G. A. CAVELLINI / 1914-2014

Event Details

G. A. CAVELLINI / 1914-2014

Time: January 26, 2013 at 6pm to January 21, 2014 at 7pm
Location: Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery
Street: Via S. Calenda, 105/D
City/Town: Salewrno - Italy
Website or Map: http://www.ophenvirtualart.it/
Phone: (Sala 44 – G. A. CAVELLINI/Virtual Underground). - http://www.collezionebongianiartmuseum.it/sala.php?id=44
Event Type: collective, international, mail, art
Organized By: Giovanni Bonanno
Latest Activity: Dec 18, 2015

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Event Description


International Mail Art Project
Guglielmo  Achille  Cavellini

Project dedicated to the anniversary of the centenary of Guglielmo Achille Cavellini,
 in collaboration with the Archives Cavellini of Brescia,
Edited by Giovanni Bonanno

On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the Italian artist Guglielmo Achille Cavellini (GAC), the Space Ophen Virtual Art Gallery of Salerno invites artists interested in sending by post a job only to be shown in the exhibition Collective International which will be built in 2014. You can work on a freely chosen format, or intervene in the space of the matrix attached to this project working with any desired technique (including digital). You are requested to print it on paper, (the format must be A4 size if possible), sign it, indicating the work behind the title, size, technique and the year of execution, attaching the same time their personal e-mail and their postal addresses. In addition, it calls for a brief biography and criticism of their work so that it can be published with the work. all of which should be sent by post to the address of the Gallery of Salerno.
Artists may submit works they deem necessary to be present at this international exhibition dedicated to G. A. Cavellini. All the works will not be returned but will be stored permanently in room 44 of the Collection Bongiani Ophen Art Museum of Salerno then become a International Collection dedicated to the GAC.

(Room 44 - GA Cavellini / Virtual Underground). http://www.collezionebongianiartmuseum.it/sala.php?id=44
Ophen Virtual Art Gallery of Salerno organize the virtual exhibition from 12 April 2014 to 30 August 2014 with the related press release, the critical text and the communication of the exhibition to the most important art magazines, newspapers and websites of contemporary art. The exhibition will then be permanently stored and can be visited in Space "exhibition held" Virtual gallery of Salerno.
Visit: http://www.ophenvirtualart.it/





Ship to:
Giovanni Bonanno (c/o Space Ophen Virtual Art Gallery of Salerno)
Via S. Calenda 105 / D 84126 Salerno (Italy)
Deadline: no later than January 21, 2014


Comment Wall


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Comment by Giovanni Bonanno on February 18, 2013 at 4:31pm

Cavellini  dixit

Intervista all'inventore dell'Autostoricizzazione

A cura di
William Nessuno. Testi di P. Cavellini, W. Nessuno, A. Saccoccio. Fotografie inedite di A. Prato.

Nel 1971 Guglielmo Achille Cavellini, per contrastare il sistema dell'arte che continuava a ignorarlo, diede vita a un'operazione di autopromozione tra le più intelligenti e paradossali che la storia dell'arte ricordi: l'"Autostoricizzazione". Questo è il motivo per cui ancora oggi il suo per-corso è ricordato e fa discutere. Ripubblichiamo oggi un'intervista a GAC comparsa finora soltanto su una piccola rivista degli anni Ottanta: «Circolo Pickwick». L'intervista, che illumina su tanti aspetti anche controversi dell'operazione cavelliniana, è affiancata da contributi critici di William Nessuno, scrittore e blogger che al tempo dirigeva la rivista, Antonio Saccoccio, studioso delle avanguardie e oltre-artista, Piero Cavellini, figlio di GAC e direttore dell'Archivio Cavellini. Completano il volume un'ampia selezione di immagini e alcune fotografie inedite di Alberto Prato.

anno di pubblicazione 2013
pagine 78
curatore William Nessuno
autore Piero Cavellini, William Nessuno, Antonio Saccoccio
ISBN 978-88-98298-00-6
Comment by Ana Garcia on February 16, 2013 at 4:44pm


Comment by Ana Garcia on February 16, 2013 at 4:38pm


Comment by Ana Garcia on February 16, 2013 at 4:37pm

Comment by Giovanni Bonanno on February 16, 2013 at 3:57pm








Comment by Giovanni Bonanno on February 16, 2013 at 3:56pm






Attending (9)


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