Eduardo Cardoso's Comments

Comment Wall (230 comments)

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At 1:27pm on February 26, 2025, Re Schmi said…

thank you for your wonderful mailart dear eduardo!! also enjoyed the cool envelope and stickers. :)

At 10:02pm on September 23, 2024, Mikel Untzilla said…

At 11:43am on September 23, 2024, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Happy Birthday, Eduardo!

At 2:54pm on September 23, 2023, Hélène LAGACHE said…

Feliz aniversário.

At 8:36am on September 23, 2023, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

23.9.23 What a great day!

At 5:29am on September 2, 2023, G.D. said…

Obrigado, Eduardo! I look forward to exchanging with you.

At 2:18pm on May 25, 2023, Margreet Beemsterboer said…

Hi Eduardo,

Just to let you know your MA-envelope aqrrived in The Netherlands!

Thank you! and for your signed and dated pieces of art I found in it.

All the best!


At 6:41am on May 5, 2023, ThomasB said…


Your post art finally arrived in my PO Box in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Thanks so very much, it's wonderful. 


At 6:39am on May 5, 2023, ThomasB said…

At 9:43am on March 24, 2023, Margreet Beemsterboer said…

Good day Eduardo,

Just to let you know that MA from Holland is on itsd way. In the envelope you also find Add&Pass from Fleur Helsingor. Hope you receive it all in good health!

Kind regards,


At 9:45pm on March 18, 2023, Mikel Untzilla said…

Obrigado Eduardo Cardoso

At 3:49pm on January 26, 2023, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Ciao Eduardo, mi piace il tuo lavoro minimal!

Ti abbraccio. B

At 11:58pm on September 27, 2022, Marcia Rosenberger said…

Achei muito boa a ideia de manter o acervo num blog. Ao mesmo tempo é um arquivo e uma forma de compartilhar a arte postal.

At 6:00pm on September 23, 2022, Marcia Rosenberger said…

Visitei seu sítio Tigres e Eufrates e gostei muito do seu trabalho. <3

Tenho pesquisado mais sobre poesia visual e produzo livros de artista também.

Muito bom encontrar afinidades poéticas. 

At 9:45am on March 9, 2022, Bruno Cassaglia said…

gosto muito do seu trabalho!!! um abraço fraterno, W paz !!!

At 9:44am on March 9, 2022, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Mi piace molto il tuo lavoro!!!  un fraterno abbraccio, W la pace!!!

At 9:42am on March 9, 2022, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Spedisco oggi Mail Art per EduardoCardoso.

Hoje estou enviando Mail Art para Eduardo Cardoso.

Today I am sending Mail Art for Eduardo Cardoso.

At 10:33am on February 25, 2022, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Ciao Eduardo! è arrivata la Tua Mail Art!!! GRAZIE UN FRATERNO ABBRACCIO...


At 10:30am on February 25, 2022, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Ciao Eduardo! è arrivata la Tua Mail Art!!!  GRAZIE UN FRATERNO ABBRACCIO...


At 2:51pm on November 9, 2021, Mikel Untzilla said…

Obrigado Eduardo Cardoso


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