De Villo Sloan


United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
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Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
There are those who are.
There are those who are not
-Robert Stone Dog Soldiers
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Please note my Auburn, New York USA pob is closed.
Send mail art to:
102 Meadow Drive
Elbridge, New York, USA 13060

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  • fátima queiroz

    De vilo, thanks,
    I'll be sending some work for you

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Hi DVS,

    Thanks, your comments are much appreciated.


  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Gracias Villo.

  • rebecca resinski

    Belated thanks for the mail-art!  It's been a busy semester, but now I'm getting back to sending things out:  something will be on its way to you later today....

  • Carina

    Thanks for a genuine blog DVS!!  So good to read  ".. the art experience we engage in makes us aware that the quest for truth and beauty can start in any location, for instance the refrigerator." Nothing prevents us really, only we ourselves.

    Say Hello to Dark wall!

  • cheryl penn

    The trouble of course is - as it travels through custard at the rate of light it habitually changes. 

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Thanks DVS.  I couldn't decide where to send it but it had to be made.  i have an idea brewing for you.  It's the jubilee this weekend but I even if I have to burn the midnight mink oil I will get down to it.

  • cheryl penn

    Hot on the heels of the mink-coated-missile, the tangerine symphony for minks arrived in-tact - wonderful - thank you X

  • Carina

    Wow, TrashPo Litzer Prize!? I'm so honored. What a encouragement! Even if I have to build my own prize statuette... Cleo's work is a superb one!

  • DKeys

    Interesting stuff--the Neoism Conspiracy does seem to have similarities to Dkult. Monty Cantsin? We should use his name for the more controversial/political DKultra covert operations. Funny that Mark Bloch had just written a comment to me on FB around when you were mentioning him. You are quite intuitive (that or you are secretly on FB under an assumed name like Mr. Stubbs)

  • Carina

    Looks really great DVS! This trashpo poem piece is one that still is ok in my eyes... But I wouldn't have done it without your support, funny!

  • Lesley Magwood Fraser

    Hey DVS thanks for posting my Asemic pieces on the blog.... I had forgotten all about that work I sent you! I think we were all just beginning to discuss the asemic thing when I did it, before we did the books. Nice to see it again.

  • Svenja Wahl

    DVS, you're spoiling me!! Thanks for the supercool MinXus-Cerealism-TrashpoATC-Music-mega-RejectedCollage-Asemic poems-package! Your mail art makes happy! 

  • yves maraux

    " at the forefront....." so you should tell why they look so unable to found any ritual ,any sacrement according to their particular union ? a big lack of creativity turning to intrusion ;

  • Sarah Churchill

    Oh dear, what have I done?! I'll admit I have no idea what MinXus-Lynxus, Fluxus, Zalop...etc mean. I've only just got to grips with Trashpo! ;)

  • Kerri Pullo

    THANK YOU!! You inspired me to post my work :)

  • Kerri Pullo

  • Bruno Cassaglia -networker

    GRAZIE MOLTE per la Tua Amicizia!!!!! ti abbraccio , Bruno

  • cheryl penn

    Safe arrival of the relic - many thanks - the Minxus collection is incomplete without static time in an ocean of blue, headless wearing flippers on the back of a solar flare.  And the concrete poetry - a joy.  Did you send your original Susan Mortimer?? I can copy and send it back? Many thanks - working on something for you.

  • Ana Karina

    Hello , thank you for sending the funtrastic mailart, i received it today, smells great.

  • cheryl penn

    Many thanks - that was very thoughtful X

  • Bifidus Jones


  • Torma Cauli

    Yeee! :-) I'm glad.

    Best wishes, Cauli

  • Lynn Radford

    Glad to be breaking down barriers and setting trends! Nice blog post! I have tried unsuccessfully to comment on Wordpress, so I wanted to let you know that I have seen it and approve! I believe the display of artwork at Mutter was a one-day deal for Skull Appreciation Day on June 4, 2012. 

  • Torma Cauli

    Hi Villo,

    thanks, I'm glad. :-)   Cauli

  • Kerri Pullo

  • Amy Irwen

    DVS..thank you so much for posting how far the AP for Karen has come!!!  whoot *!*

  • Hélène LAGACHE

  • Bifidus Jones

    As stated to said Empress via telepathic communications, I'm honored to be part of MinXus. Remember, shrine fortunes are destined to reveal what is too cryptic to solve in solitude...

  • DKeys

    Your message to me no sense make linx broke

  • DKeys

    Crazy good piece from Kerri! God I don't miss those cactus.  Dean Kat did say school would be in session again but what happened? Asemic
    Chemistry was my favorite class!!

  • Carina

    DVS, Thanks once again for a pro written blog! I'm jealous of your sense of words and language skills. My journey to US was a great inspiration, I hope I can keep that feeling for a long time.  Take care and see you at the campfire!

  • Neil Gordon

    Received the Mink Ranch card Pardner! Mighty Nice ah Ya! Like the Minxus Everglades tour and  GT Tats!!!! I'll do some Dowsing for you to stop thee drought at the ranch, maybe i'll get one of Wilhelm Reich's Cloud-buster thingies Ta Help out! Happy trails DVS!!!

