Patricio - The Celestial Scribe's Comments

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At 5:33pm on December 27, 2012, Makarova Tatiana (MATATA) said…


At 3:03am on December 26, 2012, Mark Roberts said…

Thank you for the welcome Patricio - and yes a a mail will be coming your direction early in the new year!


At 5:43pm on December 25, 2012, Makarova Tatiana (MATATA) said…

Hello Patricio! I will send a card to your weather gods!

At 7:13pm on December 23, 2012, servat c said…

pronto volare por tu cielo


At 3:47pm on December 14, 2012, Jae Revenant said…

Sounds great, I love bridging gaps...I'll be looking forward to it :-)

At 10:06pm on December 13, 2012, Martha W. Bush said…

Will do, CS.

At 9:57pm on December 13, 2012, Martha W. Bush said…

Well said, Patricio.  The Celestial Scribes scribes again!!!

At 3:55am on December 13, 2012, Martha W. Bush said…

I was visited by a hummingbird the other day.  A beautiful package of mail art from a celestial scribe was left at my door.  It made my day, my week and brought a smile to my face.  How lucky am I!!!  Much appreciation and warmth, martha

At 6:19pm on December 12, 2012, Jae Revenant said…

Hello Patricio...and thank you so much for such a warm welcome! I will happily drop something in the mail to you in the next few days... :-)


At 9:26pm on December 11, 2012, Melissa Hughes said…

You are in luck!  I am working on mail art right now and will send some your way.  My stamping handle is The Starry-Eyed Stamper, so love your pseudonym!

At 9:04pm on December 11, 2012, Christine Coppa said…

Yes! Yes!  Merry Merry.... And Happy New Year too.  I have something special that I will send soon.....

At 8:32pm on December 11, 2012, Christine Coppa said…


Your post bird of the soul arrived the day of my foot surgery (Friday)!  Thank you O Celestial Scribe friend!  Since I have a broken wing of sorts and will be recovering over the next eight weeks; the post bird is a symbol of flight and healing for me.  I am so grateful!  Sending you peace and rest (which I am getting a lot of at the moment)......

At 8:31pm on December 11, 2012, ANA MARTA AUSTIN said…

Do mesmo ladinho...

At 8:17pm on December 11, 2012, DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind said…


At 6:52pm on December 11, 2012, The Blessed Father said…

Have you received my mail yet????? The Blessed Father

At 4:28pm on December 10, 2012, Claire (aka Cleo) said…
At 11:26pm on December 8, 2012, ANA MARTA AUSTIN said…

Celestial Patrício...recebi sua linda homenagem,,,mas, pra vc ver...vou te contar uma história: estava eu um dia, curtindo a minha praia com o meu recém marido, hoje ex, quando meu recém sogro me fez um convite: quer ir pra Brasília? Fazer o quê? repondo, já perguntando; meu amigo é presidente de uma companhia lá e estão precisando de engenheiro civil, e convidou o seu amado, disse ele, e mais todas as vantagens oferecidas, sendo que nada seria mais vantajoso que minha praia; pensei: será que o povo desse país não sabe fazer nada sem a inteligência, criatividade, força e o trabalho do povo nordestino? Mas, gente boa e solidária como sou, tudo bem, aceito, foi o que eu disse naquele dia lindo. Cresci, mudei, já estou noutra faz tempo, mas eu vou embora a qualquer momento, porque não tenho nada a ver com isso aqui...continuo pernambuquensis, nem o sotaque perdi e tenho muito orgulho de minha terra e da gente que sai do Nordeste pra construir o país inteiro..E adorei a sua homenagem...Aliás, adoro tudo que vc me manda...Manda mais...Sou sua fã...Vc é craque, deve ter alguma descendência nordestina...hehehe...

Vc conhece essa fruta?  Ela é da minha família e nós a chamamos de Magoaustin...

At 7:00pm on December 7, 2012, Claire (aka Cleo) said…

dearest Patricio, the angelic flight of the postbird from Patland's flight finally came to rest  and alighted upon a small table in the hall...Thank you so very much for your gorgeous mail my friend! I adore the envelope, the little notes pasted about everything (although I do wish the type were a bit larger...%_^), and all of the little charms gracing this ma. I was so charmed when I came upon the last enclosure - a tiny envelope which I opened to find a beautiful little leaf fallen from Patland nestled inside... Again, thank you!

At 8:38pm on December 6, 2012, Jay Block said…

Thank you for the beautiful post, the tiny envelope with the leaf is wonderful.  Will post images soon.  Best j

At 8:37pm on December 6, 2012, DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind said…

Greetings!! I was wondering how long it would take! Not too long. I am glad you enjoyed the breaching of the gap!


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