Mail Art Martha


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1986, when I met David Dellafiora and joined Field Study.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail Art saves!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
12 River Grove Park

Comment Wall:

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  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Grazie a Te Amica Mia!  un sincero fraterno abbraccio!  Pace fra i popoli! b

    Thanks to you my friend! a sincere fraternal hug! Peace among peoples! b

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Si più o meno è così... ma so tu quanto sei gentile Amica Mia, non diresti mai cose offensive. un fraterno abbraccio, b

    Yes more or less it is ... but I know how kind you are My friend, you would never say offensive things. a fraternal embrace, b

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Dear Martha,

    Your envelope arrived safely to me in Moscow. The letter seems to have arrived a long time ago, but the postal staff did not put it in my box for some reason, but put it separately (on demand).

    So all is well! Thank You very much.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    add and return digital -- b

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Grazie Cara Amica! un fraterno abbraccio!  W IUOMA W LA MAIL ART

    Thank you dear friend! a fraternal hug! W IUOMA W THE MAIL ART

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Hi dear Martha, this is just to let you know that Kate Duddeck is an IUOMA member, but under the name CUTandTEAR. Sorry I couldn't say this on the ATC group, because I'm not a member. Peace ---

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Hi Martha. Thank you for the Mail Art!

    It's been a week since I received your art-message. I will write more in detail later, now just thank you.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Yay, Snoopy, too? Sent August 16..."fast delivery" :-)

    Glad you liked it, Martha!

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Dear Martha, please accept my condolences on the death of Queen Elizabeth.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Ciao Amica mia! questi erano gusci vuoti, e comunque i segni sono digitali...

    un fraterno abbraccio , b

    Hello my friend! these were empty shells, and anyway the signs are digital ... a fraternal embrace, b

  • Marcia Rosenberger

    Exactly, Martha. I really liked them. ;-)

  • Maxima Strange

    Thank you for the Samhain greetings!

  • Maxima Strange

    I have had many issues with posting on this platform. Some of them get fixed out of nowhere and others never do. It’s a great piece, regardless. 

  • Sabela Baña

    Martha very thanks.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    grazie !!!! Ti abbraccio , b

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Nei sotterranei d'ombra

    Nell'oscuro del tuo sguardo

    Nelle frane complicate dell'anima

    Negli scheletri delle lucertole nel sole

    Ovunque il gemito dei venti del nord

    Ovunque il mio stupore.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Le altre le trovi su " poesia in italiano "  qui sotto il link

  • Karen Champlin

    hi Mail Art Martha,   Please message me your address.  I believe that we could become good mail art friends.  thank you….karen champlin.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    "Fumo di Londra" è un colore!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Grazie ti abbraccio, Bruno

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Digital painting? do you produce? ... today I only paint on the envelopes, but I only write inside. here is an example:

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    pittura sulla busta... interno poesia visiva senza colore

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    te ne invio una!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    I'll send you one!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    inviata mail art a MAIL ART MARTA

  • Heather Wilkie (paganfrog)

    hiya :-) yes please, id love some acts from you ive not made much mail art to be sent out for a while, postage has become a bit pricy. but I still like to mail out personal exchanges and mail art 

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Ricevuta Mail Art da  Mail Art Martha!!! Grazie!!! un fraterno abbraccio , b

  • Franny Wahinehae

    Queendom of Retailia reference material studied. Acquiro Ergo Sum. ;-)

  • Mikel Untzilla

    Eskerrik asko Mail Art Martha

  • Karen Champlin

    thank you Martha for all the fun mail.  A treat!

  • Carien van Hest

    That is one of the most beautiful poems I ever read. About the waves and the sea. Also typographically ten points, Martha. Thank you.

  • Sabela Baña

    Mail Art Martha: Very thanks by you wonderfull mail art. Tomorrow send you mail art . I hope received soon. Sabela Baña

  • Franny Wahinehae

    Such great deals from Walmarth!

  • Karen Champlin

    Martha, thank you for the mail.  It is always such a fun read!

  • Heleen de Vaan

    Dear Mail Art Martha,

    I just found this group - and had to think of you:-)

    And of Ali. Can he draw?

  • Zack

    ha ha ha - hilarious! 

    yes that IS completely intriguing - what kind of food could be so versatile?

    it took me a while to think back about what i've cooked over the past month and then it came to me: halloumi!

  • Fleur Helsingor

    Hello Martha, and thank you for your kind comments about Andrew's "Deep Oakland" book. I told him about your note and he was touched by it.

    It has been quite a year for him and he still has some special events lined up, including an interview on a local radio station at the end of October. So much excitement!

    The first printing sold out within about six weeks, and a second printing is in the stores now. That exceeded his expectations. Isn't success sweet?!

  • Eugenia V Keyser

    Hola qué bueno que algunos de ustedes hablan español.

    Perdón por ser tan lenta

    Soy nueva en este arte

    Cariños. Eu

  • Mikel Untzilla

    Thanks Mail Art Martha

  • Zack

    i saw that; you've handled it well. still, hilarious. 

  • Thom Courcelle

    We are lucky indeed!! And blessed with this online "Third Place" where we can meet and share with one another, Martha. One is hard=pressed to think of other places online that exist where the people are lovely and support one another!  I never take it for granted...OR the hard work and hours that Ruud must certainly put behind its functioning.

    I sometimes think we should have a sort of telethon once a year to encourage member-folks to contribute via the "donate" button!  xo

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Neo = nuovo e Fluxus è il movimento dove è nata la Mail Art

  • Mikel Untzilla

    Thanks Mail Art Martha

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Nice string gallery you have , and with your hanging bananas! Thanks, Martha, xxx

  • Mikel Untzilla

    Eskerrik asko-Thanks Mail Art Martha

  • Alan Brignull

    Just to be clear, the 'Odd to a Krokis' was not my work; it was printed by a friend Bill Taylor years ago. The author was 'anonymous' but I have a suspicion it may have been Bill himself. Alas, it's too late to ask now.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Ciao Cara Amica...come stai? Un fraterno  abbraccio ❤️ 

  • Carien van Hest

    My pleasure, Martha!

  • Bruno Cassaglia