Ask Anything

There are a lot of basic questions on Mail Art that are often asked and answered. This group might be the first place to look for answers. I will do my best to answer, but hope that other members can help out as well.
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  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Ruud. Great job you are doing! Now I will be extra careful with new members.
  • Marcela Peral

    Hi IUOMA people!!!

    I need an explanation...please... My English is not good enough to understand what:

    "I METANETWORKER IN SPIRIT" means... Anyone can help me?

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Dear Marcela,

    I'm not sure about this but if you break it down into bits it might mean...


    I =I

    MET = discovered or talked to

    ANETWORKER = someone who uses the Internet (like we are doing now)

    IN  = in

    SPIRIT = someone who you met on the Internet, rather than physically


    So it seems to mean that  "you met someone on the Internet".

    Like you did me.

    I hope this helps.

    Other people may have different interpretaions of it.

    Regards, Val

  • Ruud Janssen

    "I METANETWORKER IN SPIRIT" is the text of a rubberstamp created by H.R. Fricker. It had nothing to do with Internet that time. The nerwork is the connection of mail-artists worldwide. The META word is to indicate that everybody is connected to eachother. Also to the personsn the actually do not write or communicate to since the communication is tranferred through the network.

    So it is actually a statement from one of the wellknows mail-artists (just google him, he has just a wonderful exhibition in Switserland to cellebrate his work.

  • Ruud Janssen

    The text is also documented in some of the books H.R. Fricker published in the 80-90-ies. Have them in the TAM-Archive.

  • Ruud Janssen

    Stempel / rubber stamps of HRF ca. 1975-1995 Im Kunstmuseum Thurgau. Warth TG


    the specific stamp is now on display in a museum....!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thanks Ruud! You are an incredible source of information.

    Regards, Val (who is not an incredible source of information at all)

  • Mim Golub Scalin


  • Marcela Peral


  • Ruud Janssen

    it is sometimes good to go back to the roots of things.

  • Louise Kiner

    Hi! I have a mail project I would like to start. My question is do I post it in the Events section or do I form a Group? What is the best way to get it out there? Thanks!
  • Ruud Janssen

    If you start a mail-art project. Think it out well, and document the things you want. You can then:

    1. Publish it as an event

    2. Send it to me and I will publish it on http://mailartprojects.blogspot,com (and it becomes visible on that blog but also on many RSS-feeds that reaches thousands of people).

    3. Starting your group for the project is an option when you need a discussion during the project or want to document things there.

    So, many options, just get the word out in several ways. Also remember that IUOMA is just a small fraction of the bigger Mail-Art network. Reach out to other platforms as well.

  • Louise Kiner

    Thanks, Ruud. I have the basic premise written out with where I would like to see it go; could I forward it to you to have a look at it before I go ahead and post it, just in case there is something I may have overlooked?
  • Ruud Janssen

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Dear Ruud,

    Approxilmately*, how many peices of Mail Art have you:

    i) send?

    ii) received?

    Regards, val

    * to the nearest, well, ten thousand??

  • Ruud Janssen

    Dear Val

    Approxilmately*, how many peices of Mail Art have you:

    i) send? 100.000 (since 1980)

    ii) received? 90.000 (more in the early years than the last years with computers)

    Regards, Ruud

    * to the nearest, well, ten thousand??

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ruud Janssen

    From 1991 till 1998 I even tried to count all outgoing mail-art. It was my busiest period. You can see how many pieces went out every month and they are counted each month as a total.

  • Ruud Janssen

    Reseeing the chart, I guess the amounts I mentioned are even higher. I just sent out that much it just guessing.....

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Amazing, Ruud, truly amazing!

    My son told me recently that if you'd invested €1000 in one of Fortis Bank's investment accounts in 2000 it's only worth €350 today, BUT if you'd bought €1000 of Duvel beer, kept the bottles and took them back today and collected the statiegeld (?) you'd now get almost €400.

    Which leads me to wonder, how much you've spent on posting 100,000 + items over the last 30-odd years, and if you'd invested that money in something (other than Fortis and/or Duvel) how much it would be worth today? A lot, I would think.

