GREAT Mail Art Day...good companions together in my mailbox: Erni, Buz, Skodd,Val, Nico,Theo + more

From Hamburg and the Haptic Werewolf came an elegant CHING collage! Thank you, Erni!

Buz Burr in Arizona sent a self-portrait in the photo booth at Amsterdam Central! Great art!

And long-tiime-no-hear-from Wolfgang Skodd, the Banana Man, a peaceful greeting.Thanks!

The Haptic Werewolf helped bring in the Queen from Val! Who sent a Tribal Night to remember!Nico Van Hoorn sent a recycled 1983 vintage ERT (Greek TV) it! Almost 30 years ago...

It tells the tale of getting good reception on Greek  State TV channel!

And then there is this beautiful "green" and peaceful card from Theo Nelson...many thanks!

There was more mail art...much more. Must make another blog ;-0

Thank you, one and all! There were actually 16 mail art pieces delivered today!

Views: 29

Tags: BuzBurr, Erni, Katerina, NicoVanHoorn, TheoNelson


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