Mail-Art Books

All about Books and Publications connected to Mail-Art. Add information about books you have or have read.

Follow the link for an album with over 200 mail-art publications. Most are in selective archives and hard to get.

Also there is the Bookstore IUOMA where you can order books to support the hosting of IUOMA on NING as well

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  • Ruud Janssen

    The famous book "The paper Snake" by Ray Johnson. Collectors Item. Something Else Press - Dick Higgins
  • Ruud Janssen

    The IUOMA-book - 20 years celebration is being mad. First text are coming in. Illustrations are added. Deadline is beginning July when I hope to publish it. When you have suggestion for texts and visuals to be included, please contact me.
  • Ruud Janssen

    The Mail-Art Statements Collection book is a quite rare book. Only 4 copies were printed so far. One I ordered myself. Three others bought the book (you are one of them Wilma). One even bought the colourversion of this book (he wanted the colour-reprints of the lecture and other things).

    So I appreciate your possitive words Wilma. Not mant mail-artists seem to be inerested in historic facts.
  • Ruud Janssen

    soon it will be not so rare anymore since I plan on ordering sets to send to museums, libraries and archives. Yje MoMa in New York has also a lot from me in their archives.....
  • Ruud Janssen

    For our Fluxus Heidelberg Center two more publications are now in preparation. First test prints are ordered. When they are o.k. the information will be published here and on
  • Ruud Janssen

    There is already one interesting book, the performances Litsa & I did for the Fluxus Heidelberg Center. The colourversions is the best, but expensive. The B&W gives a good view of What Litsa & I did in several countries......
  • Ruud Janssen

    Yes, ordering more books makes the postage cheaper. last time I ordered 5 books and the postage was only 18 euro's. For one book they sometimes even charge more.
  • Ruud Janssen

    A beautiful book on Artistamps. Gift from Jim Swanson. Large full colour book with historic material. A treasure to see and go to.
  • Ruud Janssen

    Yes, you are right. It is good to have such frieds and to realize how generous they are. Things like this I never forget.
  • Ruud Janssen

    Thanks for the kind words Wilma!
  • Celestino Neto

    Hi Gik, is a species of magazine. E has some projects of Mail Art or Stamp Art, Expositions and some events and everything are published in the Oswald Magazine of the German friend Peter.
  • Celestino Neto

    Dear friends, Gik

    welcome to our big

    in Minden/Germany
    31.July – 2. August 2009

    with MAIL ART POST OFFICE in the market square
    and an official festival postage stamp by German post Deutsche Post.
    Our event is part of the citywide mega-event „FOREVER FRIENDS IN EUROPE“
    to celebrate the peace after the famous „Battle of Minden“ 250 years ago.

    Plus performance nights on 2 stages
    plus several exhibitions: „eMANcipation“, „No War in MY City“, and more…
    for details see:

    Free hostel accomodation, or hotel rooms with culture discount.
    Rich meals for 3€.

    Book your travels now yourself!
    Reserve your beds with us!

    Angela + Peter Netmail
    P O Box 2644
    D 32383 Mail Art Mekka Minden
    Germoney Utd
    Mobile 0049 178 761 763 7


    vielen dank für die mail.

    mit besten grüßen

    peter küstermann
    vorsitzender des kulturvereins wolkenstein e.V.
    herausgeber des kulturmagazins oswald
    galerist im kulturzentrum BÜZ
    poetry-slammaster im kulturzentrum BÜZ
    mail art mekka minden
    dozent am bildungswerk und forum
    dozent an der bundeswehrfachschule berlin

    postfach 2644
    D 32383 MINDEN
    Germoney Utd.

    mobil 0178 761 763 7

    mobile 0049 (0)178 - 761 763 7

  • Celestino Neto


    Ours that bacana that the Guido friend made, very finds the work of it legal and with certainty illustration something is fascinating I am illustrating a book that my wife wrote and when I to finish already go to start to illustrate others two that it finished to write. E immediately afterwards already I am with plus a task the brother of it am professor of Portuguese Language and am Poet and also want that illustrious the eos poetries stories that it escerve.
  • Ruud Janssen

    As promissed the first 500 members are printed in a book. As hardcopy it is available at:


    Paperback book €22.99 (205068 kb)

    Download: 1 documents , 205068 KB

    Printed: 305 pages, 20.99 cm x 29.7 cm, perfect binding, white interior paper (55# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (90# weight), full-colour exterior ink


    The overview of the first 500 members that joined the IUOMA platform at NING. Al portfolios of the initial members are included and a complete list of names of all these members in order of joining the International Union of mail-Artists from November 2008 till June 2009.

    The digital version of the book will be available for free. A hardcopy version is expensive but maybe worth the investment.
  • RJ - Moderator

    There is a need for theory books on Mail-Art. Should we not just make them?
  • RJ - Moderator

    Hi Wilma,
    A generous offer. If only mail-artists would be willing to write down their stories. For the 20 Year IUOMA I received 5 offers for texts. Only two got in till now. The others seem to be too busy.

