Moritz Schlick: philosopher of positively logical imperfections (it’s in the method)

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Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 1:35am

Yes. I forgot to comment on that. Schlick had really bad luck; he was assassinated by the Nazis. That was more: who is the windowpain describing? And who is outside? He was the author of a seemingly rigid logical program of empirical relevance. He wasn't very clear about what he should be paying attention to. Logic works in all ways, especially.

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 1:21am

haha! footnotes are just what we are writing here, under my stamp photo

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 1:07am can do my footnotes from now on!

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 12:51am

I didn't have room for all that on the stamp.

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 12:32am

Well, you have covered all my associations for this stamp.

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 14, 2013 at 11:36pm

This is a riddle stamp. All my stamps are riddles. You might think it is about those you have listed, those that perhaps struggle to open a window on opportunity (the stamp folder is Windowpain). Homemade would be, in this interpretation, about how the bodily self is its own prisoner's dilemma.

However, the clues are in the words as well: Schizophrenia is an erudite, possibly clinical definition. The stamp is about the schizophrenia of those who condemn the many others, who find homemade solace in closing the widow to avoid seeing the pain, or perhaps suffering the pain of dealing with others. The window is opaque: there is no other point of view, only that of the clinician, the home of common sense, for some, that relegates so many.

I have not specified who is excluded. You have listed some, but there are many many others who suffer from the fear and schizophrenia of the Haves of the World: the poor (do we close our window to them when there is a typhoon of unemployment?), the children (better not even be seen or heard in the public decision making), the elderly, maybe just about everyone who has suffered a closeout.

And there is the feminist argument: clinicians and psychiatrists, even of the amateur sort, are largely male. Did they once, or do they still close the window (or glass ceiling) on women's supposed hysteria?

What about that eye up in the corner? Is that the Male Gaze that Mulvey complained about--the omni-ocular habit of men to oversight women?

The hand is white: what about people of color? they would seem to be excluded, again, by the WINDOW OF PAIN.

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on November 14, 2013 at 3:32pm

Hey Ian, you're never alone with.....well, good luck, anyway.

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 14, 2013 at 1:06pm

Descartes had the same idea with a different spelling

Conspiracy theory is Kant's unknowable Thing-in-itself

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on November 14, 2013 at 9:13am

Hey Moritz, you're never alone with schizophrenia!


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