
Literature and Art

For people who read and enjoy good literature--literary classics or literary contemporary and like to make art about it.  Using literature as inspiration for our art.  Also for people interested in writing letters about literature.  This is also a meeting place for The New Arzamas Literary Circle, which is dedicated to writing creative letters on literary topics. 

Members: 127
Latest Activity: Mar 10, 2024



Handmade Ezra Pound (Ezruckus Poundamonium) paper doll for a series of skits in which E.P is the main star. --Theresa Williams



Automatic writing by Nancy Bell Scott.



One of a set of cards made while contemplating the poet Theodore Roethke.  On November 12, Roethke suffered the first of what was to be many mental episodes.  It happened in the cold Michigan woods, and he described the experience as having a "secret" revealed to him, which he said was the secret of "Nijinsky."  Nijinsky was a famous ballet dancer who was institutionalized for schizophrenia.  With your permission, I'd like to post your artwork at my blog:  The Letter Project.   I'm also looking for letters about literature and creativity.  All works from the blog have gone through the postal system.

Discussion Forum

Literature and Art 1 Reply

 gentili Signori poeti e artisti visivi, sono felice di far parte di questo gruppo.Ecco il perchè.Da sempre il mio lavoro cammina tra immagine e parola.Testo e materia visiva.Poesia e carta dipinta…Continue

Started by Alfonso Filieri. Last reply by Theresa Ann Aleshire Williams Jul 12, 2011.

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Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on June 14, 2012 at 11:31pm

I am watching this conversation like a hawk, interest is high.

Comment by Guido Vermeulen on June 14, 2012 at 7:59pm

Hi Theresa,

Yes I do, they are also favorite exhibition spots. I want to create and show art in places where people gather to do essential activities like eating or drinking.

Galleries or museums are ARTificial.





Comment by Guido Vermeulen on June 13, 2012 at 4:22pm

One of my best poems till now, called «In a restaurant in Europe», in Dutch to annoy you all of course!


voor Simonne

Stoppelhaar en stoppelbaard

Een klein meisje streelt de vallende haren van haar vader

Zo hoop ik toch

Zijn stief- en stoeilief kijkt angstig vermoeidend toe

Verzwakte eendenborst staat vanaf nu elke dag op het menu

Licht valt vakkundig wit op het versleten tentzeil naast de bar

De handen gaan hulpeloos omhoog en onthoofden een hulpeloze kip

uit overgave of vertwijfeling,

wie zal het zeggen?

Zeker niet het beminde kind

De gulzige volwassene nog minder!

Ik bestel een halve liter

rimpelloze rode wijn

Een keffende hond kijkt over mijn bevroren schouder toe

alsof hij Waaslands wolf kan zijn,

een keuze heeft tussen onderduiken of verdwijnen

in de achtertuin van de keuken van ons lijdende bestaan

Het neergeschoten hert heeft bevend

zijn kop tegen de muur geplet,

pleit tevergeefs voor vrede voor

de vele kleffe aardappelen in de moordende oven,

die gaskamer van giechelende groenten

terwijl ik vrij eenzaam het giftige genot

verken van hun pijngeschiedenis, schreeuwend

«Wie niet opspringt als een kreeft, is eraan

voor zijn gedane moeite

van de Oeral tot La Mer du Nord»

Met de lippen van zeewansmaak

proef ik de woede en de armoede

van zowel prei als ui en wortel,

terwijl uit mijn worstelvoeten wortels groeien

om mij wellicht blijvend te verlammen

Een schaterlach gloeit als glimworm

op de monding van mijn mond

Onbeweeglijk zal ik sterven

maar onbewogen nooit

zo orakelt mijn maanlandschap

Terwijl in een heel ander hemellichaam

een zeemeeuw vol overtijging krijst:




Guido Vermeulen

written at the Grelha Restaurant

June 13, 2012

Comment by Guido Vermeulen on June 13, 2012 at 4:12pm

Small Automatic Mail Art Poem for Cheryl Penn


When Pencaster

said GOTIJ

to Pandamonium

he really meant ZALOP


Once upon a time and in a sudden flash

the borders of the world

will disappear

between people


Mail art is

a poem

without explicit


Guido Vermeulen

June 2012


Comment by Guido Vermeulen on June 13, 2012 at 3:36pm

Flower of evils you mean, bad bad girl!

Comment by Guido Vermeulen on June 13, 2012 at 12:02am

Here is a new poem by Mark Sonnenfeld with a reference to POE, also Cheryl Penn mailed me a great artist book: when dream and ghost collide, see entry on

Comment by Guido Vermeulen on June 12, 2012 at 11:56pm

HAHA, okay Theresa, here is your voice

River Down River Spleen

Oh how I miss the eyes of Charles Baudelaire

Comment by Guido Vermeulen on June 12, 2012 at 1:04am

Received this today from Wilma Duguay in Canada, photos from waves around a poem by John Masefield


Comment by Guido Vermeulen on June 12, 2012 at 1:01am

Yeah, funny! Simonne loved the SALP. After reading it 2day again I saw this: it is in 3 verses equals 3 voices:

Verse and voice 1: Buzz

Verse and voice 2: Tarantino

Verse and voice 3: Me


Does this add something? NO but it is also FUNNY!!



Comment by Guido Vermeulen on June 11, 2012 at 6:11am

Hi Theresa,

Nearly all my art is since years the result of automatic creation, so you can use anything you want or like from me, but here is a new one, just to please the heart as lonely hunter:

Small Automatic Love Poem (43 days and nights after she left)

for SP

River Blue River Red

the colors of the night are in your bed

River Dry River Wet

the colors of the day are in the way you cry

River Brown River Green

oh how I miss the colors of her eyes in my bed.

Guido Vermeulen

June 11, 2012


Members (127)



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