pour Marie Wintzer et Diane Keys - The Angel désolation dans les ruines Théâtre de FLUXUS - quatrième partie - stations de la croix

Dans la cité des miroirs et je vais les ruines Théâtre de Fluxus. Les acteurs sont le public. Le public est la performance.

Mon Ange de la désolation est là en cette nuit pluvieuse lorsque le vent disperse les feuilles d'oranger de Octobre.

Je lui demande: "Pourquoi personne d'autre ici?"

Elle répondit: «Ils n'en ont pas besoin dans la ville d'art Miroirs n'est pas plus que je viens ici pour pleurer..."

Je crie: «Alors l'Empress of Trashpo règne encore ici dans ma ville bien-aimée?"

«Non, dit-elle doucement. "Vous ne comprenez pas."

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

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Comment by Marie Wintzer on March 12, 2011 at 12:13pm

I think you ought be scared, Sloan, my CLP means business. He is SO sending you to hell :-))

I do think he made a slight strategical mistake by sending DK to paradise though. It is clearly not were she should be :-)) He could have made her the Supreme Temptress of Trashpo, leading him into that forest to try to vow him into all that trashy stuff. What do you think?


Comment by Marie Wintzer on March 12, 2011 at 12:01pm
Thank you Sloan, those videos are killing me too, I can't stand them anymore. I'm even tempted to swap channel and watch stupid american idol that's on right now. I think I was "too well" yesterday, now stress is kicking in. All these images. I was waiting for the 3-hour blackout but nothing yet. And the nuclear power plants, scary. So many of them in an island with so many earthquakes. Crazy.
Comment by De Villo Sloan on March 12, 2011 at 11:51am
Oh, and a note on the CLP - he scares me not in the slightest with his blustering. His "Stations of the Cross" for you is clearly a rip-off of Dante's Divine Comedy. Dante used that poem, among other things, to settle scores with other poets of his time - relegating them to heaven and hell (and all in between) as he saw fit, even if the real object of interest was Beatrice. CLP is having a few problems with Diane Keys, though, who is not taking her place in paradise peacefully.
Comment by De Villo Sloan on March 12, 2011 at 11:24am
Man Marie, try to keep us posted. It's Saturday here so I'm going to try to stay connected to to the news. But they try to scare everyone running those videos over and over again. I'm relieved you got food! Oh Marie, this is bringing back such horrible things - I do remember 9.11 in NY - it's not the same thing but the feelings are the same. All the innocent people...
Comment by Marie Wintzer on March 12, 2011 at 2:15am

Sloan: the CLP sure has his flaws, but on good days he is such a sweetheart :-)) (he's banning you from paradise - sending you to hell?- this is promising...)

You're right, I thought about this. One moment you are sitting at your desk, leaving meaningless comments to favorite IUOMA friends, joking with your colleagues, and next thing you know you are under the rubble....

Supermarket was interesting for the least. It was, how can I put it, organized panic? I didn't have to punch anyone though, and got lots of stuff, I'll be fine.


DW: Oui, DK s'est plaint chez moi aussi, elle me dit que pour rien au monde elle ne se repentirait de quoi que ce soit. Toutes ces horreurs.... GB a été un peu injuste avec vous, je lui ai dit. C'est votre poème, son destin est entre vos mains...

Comment by De Villo Sloan on March 12, 2011 at 12:43am
Glimmer Boy me traite de voleur! Je vais lui envoyer en enferdans mon poème épique!
Comment by De Villo Sloan on March 12, 2011 at 12:42am
Diane Keys se plaint de sa place dans mon poème épique!Elle refuse de renoncer à son esthétique décadente! Dans monpoème, je l'ai banni du paradis! Ingrat!

Comment by De Villo Sloan on March 12, 2011 at 12:27am

Marie, it shows that you can plan and plan your life - and look at this, a natural global catastrophe. You are safe. That's the main thing. I hope the electricity doesn't keep you from checking in. I emailed about that because CNN kept showing pics of those power plants. 


On the other subject, I need to be harsh on the CLP as others seem to find him amusing (at times) and he's an imp and a scoundrel. I will retract the accusation of the theft of your Japanese rock star - although he certainly must have been thinking of you. And yes - The Ruins of the Theater of Fluxus - got to give hime credit for this one. He still has 2 more to go.

Comment by Marie Wintzer on March 11, 2011 at 10:35pm

Sloan, you are a bit harsh on the CLP, I think it is all just a coincidence. My work was pretty straightforward and simple. DW's theater is very complex and layered and completely different. It is my favorite one of the "chemin" so far. I hope Ruud and the fluxus people will find out about it, it is bound to become a classic.

(I was almost going to be a fallen angel for good wasn't I? It's good to be back...)

Comment by De Villo Sloan on March 11, 2011 at 11:24am

Marie, I would like to point out that "The Desolation Angel in the Ruined Theater of Fluxus" stole or borrowed from your work. The center (above) is a vintage Japanese rock concert poster. Below, in your piece, is a vintage Japanese rock star pic. Coincidence? I think not.


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