Didn't receive it yet I don't think. Will let you know when I do. I'm not for organized anything either unless it is orgone-ized. Dkult is a collection of individuals operating in intermingling groups of one. There is a strict non-clique agreement that all members must sign. I'm not a 'joiner' either. If a bunch of people like something , I like it less. As an underdog , I always root for the underdog. Trashpo is different though as everyone starts on a level playing landfill.
So technically I'm a cult member of Trashpo [All hail the Mighty Trash]. I am an unwitting convert; although I have no plans on leaving the group, I do however have reservations about being any part of an organized faction. You might say Keith is a fervent skeptic . . . if I was Catholic, I would be best suited to serve in the Office of the Devil's Advocacy.
As Grouch Marx said, "I refuse to be a member of any club that would have me as a member."
However, I'm here now, safely sequestered out of reach from the Inquisitor and his [her?] minions, so I will mull about here in my cloister, with my trash, in quiet solitude.
btw, my last card to you didn't exactly have any prose worked on the front panel [just a weird joke], so I wrote you a Haiku on the flipside . . . hope you enjoyed it [that is if you received it yet [sent 8.27.13].
Great story K--a treasure trove of toy parts etc I would imagine. I keep my 3D found objects separate in hopes I will get inspired to make more 3D collages. Dkult is my very own Kult. In the trashpo group there is an explanation in the discussions section. In short, De Villo Sloan started calling my 'fans' Dkulters. At that time and only until today, he was my only fan. Now I think Meeah is my second fan. But it didn't stop me from founding and running my own Kult devoted to trashpo. I guess I'm technically the leader, but we worship trash. My childhood dream was to be a Kult leader and thanks to DVS, I am living this dream. Anyone who joins the trashpo group is automatically a member of the all inclusive Kult. No one has tried to leave, but we are pretty sure that is not possible. Neil Gordon is the Dkult Chaplain, Dustin and Neil have a job share, Lisa Iversen is the head of the graphics department, Snooky as in Angie and Snooky is responsible for all mind control technology, DVS is the publisher of the newsletter, Dan Mour is head of the baking department, it goes on and on. My right hand woman was/is KDJ--who is no longer at IUOMA. She kept the whole thing legit. She had to go underground, change her name, and will soon be doing her seasonal job as a Salvation Army Bell Ringer.
DKult. Okay, now I am a bit muddled. I have seen your 'DKult is the Shit' stamp/avatar [which I really dig] and have not given it too much thought.
But I also know there is DKult Chapain de Wind [a.k.a. Dustin Hamby]. Is Diane a cult follower of Chaplain de Wind? Perhaps not. Will the real DKult please stand up. What gives there my dear?
Dumpster diving, no I have not done that since I was a kid [long story for another time]. But I am a bit of a magpie in that I do pick up a lot of stuff off the ground.
Story: I dropped off some donations to Goodwill Industries yesterday and then started perusing around the base of their dumpster. All sorts of neat do-dads on the ground. The guy who had helped me get stuff out of my truck came around the back to check up on me and asked me if there was some problem. I extended out my hand with a small group of findings and said nope, just collecting a few things for art. He gave me a strange look and walked away without saying another word [I'm sure he thought I was a loony-freak].
I would love to be able to go through Goodwill's sorting center and see what all the through away or put aside for recycling.
Lol--another satisfied visitor--that's the aim of DKult. I hope you didn't climb the back section. It refers to dumpster diving.
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