Received the most GIGANTIC SUperSized Piece from Thom Courcelle(who Beez smart). This came all folded up, looked innocent enough, yet I unfolded it, and unfolded it, until I was looking at a handwritten letter written on 32" X 27" paper (the ruled kind they use in schools). Just amazing and although his spelling was a bit off at times, he made up for it with his fantastic culinary tips and artwork. I could only scan this small piece of it, but will print the letter in its' entirety:
Today is Saturday. It is cloudy. I like hotdogs. They have to be vegetarian hotdogs though. I like hotdogs with mustard and peanut butter. My friends say that is weerd. But they are stoopid. Everyone knows peanut butter goes with everything. Veggie hotdogs also go good with beer. I am hungry. bye!
thanks Thom--you made me laugh---more than once:)
Glad you are enjoying my childish regression... I am definitely working way too much--too much overtime and too much stress and pressure with deadlines. My brain feels like mush, and your "letters" were about the level of smarts I could muster. I think if I didn't rely on humor, that the only thing left for me would be to curl into a fetal position and whimper myself to sleep after dragging myself home from work each night! LOL So thank goodness for mail art!
There are a few more childish letters that were sent out to the postal universe. But there are still more sheets of that blank paper, too.
And, I really do like my vegetarian hotdogs with peanut butter and mustard. Don't knock it 'til you try it!!
Great stories! Thanks for sharing. And the "bye" at the end is priceless.... :-))
I like that Nancy--more of a collaborative blog--blog-building is a great way to put it. Keeps the blogging process a little less overwhelming. I wonder how many of these gems he did send out? Maybe he wrote until the crayons were down to the nubs. Looks like THom and his fridgerfrator are quite familiar. mmmm pickles. My daughter loves pickles and drinks the juice like it's koolaid. Thom did you know pickles are good for leg cramps? more than gatorade.
Great blog, and that is too much fun from Thom, and here it comes already: a hijack. Sorry DK! But it's just another of Thom's stories on the giant paper, so no hijack, it's blog-building.
The one that came here has a large drawing of a green pickle on it, and it says:
"Today is Friday. It is rainy. I like to read. I like pickles. I got a pickle from the frridgerfrator because they taste good. OH NO! I got distracted from my pickle ... Did I eat the whole pickle? I hope I did not loose 1/2 my pickle in the couch. ANTS SUCK! Bye!"
A big thank-you for the laughs, Thom, and the blog, Diane. Dare we hope there are more out there? I have a feeling this cute kid is prolific.
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