OPEN CALL “Who are we? Transcendental self-portraits”

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  • Marcia Rosenberger

    I appreciate your participation, Katerina. Your work will brighten our project. <3

  • Marcia Rosenberger

    With less than a month left to close the call, I would like to thank in advance the friends who contributed to the project by sending their art.

    Each new work that arrives makes my heart happier and values the whole set.

    I received from:

    Amadeu Escórcio, PORTUGAL

    Ana Cristina Rosa, BRASIL

    Andrew Stark, ESTADOS UNIDOS

    Bruno Novaes, BRASIL

    Burcu Karaduman, TURQUIA

    Constança Lucas, BRASIL

    Diego Axel Lascano, ARGENTINA

    Eren Görgülü, TURQUIA

    Gabija Veivere, LITUÂNIA

    Katerina Mandarik, FRANÇA

    Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat), GRÉCIA

    Luciana Maria Cassettari, BRASIL

    Luís Filipe Gomes, PORTUGAL

    Maria Baptista Nery, BRASIL

    Maria Victoria Boné Ramirez, URUGUAI

    Mzia Valerian, BÉLGICA

    Paulo Teles, PORTUGAL

    Renata Daniceck, BRASIL

    Sabela Baña, ESPAÑA

    Suely Castro Mello, BRASIL

    Tom Riebe, ALEMANHA

    Wolfgang Günther, ALEMANHA

    The Wasted Angel, BÉLGICA

    Tuğçe Albayrak, TURQUIA

    Teresa Ogando, PORTUGAL

  • Marcia Rosenberger

    Dear mail artists,

    Today I am writing this message to officially thank you for your participation in the Who are we? Transcendental self-portraits call by dedicating your time to produce a piece especially for this project and I invite you to follow the opening of the virtual exhibition scheduled for May 1, 2023 on the website

    The exhibition is beautiful! We received submissions from 16 countries and representatives from 8 Brazilian states, with more than 70 participating artists.

    The Mail Art in the 21st Century project continues with its schedule with the Mail Art Meetings held monthly and with the launch of a new call soon.
    Thanks a lot!