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  • Edmonton, AB
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Zombiesnow's Friends

  • Avi Cohen
  • Carol Morris
  • JOB [5Blanks]
  • Annick SB
  • Allan Bealy
  • trick sensei
  • Braulov Sasha
  • Carla Cryptic
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zombiesnow's Page

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love sending mail! Anything that comes to your mail box that is not bills, junk or flyers is always a pleasant treat.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Nat Mozdzen
9215-154 street
Edmonton, AB
T5R 1T4

Comment Wall (4 comments)

You need to be a member of International Union of Mail-Artists to add comments!

Join International Union of Mail-Artists

At 12:18pm on January 27, 2016, Carlos I. Botana said…


Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
Size: Free
Technique: Free
Deadline: August 15, 2016
Exhibition: September, 2016
No sales. No jury. No return
The work is publisehed in the "blog": mailartlasmeninasdecanido.blogspot.com
Send your work to:
Carlos I. Botana
C/. Javier López López
Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
15009 - A Coruña - Spain
At 9:14pm on August 23, 2013, Bruno Cassaglia said…

At 3:27pm on July 31, 2013, Jean-François Aillet said…

Hi, zombiesnow

The artist Jean-Francois Aillet invites you to collect your sample of sand from a moraine, from next to a waterfall or beside a river, along the shore of a lake or a stream, in a desert or on the border of an ocean. One should not, however, send him sand from a construction site. You are asked to document your collection of the material with a photo, taken as you are pouring the sand into a container. For an example, kindly visit his home page at www.aillet.com . English : http://www.aillet.com/traductions/anglais.htm

See you to take part in this international project.

Jean-François Aillet
Sculpteur / Designer
10, Allée des Tilleuls
14860 Amfréville
Normandie / France

At 4:23pm on June 4, 2013, Patricio - The Celestial Scribe said…

Zombiesnow, this is the last but probably not the least welcome message to IUOMA you receive. I’m a celestial mail artist living in a heavenly corner of the faraway universe called Republik van Patland. When you joined IUOMA on May 15 I was unable to say welcome to you.  At the time I was in a celestial journey far beyond the Milky Way. Now, back to planet Earth, I´d love to be the other end when you decide it’s the right time to start trading snail mail art. If this is the case at the time your envelope should read as follows:

The Celestial Scribe

Terrene Embassy

The Celestial Republik van Patland

Caixa Postal 24827




II look forward to see a piece of yours in my terrene mailbox. I will do my homework after receiving yours. This is a celestial promise. I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Envelope Provider.



Want to support the IUOMA with a financial gift via PayPal?

The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-september-2025. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.

This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course










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