Samuel Riera
  • Male
  • Habana
  • Cuba
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MoriceMarcuse left a comment for Samuel Riera
"hello i have a art work for the Rafael trejo Boxing Gym in Avana Cuba can you help me to give to them i will add a art work also for you as well BR Morice marcuse"
Aug 5, 2019

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I am interested in mail-art because it is a very spontaneous kind of art. I created a project named Galeria Postal that has as a main goal, the expansion of an aesthetic and communication attitude through an alternative space: the mail, a mean through which for decades had offered one of the most delicious confrontations regarding art, its value and function.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Galeria Postal
Calle Marta Abreu No. 202
CP: 10600, Habana 6.

Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 10:43am on August 5, 2019, MoriceMarcuse said…

hello i have a art work for the Rafael trejo Boxing Gym in Avana Cuba can you help me to give to them i will add a art work also for you as well


Morice marcuse

At 6:44am on December 2, 2018, Lisa Ricchio said…
Hello! I was wondering if you’d like to swap some artwork with me? If you’re interested, send me your address. Mine is
Lisa Ricchio
15 Northwood rd
Yarmouth, ME 04096
At 6:42am on December 2, 2018, Lisa Ricchio said…
Hello! I was wondering if you’d like to swap some artwork with me? If you’re interested, send me your address. Mine is
Lisa Ricchio
15 Northwood rd
Yarmouth, ME 04096
At 1:57pm on August 28, 2018, Patricio - The Celestial Scribe said…

Terráqueo: aunque este pueda ser el último mensaje de bienvenida a IUOMA que hayas recibido ciertamente no es, ni de lejos será, el menos importante de todos ellos. Soy un artista postal nacido y criado en un lejano rincón del universo que atiende por el nombre de República Celestial de Patland. A seguir encontrarás mi dirección. Guárdala! Nunca se sabe cuándo podremos ser tomados por una necesidad incontrolable de criar y enviarle a alguien nuestra arte postal. Para esos momentos es bueno saber para donde hacerlo.

El Escriba Celestial
Embajada Terrenal
República Celestial de Patland
Caixa Postal 461

Cuando tu arte postal llegue a nuestra Embajada Terrenal en el Planeta Tierra haré la parte que cabe a un Escriba Celestial cuando de retribuir se trata. No tomes esto a la ligera pues se trata, ni más ni menos, que de una promesa celestial. Soy Patricio, Escriba Celestial y Proveedor Oficial de Sobres de la República Celestial de Patland

At 6:38pm on August 27, 2018, Heide Monster said…

welcome, glad you are here



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