For people who read and enjoy good literature--literary classics or literary contemporary and like to make art about it. Using literature as inspiration for our art. Also for people interested in writing letters about literature. This is also a meeting place for The New Arzamas Literary Circle, which is dedicated to writing creative letters on literary topics.
Members: 128
Latest Activity: Mar 10, 2024
Handmade Ezra Pound (Ezruckus Poundamonium) paper doll for a series of skits in which E.P is the main star. --Theresa Williams
Automatic writing by Nancy Bell Scott.
One of a set of cards made while contemplating the poet Theodore Roethke. On November 12, Roethke suffered the first of what was to be many mental episodes. It happened in the cold Michigan woods, and he described the experience as having a "secret" revealed to him, which he said was the secret of "Nijinsky." Nijinsky was a famous ballet dancer who was institutionalized for schizophrenia. With your permission, I'd like to post your artwork at my blog: The Letter Project. I'm also looking for letters about literature and creativity. All works from the blog have gone through the postal system.
gentili Signori poeti e artisti visivi, sono felice di far parte di questo gruppo.Ecco il perchè.Da sempre il mio lavoro cammina tra immagine e parola.Testo e materia visiva.Poesia e carta dipinta…Continue
Started by Alfonso Filieri. Last reply by Theresa Ann Aleshire Williams Jul 12, 2011.
Thank you Guido. In this insane world art and poetry keep making sense for the human heart.
Large painted envelope around passage in my present artist notebook:
3 friends on a cosmic ship reaching the end of slavery
Dear Cheryl,
3 friends on a cosmic ship
traveled from Nowhere to Africa’s breath
WHY, oh WHY shouted the people in Nowhere land
Because it’s better to be in KWA land
than in Nothingness country
answered the breakdown boat
& added: I’ll disintegrate when landing
& that’s a good thing, no mistake here!
The trio will join the wild animals
on the saxophone savannah
& hallelujah, servant-girls
will vanish together witch landowners
but in a slight different order:
first the owners, then the girls.
Guido Vermeulen
aprrox 21 August 2012 but I can be wrong)
Dedicated to Cheryl Penn in South Africa
Large painted envelope around a fragment of my present artist notebook:
- Where do we go from here?
- Follow that sound.
- What is it?
- The vibration of the heart.
- Once they told me I had no heart?
- That’s a lie, a majestic lie, but a lie!
(From the conversations between birds)
Yesterday evening: idea to start a new collection of poems in Dutch, after the publication of Fairy Tales in the clouds.
Working title: ONTHOOFDE TIJD (time beheaded)
First text is an automatic one that I wrote while watching an episode of True Blood season 4.
Goes like this:
De huizen draven voorbij
als zieke renpaarden aan de Noordzee
terwijl de straten stilstaan op de nietsvermoedende dijk.
Iets klopt niet in dit Oostendse Ensorplaatje
maar zo zijn er wel meer en meer
situaties gevangen tussen zand en spiegelwater.
Ik projecteer mijn angsten niet in jouw lijf
ook al is dit moeilijk en maanonwaardig.
Het klosgaren draai ik rond mijn middel-
vinger terwijl die vleugels uitprobeert
al spinnend in het web van koning tijd.
Zij krolt haar rug en preekt mijn tanden
stuk en kaal.
is het geheugen van de leugen.
Het lookgehalte in die woorden
schrikt zelfs de vampieren af
in de opperste regionen van de wereldbank.
De boerenkinkel aapt de teenschimmel na
van papa woekeraar en mama staatsterreur.
Het beentje kraakt in de staart van de komeet
Het zitvlak van de stoel is zo warm
& verleidelijk dat ik de kop afruk
van mister telefoon. Hij spartelt niet.
Hij smelt het water van een zonneslag.
Terwijl wij ons verkleden als June en Betsy
duikt gele verf onder als broodkruim anderhalf & beleg
in de luwte van de donkere poppenkast.
Het blauwe oog is dom en flets en koud,
een pannenkoek zonder suiker
of kraakgeweld.
Het grint onder kattenpoten
leidt naar het centrum van de verboden stad
in country NON EXIST.
Ik heb het hoofd van de pop
opgeborgen in de kelderstop
van de hoogste toestemming.
Samen berijden wij met alle remmen los
de drang van het zoete bloed & de zuurtegraad van regen
op de draaimolen van gelijkgestemde
violen in het vergeten kwadrant van lijfverraad.
De muziek stokt, stopt en toch … gaat hij door!
Als lieve cirkel in haar borst in maanopstand.
Guido Vermeulen
A new one from my friend EB
the tilted house at the edge of
the marsh and the gas rising
but the floors are level
the fresh sheets spread and
tucked for a funeral
the embers were still cooling
on Persepolis as a lone figure
stumbled toward you
through the purple haze
sand stirred into a funnel on
an ocean floor that no one saw
monsters were dying there
some who hardly lived at all
cut down by their deformities
morning again
but I am asleep
August 8, 2012
Poem around art from Karin Greenwood
I am a legend in the sky
he said to the snails
surfing on the clouds
Without me waves would not
court the sea
Without me waves would not
reach for heaven
Watch me set
is a better cure
against depression
than taking your precious
sponsored medicines
Watch me rise
so oranges can grow
instead of perishing
in the moonlight
Watch me shine with care
so you can find
a person lost downtown
like Vicky Vandermeers
My secret is this:
I am pistachio nuts
because of the lack
of greens
If I am patriarch or matriarch
has no importance
I am god and when I die and die I will
I shall shout the rooftop from the sky
& you will join me in my cries.
Guido Vermeulen
7 August 2012
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