Andrea Escorcio


Sao Paulo


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I believe that mail art is a wonderful learning process which offers constant inspiration and innovative ideas to try something new.

Letter Writers Alliance Member # 001246
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Andrea Escorcio
Caixa Postal 13.317
São Paulo - SP
CEP 03104-970

Comment Wall:

  • Laurence Roberts




  • Laurence Roberts




  • Dom Fetherston

    Hi Andrea.  Welcome.
  • Michalis Kotsaris

    Welcome and Hello from Greece Andrea!
  • Laurence Roberts

    Thanks so much , Anddrea, that will be great.


    all the best


  • Bruno Cassaglia -networker

    land art - poetamailartfluxus
  • Test Tower

    Fluxus Affair.  Cheers, Test
  • Test Tower

    Hi Andrea, 

    Thanks for the friendship. I was trying to send something to you yesterday when my computer froze up and crashed and I had to reboot. I didn't think my message got through to you - glad it did! I had included my New Year's Eve card with the message, but I am not sure you received that. Sorry if you didn't - I meant well......

    Here is something else, just in case:

    Let's exchange some art! Cheers, Test     A Fluxus Affair.


  • teresa estevez

    gracias andrea! te mando algo pronto.
  • Helder Coelho Dias

    Saudações de Portugal!

    Ola Andreia e obrigado pelo teu convite, eu estou ainda muito verdinho no mundo da Art Mail, digamos que decidi começar a participar à sensivelmente poucos dias atrás, já enviei uma primeira contribuição para uma exposição que se irá realizar na Itália, deixo-te aqui o link para o meu novo blog criado prositadamente para a Arte Postal:



    Espero futuramente virmos a trocar umas pequenas obras :)



  • Terry Reid

    hi Andrea

    here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; for details, go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link   


    Terry Reid

    and hope to hear from you

    (in facebook it is at :!/profile

    .php?id=100000748977585 )

  • Poison Label Productions

    welcome to Tag UR It! 2.0

    your tag shall be sent soon
  • xavier Monsalvatje Vich

    Hi Andrea!

    How are you? where are you from? because Brazil is very big country.

    I am living in Valencia Spain

    well here is very late at night

    I'll write to you with more calm

    Good night

  • cheryl penn

    Andrea - hello :-) there is a call for another collaborative book - Asemic Book #2. Please go to the collaborative book discussion and place your name there - and leave me a comment if you are keen.  You will need to make 12 copies to post to various participants
  • xavier Monsalvatje Vich

    Hi Andrea!

    I know speak to portugues! but I have forgotten because I was living in Lisbon times ago.

    Obrigado por suas palavras que voce gosta do meu trabalho. Of course, we can be friends!!

    Estou trabalhando em um novo projeto, porque eu vou para os EUA em setembro!

    espero que você esteja bem!



  • xavier Monsalvatje Vich

    Hi Andrea!!


    I am sorry for write to you so late, how are you? I don't remenber write to portugués, I should study portugués again but I am studing english right now and my friends in Lisbon, they told me that I need speak more. Now I am working hard for my new exhibition on September, after that, I going to go to Milwaukee it's my first time there on States.I was working, for win the life, in a contemporany art room like worker on exhibition room, help other artist in their exhibitions, but this job is have finished.Well now, I spend to time in my worshop, working.Are you artist in Brazil?I know a two teachers in Florianapolis, they are teachers on School Art over thereI hope you are well
    We are in touch I told you something about me
