entrance museum käthe kollwitz Cologne Germany

hello friends of tiny art,

there is a larger project called artsurprise.eu publishing tiny art since 12 years. we are still looking for new fresh art and we ar happy to share the experience of col-laboration and exchange with you.

please have a look and feel free to ask any question (here as a comment) and i will answer honest and quick.

also we question the role of "the museum" in contemporary times and we invite artists to join this project > www.muarco.org . in july 2023 we will set up a new exhibition in the muarco location in spain and we are open for your - tiny art - proposal.

i wish you all a nice 2023.



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Replies to This Discussion

Hi- I want to join. I saw your post on mail art call page and I thought that the project was already expired.

hi michelangelo,

i send you a direct mail...

best juan


hello i want to join but which dress is t=right tocommunicaye and send please provide the link website and physical adress

hello maha,

thanks for your interest. the website name is artsurprise.eu and the conditions you find here. i will write you an email with further information.



hello maha,

we are still looking for contemporary art. have a look also here, now we are able to publish artist books and zines and we established an easy going workflow to set up a new publication. we are looking for COMICs, LITERATURE and "tiny art" artist books published as OBJECTS.

let me know if you are in!

thanks to MILEY from Berlin we received some new art works for the international art project with the group of MOMA board member. lets see more aret soon.

thanks aurora - very nice contribution - welcome in the club!

thanks to miguel. i love it.



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