Sputnik Mail Art Show In Yoshkar-Ola - Brand New Video!

The video was made by "Region 12" TV company at the presentation of The Second International Mail Art Exhibition in Yoshkar-Ola Museum of Fine Arts, Russia. There you can see coordinator of Sputnik project Ivan Zemtsov and mail artist Alexander Nasekin. A lot of mail artworks are demonstrated there as well. Denis Charmot, Valery Shimanovsky, Johannes Musolf, R.F.Cote, Victoria Koldewin, Carlos Botana, Fabrice Fosse, Anastasia Victorova, Marie Dupont, Daniel Daligand, Aurelie Berthelon and many other participants of the project will notice their nice contributions in the video. The show was dedicated to the 50-th anniversary of Sputnik.

Видеосюжет был сделан телекомпанией "12 Регион" во время презентации II Международной выставки мэйл-арта в Йошкар-Олинском музее изобразительных искусств. Здесь можно увидеть координатора проекта "Спутник" Ивана Земцова и мэйл-художника из Чебоксар Александра Насекина. В видео-сюжете демонстрируются многочисленные мэйл-произведения. Художники Дени Шармо, Валерий Шимановский, Йоханнес Музольф, Р.Ф.Коте, Виктория Колдевин, Карлос Ботана, Фабрис Фоссе, Анастасия Викторова, Мари Дюпон, Даниэль Далиган, Аурелия Бертелон и многие другие участники проекта заметят в фильме свои замечательные работы. Выставка была посвящена 50-летию со дня запуска Спутника.

  • Currently 4.5/5 stars.

Views: 134


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Comment by Carla Cryptic on February 20, 2009 at 8:23pm
Ah! I wish I had known about this before it happened because Sputnik was one of my childhood wonders. I was so excited when it was launched that I couldn't sleep. Now, with an adult perspective, it still doesn't completely take away the way I felt then. That's the beauty of memories made as a child... at least the good ones. :) This is a great video. Thanks! :)


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