrupt government down.
  • Kerri Pullo

  • osvaldo cibils

  • Jason C. Motsch

  • Jason C. Motsch

  • Ficus strangulensis

    from filter forge

  • Ficus strangulensis

    and again

  • Ficus strangulensis

    last for today from Filter Forge

  • John M. Bennett