Hi Ruth,
it depends I've noticed. Sometimes I get a finished one back, then I send a copy of the result to all participants.
Often I never see anything back, not even a copy. I like seeing the final result but I don't expect to get a started one back.
You also have to think that mail can be on his way for long time (once mail was undeliverd returned to me after 5 months… ). And not everyone works on it right away. Sometimes it ends up in a pile. For example, I found an add&pass in my mailbox where the previous addition took place more than three years ago.
I don't know what the rules are, I try not to leave an add&pass lying around for too long. If it is too heavy I ask who is a candidate and if there are none I send it to the starter.
I hope you wil see some result some time ;-)
Thanks, Sil! I'm just curious - I would love to see what other people have added to them. I wondered what other people's experiences were and whether it was just accepted that you were sending it out into the world, never to be seen again!
I keep my fingers crossed ;-)
I will let you know when I receive add&pass work started by you!
Hello Ruth and Sil :)
That's indeed also a question I'm interested in ;)
(but) some days ago, I received for the first time an A&P that I started and that could indeed be considered as "finished" / "complete" / "full" ;) -and I sent it to Josh Ronsen: from (finished?) A&P-es, he makes "Add & Pass Cut & Paste Zines" (as he announces on http://ronsen.org/mailart/add/index.html ). He writes on this page
"When I receive an Add & Pass page, I cut it up to become pages in the Add & Pass Cut & Paste Zine"
So I'm very curious!
Yesterday I recieved two A&P from Sil:
- one was a "complete(d)" / "full" one initiated by me March 2022 -and now, complete as it was/is sent back to me :)
- the other was one initiated, I SUPPOSE, by Moreno Menarin. I consider that it will be filled enough ;) after my contribution. Then I will return it to Moreno!
Mail art is so random that it is unlikely that you would get everything back. I have not received any completed a&p sheets nor any copies of ones I’ve added to. Even with round Robin, you never get everything back. In 2003 I sent out a 3 ATC rr set that I had drawn elephants on and never saw them again. Sometimes I get stuff back years after I’ve sent them out. That’s what makes mail art so exciting. If I finish one of yours, I will be sure to return it to you.
I found I had an add and pass in my archive not realizing it was an add and pass, so I finally returned it to the originator, 35 years later.
I have never gotten my own Add & Pass, but would be thrilled if I ever did!
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