Patricio - The Celestial Scribe




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
I suspect 1549 A.D.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Medieval manuscript researchers studying how medieval mail art was produced insisted for me to join IUOMA for almost a century. Point is that mail art and IUOMA are seriously addictive and here I´m today dealing poorly with my fatal flaw. Hooked forever in this ego trip....a good one!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

The Celestial Scribe
Terrene Embassy
Republik van Patland
Caixa Postal 461

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  • maria do carmo both

    Olá, Patricio, meu endereço de e-mail já está no meu perfil! 

  • Susan Gnaedinger

    I received your mail art. Great fun, but I am wondering how you received a copy of an envelope with my name on it from the secretary of state in the US?

  • ArteCorreoCorreo

    Muchas gracias!!

  • maria do carmo both

    Ops, é verdade. Coloquei o endereço lá! 

  • Gwendolynium

    How exciting! Coincidentally, I am currently working on a linocut/letterpress broadside called the Celestial Circus!

  • Crystal Kayh

    Celestial friends made of the same stardust!  Thank you, Patricio

  • Crystal Kayh

    YESSSS!  I am looking forward to getting mailart from your celestial self!  Thank you.

  • Gwendolynium

    Thank you, Celestial Scribe! No incidents to report at this time...

  • CUTandTEAR

    Oh thank you! I am so looking forward to your mail.

    Best wishes!

  • CUTandTEAR

    Thank you Patricio,

    The celestial mail arrived without a hitch. 

  • Jinny Pearce

    Hello Celestial Scribe- dipping toes back into IUOMA after a distinctly sublunary dark passage. I look forward to seeing you in the mail. It has been a while since any mail play and raring to go!


  • Steve O. Black

    Patricio - The Celestial Scribe, one of my mail art pieces I sent out to you November 24 was returned to me last week.  The post office said it was unclaimed.  This is the address I had on the piece:

    Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Terrene Embassy

    Republik van Patland

    Curitiba - PR 80011-970


  • servat c

  • servat c

  • servat c

  • Carien van Hest

    Sadly I got the mail art for you returned today... 

    Did I miss something in your address? (see pictures)

  • Carita Sire'n / OxO


    Thank you so much!

    I will try!

    (Sorry late answer, I have not been quite wrell and this site is a bit difficult for me to use)


  • Carien van Hest

    feliz Aniversário

  • Marcia Rosenberger

    Olá, Patrício! Bom encontrar um brasileiro por aqui. Ainda estou tentando entender a plataforma. Obrigada pelo aviso sobre o endereço. Estou encantada com seus trabalhos.

  • G. Diaz

    this is my address 433 w 110th st Los Angeles California 90061

  • G. Diaz

    Patricio The Celestial Scribe im sending you some mail!

  • Judith Dagan

    Thank you. You are the best Celestrial Scribe. You and your mail art take me to the next level.  ♡

  • Cryptic Burger

    Thank you for the warm welcome. Apologies for the slow reply, still learning how to use navigate the site.

  • Anna Beatriz - Sibila

    Gratitude is THE word for now...

  • Sonia eva


  • Kiki

    Thank you for a friend request.

    Sure, we can exchange mail art. I will send you mine this week :-)

  • Szabó Zelmira


    Are you still on the other end...?

    On this end, I just found your terrestian message and I am currious if your address is the same...?

  • Hubert MARTIN

    Bonjour Patricio,

    La ville est LE CAYLAR

  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Olá, boa tarde.
    Desejava saber se o meu trabalho de participação no Evento DIÀLOGO chegou. 
    Agradeço que me informe.
    Saudações criativas.

    Maria José Silva-Mizé

  • Aina Enciso

    Buenas noches Patricio, me encantó su mensaje. Esperaré ansiosamente su Arte Postal. Yo también crearé uno para usted. Saludos 

  • Kiki

    Hello from Japan!

    I received your wonderful mail art - thank you :-)

    Wishing you more happy IUOMA experiences!

  • Adriana Cortes


  • Maria Teresa Cazzaro

    Hi Patricio! I’ve received your work! Thanks!

  • Maria Teresa Cazzaro

  • Mikel Untzilla

  • Amy

    Thank you! I'll try to reply but no promises. I suck at keeping promises. 

  • Jimmy Hackney

    I love the work!
  • Jimmy Hackney

  • Jimmy Hackney

    Thank you so much for the wonderful art Patricio! 

  • Jairo Fará

    olá, poeta. Adorei a arte postal. Muito grato. Enviei uma resposta.

    Abraceijo do Jairo

  • Ruth Rollason

    Thank you for responding to my questions, Ruth 

  • Arturo Rubio

    Wow! Muchas gracias! Seguro que me servira de inspiracion. :-)

  • Guillermo Emmanuel Rojas

    No puedo esperar a tenerlo! Un sincero abrazo en son de paz de parte de un terrícola amigo.

  • Guillermo Emmanuel Rojas

    Eso es un hecho, en mí tienes un nuevo amigo postal, espera pronto un envío de mi parte!

  • Bianca Raposo

    Eu fiquei fascinada pelo cuidado da sua carta e pelo conteúdo artístico, como, também, pela reflexão. Em breve você receberá uma carta minha. Se cuida e abraços. Bianca Raposo. 


    Hello Patrício,

    At, our mission is to unite, preserve, and celebrate all facets of mail art, resulting in a project that embodies quality standards. In addition to curating mail art collections, we curate open calls, host workshops, and several other art events. Over the years, we've established fruitful collaborations, including with the Museum of Contemporary Art in Viseu, Portugal. Our presence on the IUOMA platform is dedicated to fostering vibrant engagement within the community, sharing valuable insights on mail art, and connecting with fellow artists. We find immense joy in this dynamic exchange and look forward to further enriching our collective experience together.


    Olá Patrício,

    Na, a nossa missão é unir, preservar e celebrar todas as facetas da arte correio, resultando num projeto que incorpora padrões de qualidade. Para além da curadoria de coleções de arte correio, organizamos convocatórias, oficinas e vários outros eventos artísticos. Ao longo dos anos, estabelecemos colaborações frutuosas, incluindo com o Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Viseu, Portugal. A nossa presença na plataforma IUOMA é dedicada a promover um envolvimento forte com a comunidade, partilhando conhecimentos valiosos sobre arte correio e estabelecendo ligações com outros artistas. Sentimos uma enorme alegria neste intercâmbio dinâmico e esperamos enriquecer ainda mais a nossa experiência coletiva.

  • Maria Teresa Cazzaro

  • Maria Teresa Cazzaro

    Thank you Patricio 

  • Deborah McMenamy

    Thanks for the goodies Patricio...thankfully I wasn't even tempted to throw this in the waste basket. My cats don't allow gorillas in the house.

  • Deborah McMenamy

    See you in the marvellous mail...👍