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Hi DVS, being in Maine and being in the landscape has inspired my first piece of trashpo for the DKult mailart call.  Thought you might be interested as perhaps a new genre: Sea Spiritual Trashpo? Where is the best place to post it?... or should I wait? Thought I'd send the original to Diane...

  • Michael Orr

    Dear Mr. De Villo Sloan, Thank you very much for posting the blog. It was a delight to discover and read. Happy you safely received my envelope. See you around. :D -Michael 

  • James Chester

    Nothing to interesting, I'm afraid.  I found a box of old flash cards at a flea market.  I've been turning some of them into postcards.  The found text on it is from an old copy of The Great Gasby that I've been cutting up for a couple of years now. 

  • Suus in Mokum

    Thank you for your interesting Mail Art. I am still studying the instructions and I am ever so proud of my Dkult-ID-card.

  • Suus in Mokum

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Great - enjoy!

    btw, when I decided to make you a folio a few weeks ago, I began putting a wee pile of trash aside for enclosure in your future pockets...I forgot about the pile when I actually made the piece, so you shall soon be receiving the addendum pile...keep it for re-fills I guess...?

  • Carina

    Great Post Card including services, thanks DVS!

  • Carina

    Enjoying it a lot and ALL the other posts!  Thank you.

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    godfriggindamnit - the package I sent you last week was returned to me! Will re-post tomorrow. (Returns happen to me a HELL of a lot! Ever have that prob, or are the USPS folks here just lame?)

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    It sure as hell wasn't valuable - lol! Re-enveloped & posted anyway. (can't say the contents were necessarily worth it, but it's a coll package at least!)

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    "retro?" hmm, "retro" signifies kitsch 50s/60s to me generally. but i suppose it can mean anything old. trash can often be old stuff, so not sure why that wld be odd...? when my trash is "retro," its 80s-90s or new. the streets are absurdly clean here. the trash in the folios is usually packaging headed for the recycle or trash bin that i keep, or scraps from my work. I've been making books for over 30 years, and I can't bear to throw any of the scrap away, no matter how tiny. I have boxes full of scraps. a lot of the papers are handmade, most Japanese, so unless Dickens collected Japanese paper... Must say, I think a Dickens/Victorian flux-kit sounds pretty damned cool though! An interesting thought I just had/realized - papermaking in Japan is an exceedingly old tradition, so I imagine some of those papers can have creative roots that go back 100s of years...?

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    There is no intent. It's a composition/construction, as it were. "Art for Art's sake," as they say... Or, it's a kit (DK said it was like a trashpo toolbelt - lol!). You can use the stuff in the pockets if you want, or not.... It's yours now, and up to you.... In this case at least, I would say the material is part of the piece - but isn't it always anyway? "The media(/um ) is the message" mr mcLuhan - always indicative of choice, and (with)in that choice... (That's how I construct my often over-the-top packages - everything is a significant element that contributes its voice, as it were, to the experience of the whole. That's what art is to me: experience. If one can communicate that in the piece, the flavour/tone of the creative energy/impulse at work, then I feel the piece really "works." The Experiential element, man!) When people send stuff/things, that entails choice, and thus, the creative. Ready-made/found-object fever? Cornell fever? I've noted that folks who dig collage are often object freaks too...the flea-market within! A nostalgic turn of mind...? Have to admit, I did not expect you (of all people - lol!) to distinguish it (apart) from "art!"

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    (Ah, "Process" - that's the word I was looking for!)

  • Suus in Mokum

    Thank you for your kind blog. I am looking forward to the next exchange. Exciting, hihi. What is MinFlux, by the way.... uuuuuh?

  • yves maraux

    when this jap baby robot will be able to build a mother & a father , will it be END OF CREATION

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    wow, that was unexpected - but cool - tanks! (if i had known, i might have been more thought-ful(l!)/less off the cuff %_^ - Be that as it may...)

    btw, I am not at all new to mail art - I started in 1982, but it fell out of my life for decades...only recently starting up again. (via chance really - a surf which led me to Tictac's blog, and that to IUOMA. The rest is...)

    The folio creation was rather unlike me actually - I was working on some stuff for DK at the time, and I wanted to create a celebration for her, as it were. I had just received a package from Japan & was taking the packing slip off the box to add it to my personal trash pile/hoard [an overflowing box by my desk for convenience), and suddenly the idea just popped into my head - this was a way in which we could (sort of) play together! I am often rather thoughtful about my work, and consider a lot. I usually design/sketch before creating also (metalsmith habit - one has to work it out technically for it to function.) This was immediate (and exceedingly quick for me). It's a toy really... Play! if you will...

    ps: the copper is a scrap also. I love to cover things in my house in copper foil - especially as it ages & patinas & is marked w/ being worked...The color sends me, the odd's gorgeous with warmth in the half-light i prefer to exist in...

    Aaanyway, thanks again...and: Enjoy! (btw, did you send my card? there's something one's supposed to sign I believe...?)

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    O/curious: why pictures of some of the elements, but not the piece itself (the whole construction is - it)? (signed: cap'n, obvious)