All Blog Posts Tagged 'Nikoultsou' (16)

Katerina Nikoltsou & ViZma Bruns pair up and the country goes bankrupted

You saw the photos, you read the blogs, but now the Mail Art is the real proof that Katerina & ViZma met up in Greece.  And the mixing was carefully controlled.   Katerina on the front and ViZma on the back, but then again it depends which side you pick up first.

Includes airline baggage tags, food ads and the receipt for a new swimming suit.  LOOK OUT…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on August 14, 2012 at 10:30am — 5 Comments

Katerina Nikoultsou: They don't all come at once

I can't say that they came all at once, but when it rains, it pours fantastic Katerina's mail art.  This is my recent collection, which despite the bar code, I might add is not for sale.

MNOPQRS goes without saying.  A bit like the Zalops and other funny words which comes on Mail Art.  But this one includes a bar code

Cake it easy and watch your dough…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on July 12, 2012 at 4:43pm — 5 Comments

Money, a small kite and Blue for you from Katerina Nikoultsou

    Wamm a Bambam, 5 big ones from Katerina.  I tried to deposit it, but it didn't work.

k    But the "Blue For You" did work for me.  Those Van Gogh swirrels do it to me every time

    But wait, barcodes to boot.  Thank you Katerina…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 24, 2012 at 9:44am — 4 Comments

Red UFO from Katerina Nikoultsou

Lovely painting with a red UFO.  Aren't all UFOs red?  Thank you Katerina

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 21, 2012 at 6:03pm — 16 Comments

It's raining Kats & Dogs , or never two without three from Katerina Nikoultsou

I recieved not one but two from Katerina today.  The lady on a roll.  Watch out for these.

It looks like butter but it's not butter. In the same way that it looks like an envelope, but it isn't.

The non-envelope envelope & the…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on April 26, 2012 at 6:37pm — No Comments

Katerina Nikoultsou : Blue for You (Buy 3M, it's good for your Mail Art)

Ah that Katerina knows where my heart and investments can be found. Clever lady.  Barcodes and 3M.  Funny enough the day I received this from Katerina, the shares for 3M took a dive and dropped to $87.13.  I was ready to jump out a window when suddenly I had an idea.  Luckly I was able to quickly do a Mail Art piece using Post-its, and by the end of the day, the shares were back up to $88.49, a 1.36% increase. 

    The power of Mail Art is amazing, and saved my life.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on April 25, 2012 at 9:43am — 11 Comments

Barcode message from Katerina Nikoultsou

Yes it's the little things we do not see we must help others to see.  (No one famous said that,  I just made it up.)

Only the best bar codes money can buy.  Thank you Katerina

This was sent in an envelope because Katerina was told that otherwise the…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on April 19, 2012 at 4:20pm — 2 Comments

Katerina Nikoultsou's Corn Flower , Greek Spring & Barcodes. (Barcodes where a thank you for the sick bag)

Corn Flower in Greece.  My wife really liked this one.  She said immediately that it looks like corn flower.  I said, “Really, I thought the blue paint tipped over.”  Actually I have no idea what corn flower looks like other that the stuff in a paper bag or jar.  Lucky this one arrived in Paris under knowledgeable eyes.  Besides flowers, my wife also knows about birds and can…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on April 19, 2012 at 1:47pm — 3 Comments

A corner of Greek spring from Katerina Nikoultsou

How lucky to have this view and be able to paint it.  It's just not the same as barcodes is it?  Thank you Katerina

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on April 11, 2012 at 12:30pm — 3 Comments

Beyond n° 1001 from Katerina Nikoultsou , but who's counting?

Katerina Nikoultsou has passed her 1001 pieces of mail art sent.  So we know that there are more than 1001 smiles out there as well.  Lovely green greek Spring.  Thank you Katerina

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on April 11, 2012 at 12:52am — No Comments

Greek Blue News from Katerina Nikoultsou

All news is good news when it comes from Katerina Nikoultsou, and this is no exception.  Very pleasing to look at for hours.  Thank you Katerina.

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on April 11, 2012 at 12:33am — 2 Comments

WOW a Leap year card without an envelope from Katerina Nikoultsou

Yes Yes Yes, Katerina did it, and alas, I failed.  A leap year card post dated the 29th of February 2012.  Spot on Katerina.  Some when wrong with mine and they were all post dated 1 March.  Bravo I say, and I'll have to wait another 4 years before my turn comes around.

A very rare card indeed from Katerina, but I'll be more on the ball the next time around ...…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on March 27, 2012 at 6:01pm — 1 Comment

Four from Katerina Nikoultsou

Faster than a speeding paint, more powerful than bar codes on a card, and able to send Mail Art without an envelope, it's Super Kat ... erina.  I received these little wonders in two seperate envelopes, but they arrived on the same day.  All the elements are here for my enjoyment.  What are the seeds you ask?  Oh those are Bar Code seeds.  They must be planted on the 1st of April and become flowers with stripes.  Thank You Katerina.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on March 27, 2012 at 5:51pm — 1 Comment

Katerina Nikoultsou has done Joni Mitchell proud

Katerina Nikoultsou has gone beyond the blue films on DVD's and returned to the classics.  I like this medium of support for paintings, it's fun and meaning full.  Thank you DJ Katerina!

Fun facts: Joni Mitchell is now 68 years young, and is actually Canadian and not American as I thought.  Great talent comes from places where you have to stay indoors for 9 months of the year.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on February 17, 2012 at 9:14am — 2 Comments

CD Birthday wish from Katerina Nikoultsou

Yes, I put it in my CD player and it started playing the Happy birthday tune, then suddenly the CD started smoking, flames started coming from under the cover and I quickly threw the whole thing in the bath tub where the tune changed to "Smoke on the Water".  Thank you very much Katerina, it was very thoughtful of you to remember.  SO KATERINA's BIRTHDAY is the 7th of February I see?…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on February 1, 2012 at 2:35pm — 2 Comments

Katerina Nikoultsou's (M2 x T3) has transformed ... the tree may still be living!

To continue with the story, I changed my socks, (well actually only one of them) and then took the clamps off the tree.  The tension was so great from the 99 rubber bands that it jumped into the air, did three twists and landed standing straight up.  Amazing!  On closer inspection, the tree took a new form.  Wow, I like it even better than before.  Transforming Mail Art, who would have thought of it other than Katerina Nikoultsou!  Bravo!…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on December 17, 2011 at 5:22pm — 3 Comments

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