THIS IS IT, this is the Mail Art I have been waiting for.  I have a good feeling that it is going to change my life.  You just know that luck is on your side when the stamps weren't cancelled.WOW, YES !  I quickly went on-line and booked a one way flight to Seattle.  It's somewhere over on the left-hand side of the United States.  I'm ready to leave this Paris life of luxury and frills to live in Seattle, Oregon with the one Hoo loves me.  Even if she looks like the image above.  It's Love that counts.This is a lovely and cute card.  But wait, other Mail Artist are blogging & thanking Brooke for their Valentines cards.  You mean I wasn't the only one?  Oh dear, how could I be so silly.  I hope I can get a refund on that plane ticket.Thank you Brooke.  Your card really made my day & it's always good to dream.

PS: But just in case, February 29th is coming soon.

Leap Day, on February 29, has been a day of traditions, folklore and superstitions ever since Leap Years were first introduced by Julius Caesar over 2000 years ago.

Women Propose to Their Men

According to an old Irish legend, or possibly history, St Brigid struck a deal with St Patrick to allow women to propose to men – and not just the other way around – every four years.

This is believed to have been introduced to balance the traditional roles of men and women in a similar way to how leap day balances the calendar.

Gloves Hide Naked Ring Finger

In some places, leap day has been known as “Bachelors’ Day” for the same reason. A man was expected to pay a penalty, such as a gown or money, if he refused a marriage proposal from a woman on Leap Day.

In many European countries, especially in the upper classes of society, tradition dictates that any man who refuses a woman's proposal on February 29 has to buy her 12 pairs of gloves. The intention is that the woman can wear the gloves to hide the embarrassment of not having an engagement ring. During the middle ages there were laws governing this tradition.

If you are still reading to the very end, then click on the favourite button.  You may win a prize.

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Tags: Brooke


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Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on February 29, 2016 at 8:49am

So today is the big day for Brooke to finally propose.  I surely hope that we will all invited to the wedding! 

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on February 29, 2016 at 8:48am

The prize is ... I better be careful.  I'm still thinking about it.

Comment by vizma bruns on February 28, 2016 at 11:20am

Brooke even remembered MEEEE!!!! Thanks Brooke!! It was a good reminder that I need to send you some mail! Now, Dean....what are the prizes on offer, and can we choose?

Comment by Brooke Cooks on February 26, 2016 at 6:09pm

Katerina is right.  I think after 20 years together, two kids, a house and all the other trappings that connect two people in a relationship, it would sound weird to still be calling him "my boyfriend".  I usually just call him my husband to make it easier.  I do want that ring though...

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on February 26, 2016 at 2:19pm

SO = Significant Other

So understand you, InSeine, the USA is not as it was when we left it.

Back in a 2003 visit to Chicago, friends were using this "label" and I

had no idea what it had to be explain to this "foreigner" :-0

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on February 26, 2016 at 7:13am

Hi Brooke, Yes I know where Seattle is, just making a funny point and checking if anyone noticed.  However I don't know what a "SO" is unless you made a mistake and for got the "B". (I don't think this is nice though.)

   20 years and still no ring.  It's time to step up to the plate.  Like that country song; "It could've have been me."

I don't like country songs; The last time I sang one, my wife ran away, my dog died, and my pickup truck got towed away.  Long live Rock n' Roll !

Comment by Brooke Cooks on February 25, 2016 at 5:32pm

Thanks Dean, your blog made me laugh out loud.  The dogs ears perked up since no one is home but me.  I do have a small correction to make.  Seattle is in Washington state - not Oregon.  But I'm sure you knew that, you were just making sure I was reading the whole blog....

Good to know about February 29th too.  I'll have to be sure to scare my SO of 20 years.  No ring on my finger!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on February 25, 2016 at 10:27am



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