Born, lives and works in island Evia, Greece. Studied painting in the Academies of Fine Arts of Rome and Venice. Continued the study in the High Level School of Art Restoration ‘’Opificio delle Pietre Dure’’ of Florence.
She is member of the Greek Chamber of Visual Arts, Scientific Union of Education of Adults Greece, International Association ''Call for Art ''(CFA) Italy. Union of Artists NAUTE Greece-France, and the Union of Mail Artists IUOMA.
With the painting creates channels of intellectual communication, approach and induction in the knowledge of contemporary European culture, thing that is impressed in her artistic work with a particularly way.
''… Footprints of mythic places, sprayed spirals of sky and sea, sensitive forms washed into an internal light, expressions of fantastic landscapes without natural borders. The chromatic mythologies of Evmorfia, are a contemporary painting of collective memory, that is produced by the maturation of a creative project and by the notification of her special identity, as Greek and European artist… '', it writes prof. Nunzio Solendo of Academy of Fine Arts Rome, from the catalogue of the exhibition ‘' With the winds of Myth'', Offenbach 2005.
2009 7 Art Symposium, International Festival of Plastic Arts Monastir. Union of Artists ABAM.
Art Director : Mohamed Mohsen Guettari. TUNISIA.
2009 5th Art Symposium, International Festival of Art and Science, Art Zervas, University Patras.
Art Director : Panagiotis M. Zervas.GREECE
2009 1st International Art Environmental Symposium, “ Zone Zero, Gallikos River ''. Athletic Centre
Atermon, Kilkis. Art Director: Georgia Grigoriadou.GREECE
2007 1st Laboratory of Art in the nature, Land Art. “Art Evia Center”. Art Director: Evmorfia Ghika
Rachouti. River Kireas, Evia, GREECE.
2006 3rd International Symposium of Painting. Zervas Art Gallery. Art Director: Panagiotis M Zervas.
2004 2nd International Symposium of Painting,” Olympic Games 2004 '', Zervas Art Gallery.
Art Director: Panagiotis M Zervas. Patras GREECE.
2004 5th International Workshop of Painting. Centre of Contemporary Art ” Omma''. Art Director:
Despina Giannopoulou Tunberg. Chania Crete, GREECE.
2009 Rome. ‘'Art' Ambiente'', MoTechEco 2009. Palazzo dei Congressi EUR. Union Artists ‘'Arte
Continua‘' Curator : Ania Swoboda. ITALY.
2009 Porto Recanati. ‘'Feast of colour'' International Festival. Cultural Association ‘'Piu voci nel'
coro''. Costello Svevo. ITALY.
2008 Macerata . “The woman of the 3rd millennium”. Italian Feminine Center CIF.Artistic direction:
Prof. Silvio Craia, Prof. Carlo Iacomucci. Presentation: Anna Boschi. ΙTALY.
2008 Krosno. 5th Biennale Linen Cloth 2008, Museum Rzemiosla w Krosnie. Art Director:
Ewa Mankowska. POLAND.
2008 Bergamo - Osio Sotto. 5th Biennale 2008, “Racconti d' Arte – Racconti d'Ambiente ",
Committee of Ecology, Municipality Osio Sotto, Lombardy. Art Director: Pierangelo
Giavazzi. ITALY.
2007 Thessalonica. “” Let's talk about I migration '. Greek National Committee UNESCO, UNRIC,
Art Zervas, Municipality of Thessalonica. Municipal Art gallery Thessalonica Casa
Bianca.Curator: Thalia Maria Alexaki. GREECE.
2007 Catania. “ Quaranta 50x50''. Istituto Europeo Promozione Arte Contemporanea Editore.
Art Director: Virgilio Anastasi. ITALY.
2006 Patras. “Let’s talk about migration”. Art Zervas Gallery, Group UNESCO Achaia, Municipality
Patras,UNRIC Greece. Veso Mare Patras.Art Director:Panogiotis Zervas. GREECE.
2006 Patras. “The error that we did not dare”. Zervas Art Gallery, Municipality Patras. Veso Mare.
Art Director: Panagiotis M Zervas. GREECE.
2005 Frankfurt. “From Athens in Turin - Olympische Kunst” Nationales Olympisches Komitee fur
Deutschland, Deutsches Olympisches Institut, Greek Consulate of Frankfurt, Greek
Touristic Organization, Kulturforum Kinisis, DSB Galerie. Curator: Konstantinos
Bouras. GERMANY.
2005 Thessalonica. ” Olympism and Olympic games]''. Vafopouleio Cultural Centre, GREECE.
2004 Chania. 5th International exhibition of Painting. Omma Gallery. Crete. Art Director:
Despina Giannopoulou Tunberg. GREECE.
2004 Patras.” Olympism and Olympic games'' Zervas Art Gallery, Municipality Patras. Art Director:
Panagiotis M Zervas. GREECE.
