Hilary Konrad's Blog (24)

ADD & PASS: Anyone? Anyone?

I'm  very new at this-this is to say (and this is probably obvious) that I've just today received and am working on my first group of add-and-pass projects. Any of my IUOMA friends out there into this? I will not just throw a bunch of stuff at you, I promise. I'm just a little lost as to who to send these to, they're not yet complete even with my work added, so I'm assuming I send them to someone new before it goes home to the originator? Help me out, thanks!!!

YOURS: Hilary.

Added by Hilary Konrad on January 30, 2021 at 9:19am — 2 Comments

Thank You, Eduardo Cardoso!


Added by Hilary Konrad on December 29, 2020 at 9:48am — 1 Comment

Thank You, Katerina Nikoltsou!


Added by Hilary Konrad on December 29, 2020 at 9:45am — 2 Comments


hello all:

a while back I embarassingly but necessarily put it out there that I am totally a newbie and unaware of what all the cool kids are/have been for some time now up to, creating with, etc-and that is TRASHPO. But so now that I'm finally starting to dream about it, collecting constantly, clipping, gluing, etc etc etc-MY MOTHER KEEPS THROWING MY ART, CLIPPINGS AND PRECIOUS BITS AND PARTS IN THE TRASH! Anyone else have this problem? She's the type of mother who fills your cup…


Added by Hilary Konrad on December 3, 2020 at 6:41am — 22 Comments

Thank you once again Carl for the wonderful 'Zine, xeroxes, ART!

I love this guy's stuff and way of thinking, what can I say? He sent me some stuff, I sent him some back and here today I get in the mail a full size 'zine made up of more of his great stuff, plus a lovely postcard and a kind and friendly note. How does he do it so expediently and yet not miss a beat quality wise? I can only hope to measure up one a these stinkin' days it takes me forever to achieve a fraction of his precision...! Thanks again Carl, right back at you in good time...H.…


Added by Hilary Konrad on October 30, 2020 at 8:49am — 2 Comments

Thank You Thea for the killer collage postcard!

Another random mailing? Have I been touched by something? Thank you so much, Thea, for the collage postcard, I received it some time ago but as I've mentioned have been a bit backed up. Love those rounded corners, btw!!! I'm a sucker for that stuff the details shapes forms etc. but also I like how the card you made was so large and sturdy, gave me ideas I should quit it with the xerox paper and bulk up! Carboard rules, you know? Thanks again, I'll be in touch!…


Added by Hilary Konrad on October 30, 2020 at 8:26am — No Comments

Thank You Alan for Another Fabulous MA Packet Fashioned By Ye Olde Type

Not only did I enjoy the mail art but I love the banter. It's fun to exchange when you're doing it with someone with such a keen eye for the utterly laid back no frills sense of humor sort of candor, I love the work done so meticulously with the old machinery, you've got something cool going here I believe you once referred to it as the Hedgehog Press? Keep it up and keep it coming and thanks again, Alan!…


Added by Hilary Konrad on October 30, 2020 at 8:22am — No Comments

Thank You Carmela For The Lovely Painted Postcard Palette!

Again, this one I received some time ago but it's taken time to catch up...BIG THANKS to Carmela Rizzuto for another subtle display of an incredible grasp she has on color with a quality of airiness I just adore! Making piles for you as we speak, thanks!…


Added by Hilary Konrad on October 30, 2020 at 8:14am — 2 Comments

Thank You, Heide (Belatedly!) For The Awesome 'Zine-Letter & Postcard!

I received this packet of MA quite a while ago but it hasn't left my mind and was quite possibly the most friendly piece of art I've gotten since joining IUOMA, thanks Heide! I love the little 'zine especially, kind of a hybrid letter-'zine-intro to who you are and what you're about, love it! I've got stuff in the works as always but I'm slow, I'm slow, forgive me! …


Added by Hilary Konrad on October 30, 2020 at 8:11am — No Comments

Finally completed your MA package & sent it off today. Loving all your newest blog posts! Keep it up...

Hi Carl:

I believe I referred in my last (epic) comment to you to a "pile" I was making in your name??? Well: it lives! 

I sent it out to you this afternoon. Hope it finds you well and intact (the mail-though I hope you, too, remian intact all the while!) I checked out one of your links you posted recently, an article on hypoallergenic. Cut thru a bit of the fuzziness in totally comprehending the whole asemic nonlanguage. Still enjoying your posts of your stuff-your page I must…


Added by Hilary Konrad on October 5, 2020 at 4:46am — No Comments

INCOMING FROM HOUSTON!!! (I am LOVING this little 'zine-letter and all of the watercolor illustration in it!)

Can anyone help me out here on decyphering what this artist's name is? No bother-I'm still all about (first of all) raving on and on in this post about how wonderful an experience flipping through this little MA booklet was for me upon recieving it today! Second most wonderful part of the package was the great postcard & envelope, both of which were totally Trash Po (my first time I think accurately applying this new to me MA terminology!) aka collaged up and down with media like…


Added by Hilary Konrad on October 5, 2020 at 12:08am — 3 Comments

Art from Olena Today...THANKS! Love it XXX

xxx love those X marks on the front! And the color pops! Thank you, Olena, I'll have something in the mail from you soon...in the meantime, what are u into these days??? I just went thru a phase making mail art related games and puzzles! Not sure where that's going but hey it was fun and out the door it goes! Sincerely: Hilary

Added by Hilary Konrad on October 2, 2020 at 1:44am — 2 Comments

Today I received a random & gorgeous postcard from PaganFrog...

I love this. Random! Makes me feel all magical and t goes without saying it feels a bit like christmas morning which is definitely a good thing. I love the rubberstamping in the corner and the color is pitch perfect with the reds oranges golds against the turquoise accents (sorry I'm a recovering painter)-I also love the collage of different postage stamps on the back. Thanks so much, I will get to work on a pile for you I just have to find the perfect parts...Sincerely Yours: Hilary…


Added by Hilary Konrad on September 26, 2020 at 6:47am — 5 Comments

Recieved 2 x packets from Richard Canard this past week and he's got all my interests piqued-BRAVO!

Let's begin with the postcard: can this guy read my thoughs or something, cuz each new mailing I recieve from him he's thrown in yet ANOTHER thing that is just TOTALLY right up my alley; most recently, it was this postcard. The postcard is dated 1975 and is a circulated exhibition announcement/invite card which took place at East Tennessee State University back then in fluxus heyday, back when Ray was still doin' his thing and Ono and Cage were making weird music book and performance art.…


Added by Hilary Konrad on September 15, 2020 at 10:42am — 2 Comments

Once Again I Have Been Visited By Mail Art By Richard!

A beautifully decorated envelope came and in it? A handful of small clippings with close attention paid to every last little detail-specimen A: a hand calligraphied assortment, including an old tock label with my name (SPELLED CORRECTLY!) on it, a personal note to me that actually did get me thru another day of COVID, all bits and pieces, all cherished and now perma-installments into my IUOMA wall of fame...(P.S. and hey everybody, guess what I did to recieve such tender mail art? Zip.…


Added by Hilary Konrad on September 3, 2020 at 2:27am — 9 Comments


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