    Approximately -- well, to the nearest 10,000! -- how many of the 90,000 pieces that you have received have you kept, and what do you do with them (if anything) in terms of storage, cataloging, etc?

    All of a sudden the implications of a long-term future in Mail Art are overwhelming.

    A last point which it would be impossible to quantify, but I raise it anyway: how many pieces of Mail Art, in total, from all over the world, have you been responsible for since you started all of this up in the 80's? Millions? Tens of millions, Hundreds of millions? The UPU should give you a medal. Or two. or three. Or..

    Thanks and regards, Val


  • Ruud Janssen

    you begin with nothing, and after a few years you end up with an archive....

  • Ruud Janssen

    I had to move to a bigger place years ago to inlude an archive as part of my house...

  • Marcela Peral

    Hi Ruud!

    I´m writing my tesis on collaborative work and networks... i´m including this site in it, so i´d like to know something about the origins of IUOMA and how it comes to this platform, I found a bit info on New members group... Is there another link to read more?

  • Poison Label Productions

    why have i been a mentor and not a member of this group?

  • Ruud Janssen

    Thesis Michael Lumb           

                    Ebook, PDF Format               
    This item has not been rated yet
    Thesis Michael Lumb
    Price: Free
    Download immediately                  
                    MICHAEL LUMB. MAILART 1955 TO 1995: DEMOCRATIC ART AS SOCIAL SCULPTURE. ABSTRACT. This thesis, written by Michael Lumb in 1997, evaluates the importance of mailart in the late 1990s, traces its development and examines the reasons for the changes that have taken place in the nature of mailart practice. Includes also an interview by Ruud Janssen (NL) with Michael Lumb (UK).                                           
  • Ruud Janssen

    International Union of Mail-Artist Overview 1988-2008           

                    Ebook, EPUB for Adobe Digital Editions Format               
    (1 Rating)
    International Union of Mail-Artist Overview 1988-2008
    Price: €2.99
    Download immediately                  
                    In the year 2008 the International Union of Mail-Artists (IUOMA) was 20 years old. This book contains texts by Ruud Janssen, John Held Jr., Wilma Duguay, Tulio Restrepo, Vittore Baroni and Geert de Decker. As illustrations lots of images are used created by IUOMA-members over the years to support the union idea.                                           
  • Ruud Janssen

    history of IUOMA: go to and click on the IUOMA logo to go to that specific section.....

  • Marcela Peral



  • Ruud Janssen

    This thesis is online and available as ebook for free:


    A hardcopy version of the 400+ pages book as available too (cheaper then printing it yourself)

    Thesis Honoria           

                    Ebook, PDF Format               
    (1 Rating)
    Thesis Honoria
    Price: Free
    Download immediately                  
                    The Dissertation Committee for Honoria Madelyn Kim Starbuck Certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Clashing and Converging: Effects of the Internet on the Correspondence Art Network.                                           


  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Twwo questions that I really want to ask about Guido Vermeulen's incredible flow of art:

    i) for each piece, which comes first -- the title or the image?

    ii) how many hours a day does Guido spend on his art?

    I know that I'm not the only one intrigued by what Guido does, so perhaps he could be encouraged to provide a general answer?



  • Marina Schiemenz

    Sorry, but a group like "Ask Anything" doesn't help if there is nobody who answers --> see post "Images in Blog Posts"
  • Ruud Janssen

    It is a group "Ask Anything", so anybody could answer.  Questions sent bu message are more direct and are Always answered.  If nobody answers that doesn't work, I agree.

  • Poison Label Productions

    I will research that for u Tere...

  • Poison Label Productions

    On the settings page...

    You must choose to upload a pic in certain area...the final dimension vary by which space u r filling...

    The size limitation is specified there...

    In general...the image sizes are 250mb and others are 500mb but the width always seems to be 955

    I hope this help...

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    I've just found out that it's possible for a member to set their page to Private or something like that in such a way that one knows absolutely nothing about them, and can only do so if one becomes their friend.

