in my opinion this is obscene but probably not legally so. Therefore, enjoy!

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 61


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Comment by Richard Canard on July 6, 2020 at 12:42am

05.07.20 Dare Mister Ficus S., ...Thanx to your  premature Presidential Postage Stamp honoring the late Donald Trump---I  now understand  a little more clearly why members of his so-called " base"  identify with & embrace D. T. & his True-Blue (actually"Red") American Values. American Culture  has long had a serious egotistical/empty calorie problem.  A daring & provocative political cartoon--- Thanx  for posting. SinCelery, Richard Canard.....................   Post Scriptum: I checked the "Favovite" item  but I don't really like it.

Comment by Carien van Hest on July 5, 2020 at 6:15pm

Fike! Sloth! Gluttony! DumpTrump! Oh no!!!


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