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Views: 58

Albums: Collage
Location: Moscow


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Comment by Sabrina S on April 25, 2020 at 6:22pm

Just yet found this comments. Very intersting to read, Ilya. 

Comment by Ilya Semenenko-Basin on October 5, 2019 at 7:54pm

Dear Patricia,


I started making collages in the summer of 2018.


I have been painting since childhood, since the age of 12 I have been doing oil painting. I did not have a lot of time for art, since I studied at school and then at university, but I was very fond of visual culture and invariably returned to painting. In my youth I also wrote poetry.


When I was already over twenty years old, I was especially active in painting. I did a lot of paintings with oil paints. (What irony, these paintings occupy a lot of places in my home and at the moment I am trying to sell them. Everything is unsuccessful! I don’t know how to find a buyer).


Finally, at the age of 51, I returned to visual culture, but I no longer create oil paintings. I make collages. My concept is an intuitive sense of color and harmony, a sense of color movement on the surface. I mainly use postage stamps, that is, postal materials, to stay in the trend of Mail Art.


You asked what my process is. I place one or two postage stamps in space. Then I act to taste. I obey my intuition. I carefully look at the surface, try to feel what this color or this form “wants”, what it lacks, what invisible movement appears on the surface.

Gradually, step by step, I build a color surface that is born (manifested) before my eyes!


Let's discuss the creative process again. I am interested in exchanging thoughts with you.





Comment by PATRICIA LANDON on October 5, 2019 at 11:41am

when was the first time you made a pieced art piece? what is your process?


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