    This worries me somewhat, because such a 'shadowy' person has full access to everything about other members, but they have no access to the mail art, photos and even real existence of a 'shadow'. 5I know that non-IUOMA members have access to the site, too, but think that there is a difference between a 'visitor' and a 'shadow')

    I suppose I have to ask a question, and it is: Is this normal, healthy or desirable in our sort of open artistic community?

  • Oh Boy

    This is standard practice with NING and almost every social internet site. It is not something that can be changed.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    I'm not sure if I am correct about this, but I think a non-member at IUOMA can "visit" and read the comments, blogs, discussions, groups, etc. But cannot comment or post anything. I am not sure if a "visitor" has access to our profile page where we have our address and email and other info ?

    A "Private" member, is a member. And can have access to everything at IUOMA and if he/she chooses, may blog, comment, etc. the only ones who are allowed to see a Private page are those who have been invited by that person to be his/her friend. If we accept the invite, we then can enter the Private Circle. 

    Is it "desirable"? Art is in the pursuit of TRUTH, as mail artists are we truthful, honest, respectful of those in  the art community? Well, it must be remembered that IUOMA.ning is an internet site, and "handle" names of all imaginable types are allowed, it is optional to post your mailing address or email, etc., OR one can truthfully say "my name is", "I live here", "my birthday is this date" and I'll be 17 years old in February. (Oh, wait there was a typo just there). It's all up to the individual member.

    I personally like to know the human being/artist to whom I am communicating with, by his/her real name, I even like to meet them!  But sometimes that is not possible because they may not want their true identity out here on the world WIDE web, or to have actual "contact" with cyber-friends. It is their way to keep their identity secure.

    We have to respect that desire for "hidden" identity.

  • yves maraux


    should we have a figure under the mask ? it is said power is secret ; in the Village easy to be pushed into empty chap after turning food for monster gossip ( unecessary to be peoplised )

  • Poison Label Productions

    the answers to the questions you ask are here in the NING TOS....
    Copyright infringement claims can be submitted here 

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thankyou APLD.

    This is a lot clearer.

    I read the Terms of Service and are even more convinced that the situation I described is,  well the simplest word I can find for it is wrong'' but if you want me to get engaged in a legalistic analysis of the TOS I'm perfectly willing to do so).

    It shouldn't be allowed in IOUMA.

    You can quote chapter and verse of the TOS to me, and I can argue them with you until the cows come home, but, and I repeat myself, it's wrong.


  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Katerina: I am only too willing to accept most kinds of behaviour, but not this. It is potentially so very dangerous that I am extremely uncomfortable with it.


  • Valentine Mark Herman

    I agree Tere. I'm spending time on making and doing art now, not fighting these batteles. Over to you. Erni/Val

  • yves maraux

    "This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man."


  • yves maraux

    How do you know ?

    les temps sont lourds

    il y a les contre & les pour

    l'esprit global bourg

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Welcome Dimitra!

    Your starting point should be to look at the Mail-Arts Projects entry that is one of the Links at the right of every IUOMA page, and to join the Mail Art projects List Group; (There is overlap between the two, but don't let that bother you).

    It's easy to get involved in a Mail Art project. Read the description of what is wanted, and then send your Mail Art the specified address. It's that simple!

    To organise a Mail Art exhibition is a bit more complicated. Look at what is listed in the Link and the Group, and follow the example of the projects listed there. You will have to have a title, theme, specify what you want to receive (eg postcards, enveloppes, photos, etc), a deadline, an address to send things to, information about your exhibition (when, where, etc) and any other relevant information. You need to make provisions to let people know that you've received their work, feature it on a blog, start a special link, etc.

    Good luck and good bye! Val

  • Dimitra Papatheodorou

    Thank  you, Val very much for your help. It is very important to know that i have a friend in my first steps.

  • Kevin M. Roddy

    Is it OK to mail something to a member of the group even though you don't know them yet?

  • Kevin M. Roddy

    Thank you

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Kevin: since it began, one of the fundamental principles of Mail Art is that you can mail any thing (within reason) to any one at any time. So send whatever you want to whomever you want...and see what happens. Val

  • Ruud Janssen

    surprise is one element of mail-art.  So yes......