Rocket project call hi mail artists…this is a call to send letters or mail art on the theme of what you would say to whomever might find your letter/art work after is has been shot into space by a rocket….although your letter/artwork won't go into deep space it will be a working rocket, be launched and fly pretty high into the atmosphere before coming back down to earth..your artwork/letter will be part of a collaborative project between Masters Fine Art students, myself and other fellow students at RMIT Melbourne and engineering students who are working on this project together. The work from whoa to go will be documented by video/catalogue and an exhibition so your work will eventually go on show with the rockets at an RMIT gallery space…you can be really creative about who you address your work to…. aliens,god,the unknown, departed loved ones,or any special feelings you have about the universe…your work would need to get here to Australia by the 1st SEPTEMBER 2014. I know this is a very short deadline but we have only just been partnered with our rocket maker and need to have the Rocket ready for Blast off by 4th September 2014.  PLease send me a message if you think you may want to participate so I know to expect your work.(or have any questions). The work should be sent to……...   

                                                                    ROCKET PROJECT

                                                                     C/-jude worters

                                                                      #8-76 The Grove

                                                                      COBURG 3058

                                                                      VICTORIA AUSTRALIA.

Views: 116


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Comment by jude worters on August 9, 2014 at 8:57am

deadline extended to 10th September…still time to send something…..

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on July 29, 2014 at 11:28am

Off to space! Something in the mail tomorrow , July30, for you...

it takes many days to get to on the look out for it!

Comment by Keith S. Chambers on July 29, 2014 at 4:48am

Fantastic! I'll be getting something off to you by the end of the week.

Comment by Carmela Rizzuto on July 28, 2014 at 8:13pm


Mail art for your Rocket Project blasting off to you today.

Comment by Mim Golub Scalin on July 28, 2014 at 3:19pm
Popping something in the mail to you today. It's very space related and vintage. Hope it get to you in time. Let me know!


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