“An Envelope A Day/Une Enveloppe Par Jour”

Event Details

“An Envelope A Day/Une Enveloppe Par Jour”

Time: August 9, 2011 at 10am to September 3, 2011 at 12pm
Location: La Mediathèeque Municipale
Street: 37 rue du Commerce
City/Town: Sigean (11), France
Website or Map: http://www. mediatheque-sigea…
Phone: 00 33 6 76 41 33 28 (VMH) or 00 33 4 68 40 24 27 (Mediatheque)
Event Type: mail, art, exhibition
Organized By: Valentine Mark Herman
Latest Activity: Jun 22, 2011

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Event Description

This Exhibition features the results of an auto-mailing project that I began on 1 September, 2010, and involves me mailing myself a different, brightly-coloured 16.5 cm square Envelope every day for a year. On the outside of the Envelopes will be different themes, images, and configurations of stamps, pictures, posters, painting, and other images. Each Envelope will be a unique, mini example of what I am calling 'Envelope Art'.

The project allows me to explore the artistic and design potential of the Envelope. One Envelope is, well, just an Envelope, but in their tens, hundreds, and eventually all 365 of them, they will become -- when suitably arranged -- a work of Conceptual (Envelope and/or Stamp and/or Mail) Art.

Laid end-to-end, the envelopes would form a chain over 60 meters/65 yards long – bt hey will be arranged ion a series of special panels in sequential order, and in their entirety will forma brightly-coloured, Mail Art mosaic.

The Exhibition will run for 3 weeks from Tuesday 9 August, 2011 to Saturday 3 September. The opening reception will take place at 18.00 on Friday 12 August. Do come!


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Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on November 18, 2010 at 4:25pm
Can you contribute? Can I think about his for a while?
There are (at least) 2 possibilities: i) I have 'guest' envelopes, but that might destroy both the integrity and the uniformity of what I'm trying to do; ii) I have an exhibition within my exhibition which welcomes external contributions -- I have sufficient space for this.
Let me think about it for a while, BUT...
in the meantime you can always send me an envelope, and I will, of course, send you back one in return.
Regards, Val
Comment by andytgeezer on November 18, 2010 at 2:32pm
Can we contribute to this Valentine? I'm getting REALLY into pimping envelopes right now!
Comment by Steve on November 8, 2010 at 10:55pm
Got mine today Val.
Besides the A-side, an aside on the B-side - like the comments

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on November 4, 2010 at 11:57am
Hi again! It's a good idea. How would you get the Friend IN the envelope? With a photo, a drawing, or...? Would the Envelope be sent to that friend? What would it contain -- personal memories, thoughts, etc? I once considered writing a book about 'The 20 (or more or less) people who had most influenced me in my life to date' -- an open and frank account as to how they had impacted on my life. I discussed this with a friend (who was one of the 20) only to be told that i would probably be faced with 20 court cases for, inter alia, libel, slander, defamation, etc. (Well 19, as one was already attempting to mount a legal action against me -- but he didn't, tee hee!) But the idea lives on in my head (as does the sunflower). That's all! Val
Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on November 4, 2010 at 11:51am
Dear Lauriana, I had to laugh at this! Now I really know why I don't eat MacDonalds'. It takes all sorts. Reagrds, Val
Comment by Steve on November 4, 2010 at 9:30am
Wish I could be there too for the Event

Have one for me Val :)
Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on November 4, 2010 at 4:49am
Dear ainssomeone (and Snooky and Lauriana), perhaps I should be providing a big self-addressed, pre-stamped Envelope so my Friends could attend? Then there could be a parallel Exhibition -- "A Friend a Day in an envelope'! Regards, Val
Comment by ainssomeone on November 3, 2010 at 10:21pm
oh i would love to attend.. but i dont think i could make it to France anytime soon :[ unless a transport machine is invented
Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on November 3, 2010 at 7:35pm
Thanks Snooky. I'll start with the complimentary wine and pastis provided by the Mayor and the Council, and then hit the catnip: or pocket some for Bianca and Trouble;
Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on November 3, 2010 at 7:22pm
Thanks Lauriana, and sorry that you can't make it to the Deep South (of France). I have had a similiar project in my head for a few years, and that is to take a photo the same sunflower at the same time of day everyday from when it first breaks through the soil to when it dies. I'd chart it's growth day-by-day by propping a measuring device (like you see on archaelogical digs) on one side of it, and on the other a little blackboard with the date on. One day, perhaps...
Regards, Val

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