Mail Art Martha


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1986, when I met David Dellafiora and joined Field Study.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail Art saves!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
12 River Grove Park

Comment Wall:

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  • Michael Leigh

    Hi Martha, completely understand why you havent joined any groups - I have the same constant battle with finding time to go round all my blogs let alone all my friends!
    We are all fine thanks. Archie hasnt grown up THAT fast , though fast enough for us! he's in his first year at 6th form college and enjoying most of it but not the chemistry which wasa mistake. He might drop that at the end of the year. He's enjoying Art and Film Studies though.
  • ivana rezek

    Memorable Movie Moments

    What is your favorite quote from a movie? Share it with the rest of us and illustrate it :)
    If you can't decide on an actual quote, you can also share a particular scene or even make an 'alternative' poster for your favorite movie.
    You can also add a short explanation about why this particular quote/scene/movie is important to you.

    Deadline: May 31st
    Size and technique free, no fee, no jury, no returns.
    Works will be documented on the blog and exhibited in a venue in Sarajevo in July, during the Sarajevo Film Festival when the entire town lives for the movies.
    If you provide your e-mail address, we will e-mail you the photos from the exhibition.
    Mail-art is hardly known in Bosnia, so please contributel and help us make a big mail-art show :)

    Mail your works to:

    Nataša Stanišić
    Asima Ferhatovića 1
    71000 Sarajevo
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Kim JungYoun

    I'm happy to be your friend, too! :)
    Have a good weekend!

  • Judy Skolnick

    Same here Martha, I was surprised 2 years ago when the U.S. Postal Museum had a call and mail art show, and had a workshop to go with it, otherwise Washington, DC is only into the money making artists.
  • Judy Skolnick

    They put us in the kiddie corner!!!!!
  • Judy Skolnick

    My grandkids love it too.
  • Celestino Neto

    Hi Martha,

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    MailArt Martha doesn't come here often, but she sure is busy! Great exhiibit at the Sorting House in July! Check out her web page! BRAVO, Martha!
    And many thanks for the invitation.

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    Merry Christmas, Martha!!!! i'm very glad to hear you say that, here is my website a few days ago , i faced a question that why there are no Chinese mailartist, so i decide to gather the mailartists in China togother and hold a project, you can check my website .  Thanks for you encouragement!
  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    thanks for your appreciation!!!!! i am very encouraged! i have seen your website , great too!!! you have been doing the mailart really for a long time, hope i can know more .

    yes, i have been told the meaning of my name by my brazil friend when i first introduced to him, but i love my name, it got the same three letters with my family name!

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Who is Stella? STELLAAAAH!!!
  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    thanks dear martha!!! i think there are always so much surprises waiting for me in my mail box:)
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Martha

    I received your lovely card! Thanks for letting me know, I must have mixed up the dates...

    Looking forward to China's exhibit then.

    best wishes

  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    dear Martha

    got your envelop,tons and millions thanks for you and the artists who created them!



  • E

    Hello Martha,

    Thanks for your compliment.

    I visited your website, I send you a work in a few days.



  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Yea, verily and forswoth!!!



    Thanks for the Friendship!

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    I think we should make new toys--paper dolls, if necessary--who/which may travel from stop to stop via post. You send me yours, and i'll send ou mine, and then we could send them on to others' addresses from there. It might be fun to see who "dresses" them up for more journeys to differnet climes, and so forth.

    What do you say to that idea, Martha?

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    See? I swear I am cursed by the Typo Fairy!!!!. "Ou." Not in French,obviously.......

    (good grief!) 

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Hmmmm...I like the way you think.

    Flat. Easy to pack.

    Size? Must be small enough to fit with ease inside a standard business size envelope, and no larger. Not sure how this translates where you are. i received one from Germany last week, so I know they still have them for use in the EU.

    I'm thinking simple enough to re-embellish and/or "dress". The rules of "redressal" might better include never utilizing anything sticky to hold clothes on the doll.

    I'm going to check into this briefly to see whether there mightn't be some free online paper doll template we could utilize.

    I'll be right back with you.


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    There's not much to choose from. Most sites are dead or reroute the seeker to other spaces which don't apply. However, I was able to grab a few in passing, just for inspiration. The Frida one's my fave today.But I may just have to create a fresh look for the doll(s) I send.

    They could be much like Travelocity's "Roaming Gnome" (which got kiped from Amelie, of course)


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Thank you for the compliment! We are all about the freebie lifestyle. I just love it, in fact.When our Stan Askew contacted me to say he'd made art with one of the images we posted last month, and could he have the snail mail address, we were just thrilled. Can hardly wait for our group's next Mail Call Day rendezvous northward, for our PO Box's contents!!!