    Will people write down their stories?
  • RJ - Moderator

    Great Wilma,
    I think you can write quite a story. I will include it in the 20 years of IUOMA book that will be coming out autumn of this year. Your story will be credited to you off course. Looking foreward to read it.
    best wishes,
  • walterfest

    They are Walter, do not speak English and write with the help of a translator, I like the idea of the book, where we write our own experiences and to whom we send?
  • Ruud Janssen

    glad to know that!
  • yves maraux

    "von des mail art zur E mail" DIETER DANIELS in NEUE BILDENDE KUNST - oct 1994- is a very acute topic
  • yves maraux

    glad to know that , yves ! ça doit etre interessant , mais introuvable ! tu devrais faire une copie !
  • Lyucinda

    There are several catalogues issued by the Central Museum of Communications from St.Petersburg. I shall be glad to demonstrate them to you.
  • RJ - Moderator

    The books from Central Museum od Communications from St. Petersburg are not in the collection of the TAM-Archive, so I would be happy to see them.
  • Lyucinda

    Every year since 2004 the museum prepares Christmas exhibitions so called "Mailartissimo". We also issue the catalogues to these exhibitions. And I didn’t find any images of our books in your professional group for books on Mail Art. This is not right. I shall try to improve the situation. I'll be happy to give some new information to your society.

    The book printed for exhibition and meeting, 2009 June 6-7, Venezia, insideoutsideBiennale WORLD PAVILION.
    pages 96, cover, euro 12.

  • yves maraux

    the stamp for the launching of my book UNIVERSATILITY

    It remembers me Ko de Jonge.
  • yves maraux

    Comment by yves maraux 1 minute ago Delete Comment la tua memoria non fa difetto, si tratta bene del serie Arte Start + Kodejonge!


    Comment by yves maraux on November 18, 2009 at 11:45am Delete Comment you win : this stamp for my book : UNIVERSATILTé or
    KOdeJoNgE edition . Comment by Gik Juri on November 17, 2009 at 9:26pm Ko de Jonge image at the artistamp by Yves Maraux, as I remember.
  • Lyucinda

    Dear Ruud, if you like them, I shall provide forwarding copies to that TAM Archive.
  • RJ - Moderator

    That would be very much appreciated and make the archive collection completer
  • Lyucinda

    Thank you for your message. It is very nice that you are interested in our catalogues. Please, give me the mail address to forward. The other thing is that I can place some images from the book to the site of the group.
    What do you think is it a good idea? Because I cannot send them to all members?
  • yves maraux

    Le catalogue du INTERNATIONALES ANTI KRIEGMUSEUM 1930 Berlin a été réalisé par Ernst Friedrich par un Mailartcall . ( there is some document about this in my Openfluxus page photos . I collected some other experiment in 19th century mailart , one is related to my participation at Bismark Hallbritter blog
  • RJ - Moderator

    this exhibition?
  • Lyucinda

    A marvelous graphics! I like the poster's manner.
  • Lyucinda

    I have written about these grafics.
  • Ruud Janssen

    Mail received from Lyucinda - A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communication - Russia

    The catalogue Mailartissimo dates from 2004. A wonderful catalogue printed in colour and includes texts in English and Russian. Lots of illustrations, addresses of the participants and historic statements about mail-art from several sources. ISBN 5-9900363-1-0 - 177 pages. To my surprise I find my own name on page 169. Thanks to Gik Juri three of my artistamps sheets were part of the exhibition.
    The package with 9 books arrived in Breda. A donation for the TAM-Archive. I will scan the covers of the books and will publish them here as well for you to see.

    Thanks for this wonderful addition to our collection!
    Labels: A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communication, Konstantin Kalendaroff - Russia, Mail to Ruud Janssen, Netherlands, TAM-Archive
  • Gik Juri

    Yes, it was huge exhibition of artistamps there, half of exposition was in artistamps from my archive!
  • Lyucinda

    Dear Ruud,
    I am very glad to know that you found the own works there. The question is that if you are one of the participants, you should have got this catalogue in 2004. Just after the exhibition we provided mailing them to all artists!?!
  • Ruud Janssen

    In 2005 I moved to Breda. So maybe the catalogue got lost? Glad to have it in the TAM-Archive now.
  • Tulio Restrepo

    Dear Networkers ... Lyucinda, Gik Juri & Ruud Janssen... How to buy the catalog ...? for my archive in Medellín - Colombia...
  • Lyucinda

    The catalogue is on sale in the A.S.Popov Central Museum of Communications. The cost is 450 rub. (about 11 Euro). The way of purchesing you can find on the site . Please, try, and send me your mail address.
  • Tulio Restrepo

    Dear Lyucinda... Many Thanks for your important information about Mailartissimo...
    I will try to get it in a followings days... I'll let you know through IUOMA network
    My completely Mail Art Network address is.
    Tulio Restrepo
    Zona Postal Mail Art
    A.A. 65.376
    Medellín - Colombia
    Internet: http://www.zona

    Greetings and all the best for your activity

    Tulio Restrepo
  • Karin Winter

    I would like to purchase one of them too, but could not figure out the website

    Karin Winter
    6717 Akron Road
    Colorado Springs, CO 80923 USA
  • Ruud Janssen

    Three more catalogues. The catalogue is on sale in the A.S.Popov Central Museum of Communications. The way of purchesing you can find on the site .
  • Ruud Janssen

    The latest exbibition at the Museum:

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Lyucinda

    Dear friends of the group who want to get Mailartissimo catalogues. It is difficult from us. I shall inform you how to buy the catalogues or decide how to forward them to you in the nearest days. Wait for not longer then a week, please.
  • Ruud Janssen

    The Oberlin University actually give mail-art courses and has this resourcelist online.
  • Lyucinda

    Dear Ruud!
    1. We have printed the new Mailartissimo-2009 catalogue dedicated to the Gergian painter Mikheil Shengelia. I shall send it to you, please, clarify the address.
    2. We decided that all who want to buy all our catalogues, will send a price of the catalogue plus cost of mail via WestPost to Cler Silver (Svetlana Serebryakova), who is the curator of mailart collection in the A.S.Popov central Museum of Communications. And she will buy books and send to the address. The cost of catalogues very soon will be in the museum's sites.
  • Lyucinda