Dean aka Artist in Seine's Blog – October 2012 Archive (17)

Erni Bar has his eyes on me, watching my every click.

Oh here is a good one.  The Mad Hatter's Mouse Mat.  This came in the post as is and without an envelope to open.  Now this mouse mat has seen some serious mouse action in its' day.

And more action to come.

Thank you Erni, the mouse…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 31, 2012 at 8:12am — 1 Comment

Jon Foster: The 6800 miles story

What a story.  Who has the film rights?  I can see Brad Pitt in the lead role of Jon W Foster.  We just need to figure out what the "W" stands for.

Thank you very much Jon, I'm still crying with laughter.  Move over Bill Bryson!

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 25, 2012 at 6:57pm — 2 Comments

Eric Bruth : Calling Card - Is this class or what?

I sent Eric one of my barcode cards (what else) and he return his calling card with his website... inside a decorated envelope which matches the stamp.  Now this is class!

Thank you Eric, I got an idea.  Ribbit Ribbit (That's "croa croa" in French)

Yes animals have different sounds in each language:…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 25, 2012 at 6:42pm — No Comments

Ana Kawajira: Space Invader arrives in Paris - We'll actually it never left

Ana (Paris 12eme) sent me this Space Invader which is cut out of a paper sheet.  A new trend?  In Paris we see these Space Invaders in office windows made out of post-its.  Many companies have "asked" employees to remove them from their windows as it did not give a good image of the company.  Hence the phrase; Those who live by the post-its, die by the post-its.   Post-its is a trade mark of 3M.  Whose share price today on the NASDAQ is $88.39 but is likely to hit over $96.00 by the end of…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 25, 2012 at 10:19am — 2 Comments

Erni Bar : Say Cheese Katerina Nikoltsou : Say Chocolate

Just as Katerina was going out the door, the cheese arrived.  What great timing Erni.  Kräuter vs Sahne, who will win?

  We Katerina enjoyed the Chocolate the night before.



Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 18, 2012 at 5:41pm — 3 Comments

Ana Kawajira: The Industrial Darkness Series

Another piece from Ana Kawajira which sets the wheel turning in my head. 

On the back is reads: The Industrial Darkness Series; "We can not see in the dark, because it is dark."  I'm inspired by the text and the use of these tops of milk/juice cartons which open.  What a great idea.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 16, 2012 at 12:40pm — 5 Comments

PC (TicTac) : Octopus stamps & Pet poem "U" fish

WOW Original Octopus Banana stamps from the Quindi Islands.  My travel agent is still trying to find me flights to there.  It seems they do not have an airport, train station, or even a bus stop.

Thank you PC (TicTac), U fish me a good one…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 16, 2012 at 12:20pm — 6 Comments

From "E" : "E" is not Dead and the Ambassade d'Utopia is back in operation

So "E" is back and in good form.  Happy to see your work again.

Thank you "E" and many more returns.

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 16, 2012 at 11:47am — 2 Comments

Katerina Nikoltsou soon in Paris - A Big Welcome

Boarding the plane at this very moment, but will it take off?

Katerina, Thank you for the Mail Art and the warning.  I'll be hiding under my bed if anyone else is looking for me.

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 14, 2012 at 10:48am — 19 Comments

Amy Irwen: Floating Fiber - Do you have it in your daily diet?

Amy sets out a very deep concept.  Floating fibers.  You never see them mention on cereal boxes, but they do exist.

    Sorry I got carried away there ... Deep concept, yes you can just see yourself falling into these fluffy pieces of fibers and colours.  I'm sure you will agree.  Lovely indeed.

Thank you Amy.  I am always amazed of what you can do…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 10, 2012 at 9:37am — 1 Comment

Marie Wintzer: Musical Tinkle, a boekie with a twist and text by Bifidus Jones

So Bifidus Jones won the word project and features on Marie's boekie.  If I only would have known that, I would have returned mine, and Bifidus would have still won.  The photos in this boekie were inspired by ancient Egyptian mythology about the creation of the earth and sky, according to the Book of the Dead.

Thank you Marie, it's nice to blog you. …


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 10, 2012 at 9:00am — 7 Comments

Janine Weiss: Hopper is coming to town

Ah Janine is up on the life in Paris, and yes we are all excited about the Hopper show in the Grand Palais which I have already booked my ticket ... for the last day!

   And Janine has included all the Hooper Hopper classic details.  Very enjoyable.

They say that this is the first time that "Nighthawks" has been shown in France.  Except for now on Janine's…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 10, 2012 at 8:55am — 2 Comments

Stripygoose Sue : Never say never

Never say never?  Well that's a horse of a different colour!

Thank you Sue.  I'm sure it will happen one day.

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 9, 2012 at 9:26am — 6 Comments

Louise Kiner : Italian water cup covers

Now let me get this straight.  Flavored water is sent from Italy to Canada, and then the covers are used in Mail Art and sent to France.  And Canada has refused to import Banana flavored water?  What is this world coming to?

Good thing we have Mail Art to stabilise the economies of the world.  Thank you Louise, your laminator, (make in China?) works very well. …


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 3, 2012 at 10:48am — 2 Comments

From Snappy in Canada : It's time to rethink

You work hard, you play hard.  Hard is the common denominator.

If only they would have taugh us this in Business School, life might have been a little different.

And the answer was always there, I just couldn't see it.…


Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 3, 2012 at 10:24am — No Comments

Mail Art Martha : Mail Art Collioure 2012

Even travelling around the South of France, Martha manages to pull yet another master piece out of the trolley.

Thank you Martha

Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 3, 2012 at 10:08am — 2 Comments

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