And a SPLASH of ORANGE from Keith along with his poetry

Included with Keith's poetry, was this small but super splash-of-color card:

Textured and glowing!

'just had to have a blog of its own

wonderful mail art!

Many thanks, Keith, for all you send!


Views: 70

Tags: Katerina, KeithChambers, ORANGE


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Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on October 20, 2014 at 9:41pm

That is a rusty-rusty topping on Edmund's head!

Edmund Gr is jealous!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on October 20, 2014 at 9:38pm

Recycle, reuse...ORANGE? Good idea, Keith. Thank you muchly 

and I shall perhaps make it into several pieces for use on collage cards!

Comment by Keith S. Chambers on October 20, 2014 at 7:19am

A rusty cap for Edmund? Very stylish, but I don't think it will keep the rain off the skull.

Although, nice display with the piece of metal mirroring the flying carpet's form and the rust cap being follow-up in the back-side rust pillar [in the Monument of Erni].

So, if I send you more poems, will they too be deposited as offerings in the monument?

Comment by Keith S. Chambers on October 20, 2014 at 6:29am

Too funny Erni . . . I find it amuzing that your structure, entitled Monument of Erni, contains offerings de moi.

As a friend once taught me, "Work it like you own it." But then, you do own it so, Work it.

by the way, I have a weakness for rust . . . entropy fascinates me.

Comment by Keith S. Chambers on October 19, 2014 at 8:23pm

I have been making these little cards for quite some time now . . . some on larger sheets of paper. They don't always come out to my liking, but they are simply color [and texture] studies, so I should always expect failure. Now and then I do add them in as inclusions in my own work and in mail art "packets" for folks in my network. I love to see the recipients of these use them in their own pieces — of which I have been shown two such pieces just recently. Onward . . .


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