2004 Serres. “Healthy mind in healthy body”, Municipality Serres. Curator: Aphrodite Karamanlis.
2004 Mitilini, Chamber of Mitilini, Prefecture Lesvos. Curator: Aphrodite Karamanlis. GREECE.
2003 Lamia. Municipal Art gallery Lamia ” Alekos Kontopoulos''. Curator: Aphrodite Karamanlis.
2002 Thessalonica. Centre of Culture Stavroupolis. Municipality of Stavroupolis. Curator:
Aphrodite Karamanlis. GREECE.
2009 Baia Mare. 3rd International Painting Salon, `'Carbunari 2009 ' 'Museum Florean. Curator :
Mircea Bochis. ROMANIA.
2005 Kronberg. “The Myth of Aegean”. Galerieraum der Kronberger. Curator: Dr. Heide Margaret
Esen Baur. GERMANY.
2005 Offenbach. “With the feather of myth”, Greek Consulate Frankfurt - Ministry of Tourism Growth
Greece, Greek Touristic Organization Frankfurt, Greek Communities Maintal, New
Isenburg, Municipality Offenbach – ForumKultur, “ Art Evia Center”. Stadtbibliothe
Offenbach. Curator: Konstantinos Bouras. GERMANY.
2009 Athens. Pan- Hellenic Art exhibition. Hellenic Chamber of Visual Arts EETE. Cultural Center
Technopolis. GREECE.
2008 Ermoupolis Syros. ” Sailing of art in the Aegean', Ermoupoleia 2008. “Art Evia Center”,
Municipality Ermoupolis.Curator: Evmorfia Ghika Rachouti. GREECE.
2007 Psachna. ” Say it with works'' exhibition of photograph Land Art. “Art Evia Center”,
Municipality Messapia. Curator: Evmorfia Ghika Rachouti. GREECE.
2002 Skyros ” Contemporary Visual Creation'' Festival Skyros 2002. Group Art '90, Prefectura
Eubea, Municipality Skyros, “Art Evia Center” . Museum Faltaits. Curator: Evmorfia
Ghika Rachouti. GREECE.
2001 Alexandroupolis ” the century that leaves and the centuries thatcomes]''. National exhibition
of painting. Municipality Alexandroupoli. Cultural Center of Alexandroupolis, GREECE.
2000 Chalkis. ” Immortal water'' European days of cultural heritage 2000. Group of Art `90,
Archaeological Museum Chalkis, “Art Evia Center”. Ministry of Culture Greece.
Stately Library of Chalkis. Curator: Evmorfia Ghika Rachouti. GREECE.
2007 Organisation and development of seminar titled `'Naked and artistic anatomy'' in the frames
of education of adults in the “Art Evia Center”. Chalkis.
1995 Organisation and development of seminar titled `'Creativity and Intellectual development'' in
the frames of artistic education Nursery teacher and Schoolteachers, in the “Art Evia
Center”. Chalkis.
1991 Organisation and development of seminar titled `'I draw human body'' in the frames of artistic
education of adults, in the “Art Evia Center”. Chalkis.
1989 Founded and directs the Arts laboratory of free studies“ Art Evia Center'' in Chalkis Evia.
1980 - 89. Teacher of artistic courses of Secondary Education.
1990 -09 Founded the Association ” Group of Art 90” and the cultural magazine ” 90+” in Chalkis.
Organizes and takes care of art exhibitions and cultural events.
Develops artistic collaborations with cultural institutions, educational institutions and artistic
organisms, inside and except Greece.
“ Art' Ambiente''. Exhibition Catalogue. MoTechEco 2009.
“ The woman of the 3rd millennium”.Exhibition Catalogue. Ιtalian Feminine Center CIF.Italy
“ 5th Biennale Linen Cloth ”, Exhibition Catalogue. Museum Rzemiosla Crosno 2008
“ Say it with work s”, Exhibition Catalogue. Printed by the “Art Evia Center”, 2007
“ Quaranta 50x50 ”, Exhibition Catalogue. Istituto Europeo Promozione Arte Contemporanea
Editore, 2007
“ Let's talk about migration ”, Exhibition Catalogue. Printed by the Thessaloniki Municipal
Art Gallery, 2007
“ From Athens in Turin - Olympische Kunst ”,Exhibition Catalogue. Printed by the Greek
Tourism Organization in Frankfurt, 2006
“ With the feathers of myth “,Exhibition Catalogue. Printed by the Greek Tourism Organization
in Frankfurt, 2005
“ The myth of Aegean ”,Exhibition Catalogue. Printed by the “Art Evia Center”. Chalkis 2005
“ Healthy mind in healthy body ”, Exhibition Catalogue. Printed by the Municipality of
Stavroupolis 2003
“ Contemporary Visual Creation ”,Exhibition Catalogue. Festival Skyros. Printed by the
Prefectura Eubea, 2002
“ Immortal water ”, Exhibition Catalogue. Printed by the Prefectura Eubea, 2000
“ Lexical Greek Artists ”, Melissa Editore. Athens 1999
Makariou 1, Chalkis 34100
E-mail artevia.rachoutis@yahoo.gr
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