Pamela Gerard


San Francisco, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love Art. I love Mail.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Pamela Gerard
3934 25th Street
San Francisco, CA 94114 USA

Comment Wall:

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  • psmith

    Got your card today! Fantastic! Oh, & the slides were just mailed this week -- we had a big snowstorm here this week, putting us way behind at the paper. But I DID remember to mail them. You should have them shortly!
  • psmith

    No, problem. If you find them useful, let me know. There's more!
  • psmith

    If they're useful, I'll send more your way!
  • Jen Staggs

    Oh, sorry I didn't specify- yup.  It's just a poofy postcard.  It's easily mended, or just use it for storing reading glasses!  No envelope yet, but I'm ready to camp out in a tent by the mailbox, I'm so excited!!
  • Karen Champlin

    Hi Pamela,  got your postcard.  Thank you, wonderful work.  we'll trade again, yes?
  • Karen Champlin

    Random is great cause I can keep up with that :-)
  • Jen Staggs

    I just got your package today!  I haven't opened it yet, I just wanted to assuage your worries first thing!  More to come...
  • Jen Staggs

  • Jen Staggs

    Oh, yes, it is an "oh my gracious, what an awesome chunk of goodies!" holy smokes.  I am thrilled!  Taking pictures right now. Thank you x 1000!
  • Karen Champlin

    Got your's great!  Thanks
  • Jen Staggs


    A tour of your wonderful paper gifts!

  • amazon59

    Little packet out to you today.
  • amazon59

    oooh your video for the stuff from Pamela is great! i love the parrot/large green bird! nice touch on video -
  • Jen Staggs

    Arg. No trip to San Francisco anymore- my sister is in labor.  But I'm not losing hope for getting there someday!  Thank you for all of your wonderful suggestions- I've printed them and stapled them into my S.F. travel guide for future use.
  • cheryl penn

    Thank you for your interim post card :-) I await your work - rather impatiently I might add :-)) thank you for corresponding - your work is great x
  • Jen Staggs

    I recovered from my lack of mail on President's Day with a great package from you! Thank you!  I am devouring the newspaper article and drooling at the chocolate.  And what do you know- no baby yet!  My sister goes into Braxton-Hicks just to keep me from traveling and we didn't even get a baby out of it yet.  But that is fine, S.F. is still there and now I have more info.  Thank you!! (Plus Baby gets to cook a bit longer, she was only at 35 weeks.)  It's all good!
  • cheryl penn

    I will send you a letter :-) i just have to wait until the words form - they will, one of these days when the sun moves to your side of the world :-)
  • Merdoc Robotics

    Thanks for the add. I put my address in the address thread here I think. I have been on other forums, but this one is a little tough to figure out.
  • prettylily

    Hi Pamela,  My address is PO Box 6209, Norfolk, VA 23508.  Thanks and I will look forward to the mail.  I've added you to my 365 list.  The addresses are usually found under the profile information.  Cheers, Sue
  • prettylily

    Love your web page and mail art!

  • Merdoc Robotics

    Great day at the mail box today thanks to you and that bearded fellow with the musket. haha. thanks I love it



  • Laurence Roberts

    many happy returns for your up coming birthday !
  • deborahspostcards

    Happy Birthday, we have the same b'day :)
  • deborahspostcards

    Thanks, Yes that would be good, I've only ever met 1 other person with my birthday. :)
  • Uncustomary

    Eeep! I LOVE THIS POSTCARD. Thank youuuu.
  • Fast Eyes

    Great fun, thank you, thank you.
  • i don't really hate them, per se.
    i just don't follow "special days," to me they are just an aberration from the day to day. it is a tad annoying that the world stops for these. perhaps it would be different if my family weren't so dysfunctional...

    i'm sending you a plate because i know you had mentioned sending my grandparents more mail. i'm also including an article about them that was in their local paper a while back in the "envelope" with your walking dead pages (mailing separate from the plate).

    i don't eat cake.
    or cookies.
    sugar in general.

    but i love steamed fresh vegetables!
    and i'm so jealous that you get to go to the S.F. farmer market!
    (we have a cookbook from it with various yummy things)

    we also used to have a book about all the tea shops there,
    and i've seen photos of the park!
    you are a lucky girl! ;-)

    i'd so be out swinging from the trees this easter if i was you!
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Thank you!! Beautiful day!!
  • i actually don't know.

    i haven't been to see them since i started mailart365.

    i don't drive myself (just skateboard and bike)

    and when we do get down there, they always seem to be out of the house.

    i am planning a special mail art/poetry series just for them.

    my first one i'll be working on today.

    i'm doing poetry then using google translate to turn it into polish,

    i'll add some appropriate art on top of them.

    i'll try a week or two and see how it goes. ;-)


    i'm stretching myself thin lately, but find i do far better production-wise when i do!


    over the summer i'll be taking french, so i'm probably going to delve into french language art as soon as that starts!

  • cheryl penn

    Pamela - do I owe you, or you owe me??? Thought I was up to date - maybe not??
  • i posted them myself on the page.

    sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

    i think it's sporadic...?


    i can't believe they got it there that fast!

    it seems i just mailed it a couple of days ago.


  • could be. idk??
  • hopefully i'm going to see them this weekend ;-D
  • cheryl penn

    Pamela - thank you for the great postcard :-) - nice to hear from you.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    And while blogger is down over at 365, let me come by here and thank you for the great postcard and leter you sent, girl! Yes, I have been to san Fran, 'have a dear friend in el Cerrito on the Oakland side. In August,1989, I spent one of the coldest winters ...and the Golden Gate had disappeared in fog for 5 days. then on my last day there: sunshine, clear skies and summer! Got to see a beautiful San Fran! Love that place. 

    Like this stamp, too! Many thanks!

  • James Chester

    Just wanted to let you know that I got the Cinco de Mayo postcard you sent me. Thanks. I love giving old labels a second chance at life.
  • cheryl penn

    Pamela - thank you for your Bun dumpling Card - yes, I LIKE!!! posting you something this week X


    also, i sent out my first french collage to you this afternoon!

  • bonjour madamoiselle pamela!

    ou habitez-vous?

  • Terry Reid


    here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link   thx, Terry Reid, and hope to hear from you

    (in facebook it is at :!/profile.php?id=100000748977585 )

  • i know, but our teacher said how sad it is to go from madamoiselle to madame, so i thought i'd try to flatter you! ;-D
  • I think she means because after you reach a certain age you become a madame, regardless of marital status.
  • but i don't want to make you mad.

    i was just trying to be silly. :-/

    i guess i failed. :-)

    as for the homework call, i'm undecided.

    for now i'm just trying to not get behind.

    perhaps i can send them one,

    where's the info?

  • thanks for the info on the postcards!

    maybe after french II i'll have time to browse!


  • not got around to it quite yet.

    i listened a little but not the whole thing!

    my favorite french band is "onze h30" you should check them out, it's really nutty!

  • my french teacher absolutely loved the music and the snail card!

    if you want to send her something, feel free:


    Susan Skoglund

    Kirkwood Community College
    1816 Lower Muscatine Road
    Iowa City, IA 52240


    i have yet to listen, tomorrow is our examen.

    you're getting french homework #12 soon.

  • she already made a copy of the cds!


    i'm writing about my best friend martin for the examen:


    about how he wants to visit val in france (which he is planning to do this weekend!)