Belief first! And believe me, I’m a philosopher. –Franz Huber

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Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 16, 2013 at 2:01am

oof. the present reform favors the large drug companies. as for the rest, who knows?

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 11:28pm

patience is not a virtue, but it helps when you are trying to sort out names, rather than actions.

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 11:15pm

The focal division in the stamp is a painter's trick:

you can have no recession, or perspective into the background--as in cartoons;

you can have layered, Medieval Icon backgrounds with different sizes to the figures, but no linear connection;

you can have a standard, Renaissance recession into the background with a receding line can fool around with all sorts of variations.

Here I have a perspective line that splits, carrying the eye in two directions; one goes off to the goat, which blocks the eye to the left; the other carries off to the right, perhaps to the big house, but then

it doesn't really exit the stamp. Whatever the eye does, I have a blocking, green hedge to keep the story in the foreground. The two roads make part of a triangle, and the movement is further emphasized by the horn of the goat curving back into the center, as well as the red roof lines on a horizontal. Building all that took quite a while.

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 11:07pm

He is still hopeful.

Green party in the US? Voting laws favor generalist candidates, so the Green Party would be the eco-friendly politicians. The trouble is that...any could claim to be eco-friendly. In politics you have to be very patient.

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 10:55pm

I do not believe there are any Demeter farms thus registered in this area. However, bio-farming, and organic produce labels are growing. What that means is more of my got-your-goat stamp.

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 10:46pm

wow. alienated. well, not from their standpoint? nature can be very rough out here in West Texas. I have a protected-from-all-that-rough-nature stamp coming tomorrow.

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 10:36pm

There are several kinds of cucumber: with peel okay, and better without. Also little cucumber for pickling. That's a lot of salt and sour for me. Tomatoes top the list of sprayed the USA? In the world? Better to grow them yourself, upside down in a hydroponic?

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 10:20pm

I don't know much about the success of Kansas farms, but it seems that they prosper. Here in Texas there are quite a few Exotic Game Hunting Ranches..uh..just a few miles out of town.

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 10:15pm

That was the point of the stamp: agri-business: cheesy business personalities.

Comment by Ian C Dengler on November 15, 2013 at 9:47pm

Here's a reference for a nice goat farm in Kansas:

I choose the states for many reasons, sometimes because there's no more room for a different name. Kansas is an agri-business state, and goats, along with emus &cetera exotica are now a good business.

  1.   Cached
    Hutchinson Kansas Nickerson KS B&B BNB Hedrick's Hedrick exotic animals bed and breakfast inn camel and pony rides tours banquets hay rides schools reunions family ...
  2.   Cached
    Vanderpool Exotics Inc. Contact: Gretchyn Messalle Email: Phone: 785-217-8575 address: Meade, ks 67864 We have been breeding hedgehogs .


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