I received this last week from Dean as part of his "Mail Art On The Road" adventure. Dean rode his bicycle from Paris to London for the Jubilee. Joined in a Mail Art Meet Up in London. Hung out with Mail Art Martha and …
ContinueAdded by Louise Kiner on June 28, 2012 at 3:31pm — 6 Comments
A few weeks ago, I made a comment that if there was a television program made of my life, it would probably be called "Hipster Mom Stuck In The Suburbs And Constantly Waiting For Her Son's Bus". Truth is usually stranger then fiction. Anyway, dear Angie (and Snooky) sent me these two lovely cards. The first is a a very Steampunk Snooky helping me wait for my own bus…
ContinueAdded by Louise Kiner on March 5, 2012 at 11:27pm — 17 Comments
From By Golly Engineering comes the "Steam Machine", a vehicle after my own heart! Drive one of these and nobody will ever steal your parking spot ever again. Looking forward to seeing more of your "Steamy" creations, Deb!
Added by Louise Kiner on March 5, 2012 at 11:16pm — 11 Comments
This is some kind of wonderful piece, because it's done on a film-type material. It looks different every time I look at it from all angles; back and front, held up to the light, etc. which is why I'm posting 3 different photos of it. In fact, this is so lovely that the photographs cannot really do it justice. Really "Gotij", Cheryl! Thank you.…
Added by Louise Kiner on March 5, 2012 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments
...Up, up and away!
I received this a few days ago from Dean Marks and he has truly outdone himself this time. Part Jules Vern, part Terry Gilliam, with a bit of kitsch thrown in for good measure, it is a stroke of mail art genius. Words cannot describe it, so I shall let the photos speak for themselves:
Needless to say, "Captain Balloon Glasses" now holds a place…
Added by Louise Kiner on February 24, 2012 at 1:56am — 3 Comments
I know I already posted this on my own blog (My iPod is My Sketchbook), but I really thought this was too good now to share. So, I give you the Fantastical Envelope from Debbie Clandening by Golly!
Added by Louise Kiner on February 21, 2012 at 3:30pm — No Comments
Zombie Kitty Kawaii! and I received this loving Valentine from one of ZKK's travel hosts, the lovely Katerina. Anyway, I just wanted to share is with you all:
Added by Louise Kiner on February 17, 2012 at 7:03pm — 3 Comments
I received this very scary Zombie Kitty from Sabela Baña today. She is so scary, I needed to share her with everyone:
Added by Louise Kiner on February 14, 2012 at 1:35am — 1 Comment
I just received this fab postcard of Zombie Kitty Kawaii! enjoying herself at the home of Angie and Snooky.
Thanks again, Angie for taking part in my first project ;-)
ContinueAdded by Louise Kiner on December 7, 2011 at 8:55pm — 3 Comments
Last weekend, I participated in The Life Long Burning Question Project in Toronto as part of Nuit Blanche. It was a mail project run by the Toronto School of Art. The idea was to send out as many postcards randomly to as many people as possible and they would return them with their Life Long Burning Question. The postcards were then hung up in a gallery space which allowed the public to read the questions and answer them. The postcards would then be sent back to the participants after Nuit…
ContinueAdded by Louise Kiner on October 8, 2011 at 8:50pm — 5 Comments
Added by Louise Kiner on February 11, 2011 at 11:10pm — No Comments
I got this lovely late yesterday afternoon:
I love the "Manga" collaged into it and I love the dreamy quality of this work ( Did I happen to mention
that I'm a real sucker for Shojo (girls) Manga, too?).
Thank you, Lisa.
I must now go and dig out my old copies of "Shojo Beat" to re-read them;O)…
ContinueAdded by Louise Kiner on February 4, 2011 at 10:55pm — No Comments
Let me start off by telling you all that today is a snow day in Toronto. Not quite the "snowmaggedon" that was threatening, but enough to shut down the schools (a first in 12 years). But, does this stop my postal delivery person from bringing me something fab? It certainly does not!
"One paperdoll #12" certainly brought warmth and a smile. I especially loved the vintage feel of it. Most excellent!
(and the cut up lyrics to Prince's "Poplife" were a fun to figure…
ContinueAdded by Louise Kiner on February 2, 2011 at 11:44pm — No Comments
I had meant to blog this yesterday, but sometimes life just gets in the way, right?
I received this lovely ATC from Lin Collette. This is the first artist card I have ever received and, frankly, I have to say I'm falling in love with the idea of artworks that are small and delicate. Thank you so much for your mail, Lin!
Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
ContinueAdded by Louise Kiner on January 23, 2011 at 4:56pm — No Comments
...especially when I figure it out. Eventually.
I found this exquisite postcard with my mail today.
Thank you "man of mystery"!…
ContinueAdded by Louise Kiner on January 18, 2011 at 11:33pm — 2 Comments
I just received this in this afternoon's mail from Michalis Kotsaris
It's a monotype print and it's so lovely that I can't stop looking at it! …
Added by Louise Kiner on January 17, 2011 at 11:13pm — 4 Comments
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