A5 painted envelope for Geneviève Chaussé, Canada

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Comment by Geneviève Chaussé on August 31, 2011 at 1:59am
Je dois avouer qu'à ce moment même, ce moment précis, je l'ai trouvé effectivement très sage. Et d'entendre de sa bouche dire: ''j'apprécie beaucoup'', m'a agréablement surprise. Vraiment! Merci beaucoup Guido! : )
Comment by Guido Vermeulen on August 30, 2011 at 9:20pm
Tu as un très sage garçon Geneviève!
Comment by Geneviève Chaussé on August 30, 2011 at 7:09pm

You made me laugh ;D You are so welcome Mister! Really there's no problem at all for the stamps and stickers, those inconvenients are part of the mail-art world, I guess! Là je continue en ''français'' car j'ai vu que vous maîtrisez la langue parfaitement LOL!!! Il vous arrive de bien drôles d'aventures avec la poste? Merci de les partager, c'est toujours agréable à lire. Ça nous arrive tous je crois, à un moment ou un autre! Je dois rajouter que hier, j'ai montré à mon jeune fils (7 ans) une de vos oeuvres sur IUOMA et il a dit: -''Ouahhh! maman, c'est beau ça, j'apprécie beaucoup!'' Alors de lui répondre: -''Je vais en recevoir un de cet artiste par la poste, tu veux que je te le montre (sur l'écran)?'' Il a répondu: -''Non, non, je vais attendre la surprise dans la boîte aux lettres''. Il m'a bien fait sourire. Merci encore Guido. Suis très impatiente de recevoir l'enveloppe peinte par vous. Bonne fin de soirée. Au plaisir. Geneviève : ) 

Comment by Guido Vermeulen on August 28, 2011 at 3:50pm

Thank you Geneviève. Parts of the panting will be covered by postal stamps and a prior sticker but I scanned the image before adding stamps and sticker, so you have an idea of the "hidden" parts as well.

More and more I prefer to use one side of the envelope as painting and the backside for the addresses but the post office is not happy, because "against regulations". They are nuts, mailed 2 books to José Nogueira in Brazil (on DADA). Went to the postoffice for weight and postal stamps. The next day the parcel was delivered to me instead of going to Brazil. Back to the postoffice. Their defense: you can't put the address FROM ... and TO ... on the same surface. FROM... has to be on the backside and TO... on the FRONTside.

Also they came up with the excuse that I had to pay more because the parcel was too thick.

Excuse me?! I came hear and it was you telling me how much to pay, these are international stamps and an international sticker, what more can I do?! In the end I had to pay 3 euros more. I told them if I would get the parcel back on Monday, I would join Al Quada! (joke)

Comment by Geneviève Chaussé on August 27, 2011 at 5:51pm

Dear Guido, you have no idea how happy I am right now!


Your work touches my soul deeply each time, every single time my eyes admire your works!

Have yourself a very nice evening, creative, inspiring...aMUSEing

...too impatient to receive this beau-ti-ful envelope! Merci beaucoup.

Happy, no...''very Happy Geneviève'' :D


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