Dean aka Artist in Seine's Blog (986)

YO HO Mate! Amy Irwen comes ashore with this delightful Pirates book

Well what a treat of two in one week from Amy.  I will only have time to show you this first imagne as there are acutally 13 pages to scan.  Besides that, one of the words "Rowdy" fell off and I'm not sure where to put it back.  The detail is just out of this world, and I am again overwhelmed.

   I'll be adding to this blog at a later date, but for now, enjoy this little peek.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 25, 2012 at 2:55pm — 6 Comments

Lights camera action from Janine Weiss

A very fun mobile from Janine Weiss which came is a clear bag.  I got my mail at the same time as someone else in the building, and they looked at it with amazement.  "Something I order on e-bay", I said.  "Oh right", they said.

At first I tied to put it in the scanner, but that didn't come out very well.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 24, 2012 at 5:33pm — 10 Comments

Suus in Mokum - Painting from a puzzle

     Val started a puzzle project a few weeks ago, and Suus in Mokum was also one of the choosen ones.  I agreed to string along as I has understood that it was a pretzel project.

     Well it turned out that the puzzle project didn't have anything to do with pretzels or even beer.  But one wonderful thing is that I received this wonderful piece from Suus in Mokum.  It made the whole project worth it.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 24, 2012 at 11:49am — 5 Comments

Amy Irwen or a friends of - Souvenir di Sicilia

Another unknown Mail Artist - Souvenir di Sicilia - From someone from USA who has been too Silly  to Sicily.  Signed, a friend of a friend of a friend.  But I just saw the Morse code, and I think it came from Amy, or one of her friends.

Thank you who ever you are.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 24, 2012 at 10:30am — 6 Comments

Money, a small kite and Blue for you from Katerina Nikoultsou

    Wamm a Bambam, 5 big ones from Katerina.  I tried to deposit it, but it didn't work.

k    But the "Blue For You" did work for me.  Those Van Gogh swirrels do it to me every time

    But wait, barcodes to boot.  Thank you Katerina…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 24, 2012 at 9:44am — 4 Comments

Fruit stickers from Alicia Starr - Fruity or Overwhelming

What a collection of fruit stickers from the Super foods woman herself, Alicia Starr.  Looks simple you say?  Try it, and you'll see for your self.

Well funny enough, I have been working for months on something very simular for Alicia, but she beat me to it.  And mine is much smaller.  Yes, I know that this must of been a long time coming.  Thank you Alicia for…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 24, 2012 at 9:26am — 9 Comments

Marie Wintzer's Leda or The Search for Beauty (2 of 5)

Cheryl Penn has alreeady done a very nice blog about this piece which can be found here:

However, I would like to point out some of the finer details of Marie's work.  In the past few pieces that Marie has sent me,…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 21, 2012 at 6:24pm — 6 Comments

Mouvement à deux têtes from Janine Weiss

As we know, two heads are better than one.  Thank you Janine.

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 21, 2012 at 6:12pm — 3 Comments

Red UFO from Katerina Nikoultsou

Lovely painting with a red UFO.  Aren't all UFOs red?  Thank you Katerina

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 21, 2012 at 6:03pm — 16 Comments

Post-it or no post-its, that is the question from the famous Diane Keys

Another 3M wonderful surprise.

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 21, 2012 at 4:57pm — 2 Comments

A fine line to Finland from Carina Granlund

I received a picture post card of the village of Carina Granlund.  One the back of the picture it reads; "Taken on the 13th of August 1983, the day there was no snow on the ground."  What can I say?  Get me on the next plane for Finland!

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 21, 2012 at 4:31pm — 5 Comments

Hundreds of Bar codes from Angie COPE, but wait, some extras too

At least a hundred of loose barcodes and ad clippings in an envelope from Angie Cope.  Thank you very much.  The best label in this bunch is one that says; "Made in China or the U.S.A."  Does this just mean that they do not know?

   It is not clear to me why Angie sent me all of these barcodes.  Maybe she thinks that France doesn't have barcodes, or my guess is Angie would like another barcode piece from me.  Then again there may be other messages in this gumble ...   the extras ...…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 21, 2012 at 3:00pm — 16 Comments

Some Mail Art can not be seen by photos: Marie Wintzer's squares on a string

Marie in Japan sent me this lovely mail art piece.  It is a series of paper squares on a string with knots  between each square.  I couldn't just show it with one single photo.  So here it is in all its glory.

Also the…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 15, 2012 at 6:09pm — 21 Comments

Roll over Beethoven digging those reds & blues - sent to Diane Keys

I sent this to Diane Keys, and it seems to have arrived.

j Maybe a bit flat on the G string, but it seems to have arrived.

k Great bank that ELO.  It was on the radio when I thought of this piece.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 11, 2012 at 3:01pm — 2 Comments

Vizma Burns: Nutter than most

Card sharper packaging with loose playing card inside.  I count 3 aces by using the joker.  And I'm sure that Vizma wants me to use the joker.  Don't be fooled by this 6 card hand.  These are down under rules, not that Texas Hold stuff.  The squirrel looks worried that I'm going to beat the nuts off him.  Fun piece Vizma, Thank you.

One never knows what's up my sleeve. …


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 6:00pm — 5 Comments

Mike Dickau: More stamps than most

OK these stamps are pro.  Real pro.  I just spoke to Val and he told me about Arty stamps and the people who do them.  I am far from an expert, but most of these could pass for the real Mc Dickau.  I also enjoyed the bar code postcard.  A real treat.

From the April 20, 2012 set of 21 / 24

Designs in connection with postage stamps may be…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 4:39pm — 4 Comments

Erni Bar: The man who cut, no found the rope

Erni the man comes up with a good find.  The Beethoven Marathon is like standing on a tight rope.  Only to know that it may be cut at any time while you are running.  Actually the Beethoven Marathon is 32 Sonatas played back to back.  When you buy the ticket for this concert, the ticket reads; "Bring you own coffee".

A person needs a little…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

Cheryl Penn: As the saying goes; give an old dog a bone and he'll show you new tricks.

Well the real phrase goes something like that.  And here we have it, a bone from Prince of Crance or is it a Dean Marks artifact?

Here we are with the original bone with the original certificate.  I don't know what you might do with this, but I'm keeping it in a save place.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 2:49pm — 7 Comments

Tuna Lunch from Sarah Churchill

In Wales they have tuna lunches everyday, and sewing lessons at the same time.  This piece combines the two and adds a little sea fishing to boat  boot.  Then again a boot in Wales is a trunk unless you wear it on your feet.  Just call Carl at sea fishing trips.  He'll explain everything to you.    Thank you Sarah, great fun.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 2:04pm — No Comments

From Dame Mailarta & Snappy but just from two different days

I received two pieces last week from Dame Mailarta & Snappy.  Same person, but just from two different days.  I sent Dame Mailarta a self portrait and was thrilled to be found on the same page as Ricky Gervais & Doris Day.  However what was really rewarding was to be on the same page as Phyllis Diller.  Now an outragious 94 year old that made me laugh as a child with her one liner and crazy laugh.  This is a dream come true.  Thank you Dame Mailarta…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 1:00pm — 4 Comments

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