Rod Summers / VEC's Comments

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At 11:32pm on March 28, 2009, Carla Cryptic said…
Your points are well taken. I grew up on reading poetry (my own and that of others') aloud - also plays, books, etc.. I also grew up with improvisational jazz and beat poetry and all of that (I'm old - LoL). I am also a singer so I know what you mean about the recording - the thing is, I don't have a way to get rid of the hum in advance at the moment. I'm working on that part but, till that is taken care of, I'm stuck with trying to remove it after the fact. Peak and Sound Soap do a pretty good job. I used to read poetry in clubs but I had to stop doing that because of the smoking (you can see how long ago it must have been from that - no smoking in clubs now in this part of the world :). I developed severe asthma from singing and reading poetry in smoke-filled bars and clubs. Sigh. So, first I had to get my voice back (lost it completely for a couple of years) and then I had to get my heart back (singing was my life). That was many years ago now and, although I went back to singing (albeit not professionally), I never went back to reading poetry out loud, other than to my husband. :) It's a lot of fun to be doing it again. I am also recording my short fiction, which is fun, too. And doing audiobooks for family and friends. It's just great to have this outlet again. :) I look forward to the CDs! Very kind of you. :)
At 7:06pm on March 28, 2009, Carla Cryptic said…
I have enjoyed reading some of your poems here so much (I was following a post at Wilma's page and came here to see what you guys were talking about and found one of your poems, then read a few more)... that I got inspired to record some of mine. One poem in particular just has to be read aloud and I'd never gotten around to recording it properly. Thanks for the inspiration! Now, I just need to get rid of some background hum in the recording and I'll post it for you to hear (since the whole point was to share some of my poetry with you as a thank you for sharing yours with us). I'm just posting this now because I'm a terrible procrastinator and wanted to make sure I told you how your poems affected me in such a positive way in case it takes me months to post that poem to you. :)
At 10:04am on March 22, 2009, Claudio Romeo said…
At 9:11pm on March 19, 2009, BRUNO CAPATTI said…

if I had been there io ci fossi stato..._____ _@Y
At 8:58pm on March 19, 2009, BRUNO CAPATTI said…
At 8:58pm on March 19, 2009, BRUNO CAPATTI said…
At 8:45pm on March 19, 2009, BRUNO CAPATTI said…

Unfortunately, Rod, for family reasons and working I could not accompany Anna Boschi and meet you. Similarly I will not be able to be in Venice before your departure.
I am very sorry, really.
I send a bruno-snail, you can print the snail and take a picture with you on the bridge of Rialto in Venice. OK?
Everything good to you and family.
_____ _@Ybruno
At 11:14am on March 14, 2009, Carlos I. Botana said…
Hello Rod
Since you see, I preserve some LP'S of vinyl.

A great greeting

Carlos Botana
At 7:31am on March 14, 2009, Ruud Janssen said…
Dear Rod,Thanks for your condolances. The wonderfull venetian present reached my brother in time. A beautiful flower was hanging on the board that Jos was looking at every day this last week.
Sorry to hear about you brother. Both Litsa's mother as mine have Altzheimer too so whe know what it does. Life isn't always easy but we have to live it the best way we can.
Have some more good day's in Venice now with Liz besides you. You have made some wonderful photos there, so it is already a success.....!

Ruud & Litsa
At 11:00pm on March 11, 2009, Stangroom said…
Yeah, Rod... I'm on Open Fluxus as well...
Thanks for sharing your wonderful blog...
At 8:42pm on March 9, 2009, TIZIANA BARACCHI said…
thanks Rod, I'll write you soon again!
You will be the most wellcome under THE TREE of POETRY and at AMBASCIATA di VENEZIA.
At 7:22pm on March 9, 2009, Medwolf said…
hey amigo I like your tee pee..I use that kind when I go off alone to do the "Vision Quest" thing...and sooooo I again rattled the bones and the bones say the water is not good where you are..second time I have mentioned this to you...keep smiling..cant wait to visit you and yup some new stuff on my blogspot..check it out
At 4:58pm on March 9, 2009, Steve Random said…
Hello Rod,
Yes, I'd love to trade cd's with you. Glad to hear some of my old friends are also yours, I remember seeing your name around in documentation but never got around to contacting you, c'est la vie. I used to see Pittore on a daily basis from '88 to '90 when I lived in Bowdoinham, Maine. My first year was in the yurts but I then moved into a studio directly above Carlo's. Shared many a pasta with him, I even renovated his studio just prior to moving into the Boston arear to gat married for the second time, she didn't like the long distance relationship. Carlo and Robert Saunders both attended my wedding. At my prompting Robert attended the Maine Mailart Exhibit that Carlo put on back in '83 and Robert met his future wife there. Miss visiting Robert and Kala, she makes the best spring rolls from found things sprouting in their yard. I'll get the cd out this next weekend.
At 10:53am on March 9, 2009, Maurizio Follin said…
Hi Rod
thanks for the photos.
You remember going to visit the area of Santa Marta on a sunny day.
At 2:23pm on March 6, 2009, Steve Random said…
No, no photos of dear old Lon. I never got out to the west coast of these united states. Leslie Caldera was in my neighborhood once but it was when we'd lost touch with each other. I do have some photos of Rudolph from self portraits he'd attach to works.
I have fluxus photos from events I've attended, just thinking of that because of Emily Harvey and you in Venice. Would you like a cd of my work and photos?
At 12:41pm on March 6, 2009, Maurizio Follin said…
Try to be there for the 5, you have a phone?
At 11:54am on March 6, 2009, Maurizio Follin said…

At 10:45am on March 6, 2009, Maurizio Follin said…
We certainly recognize
At 10:06am on March 6, 2009, Maurizio Follin said…
I look very much the photos of the site and you?
I have a black coat, pipe and big mustache,
If you arrive before the start of the show trial call 3382200495
At 5:13pm on March 2, 2009, Medwolf said…


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