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn


    You go girl!

    I LOVE the idea of the postman in his pouch with traded extras.

    One thing, though. It might be better if his envelope could fit nicely, snugly even, inside a SEPARATE mailing envelope.

    I like your ideas so much, I wish we begun before!!!!!



  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Okay, I like this also.


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Somewhere, there's a missing letter "d' with an apostrophe sidekick, roaming the internet........
  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    martha, it just occurred to me. I ay have to take back that earlier ruling. It is perhaps wiser to allow that others may want to send dolls of their own on a little globe-trot.

    excuse me for saying so, but perhaps that might fly better within the context of sharing our fun with others.


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Yikes! A wild "m' got away!!!!
  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Martha: I know what you are feeling. It's early days yet, as they say, isn't it? We are on the cusp of a different sort of project which could turn into a dud overnight or else be something any number of people might enjoy.

    There are two ways to approach it, I think, in basic terms:

    1.) have fun doing this on our own, and pick randomly from the crowd a person or two who might enjoy passing one or two dolls (your and/or my own) on to someone other, hoping the chain won't be broken, so to speak. It could be done as casually as you please, with no fanfare or official announcement. Simple may be better. Depends on what you and I discover of what we feel.

    If it is a matter of the time involved, you won't find me disinterested, altho' today's home life has me pretty well booked for at least another week or two  Do you wish to keep this out of the Group scene? Or are we talking offering it up for group consideration? These things you may want to cogitate on.


    2.) We take it out of its private context into the realm of Group shared experiences here at IUOMA, possibly into keeping a blog with any photos members care to share or any travel notes they include in their mailings. We choose how many  or we allow it to grow in size on its own. We choose how it's to be designed, with a little opening here or there to allow for a little freedom of expression. We give it a finite timing, say, one year from now, and leave up a blog just as a record of the group's activity, with a link form the Group pages to that blog so everybody may see. But I think it's pretty much up to you and me how far we want to carry this thing. 


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Another thought just occurred. It could go well enough to where a little online exhibition might occur, or to where there could be a literal exhibition somewhere on the map. I like the former as it opens up more possibility as to who may share in the fun.

    While I really enjoy your postal worker idea, and find it charming and full of possibility, I also like the area of the possible where a different doll or dolls might occur.

    Since we are both exploring the idea, it really can't go anywhere unless we are agreeable as to how the function of it fits our scene. I can take care of it some, just not before May, and even then on a somewhat limited basis. I can't imagine it taking over our lives, tho', LOL. :)

    My two comments here this morning may give you an idea of what it means for me to get involved. I would enjoy hearing from you your own wealth of wisdom on the subject. please, do, keep me updated as to how this is for you, now and in future.

    Have a blissful day!


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Your thoughts on the parameters?

    My suggestion is, no doll may exceed the limits of size for the standard business size envelope--better yet, I could put my thoughts to desgning a basic template for a pouch that would fit healthily, if not overstuffed, inside said envelope.

    Your thoughts?

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Are all of this group's members sending only to each other? I think that's best, don't you?


    Also, our official name?

    One suggestion might be, The Fellowship of the Traveling Paper Dolls.




    and are we strictly about IUOMA members joining in? Or can others, maybe, give it a try?

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    So the photographs become like a mass installation. And those poses with the doll as subject become a part of the art as well.

    Naturally, if someone's camera were not in working order, a drawing, collage or another depiction of said doll might make for fun viewing as well.

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    But if we were an offshoot, affiliated with Traveling Toys, wouldn't that help mend fences?

    I will admit, those synonyms you've offered might make for further clarity. One hates to be thought of as having the temerity to plagiarize. :)

    The Fellowship of the Roaming Paper Doll loses its verve or rhythm, take your pick, in that I was basing our temporary title on the movie about the Traveling Pants.

    Not meaning to quibble, but couldn't we politely ask for permission from our Toys group leader?

    Just a thought.

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    I like your wording. It sounded fine when I read it aloud to myself.Folks outside IUOMA may not have heard of our envelope size or demarcation before. I'm trying to recall off hand what those dimensions would be in inches? There might be some confusion.

    If they send stories with their dolls, that could be fun


    And absolutely, positively NO doll altering!!! This won't be an altered art project, but one about our paper dolls' travels, their adventures, sight seeing, and so on.


    Maybe I'm too strong here, but some people with too much caffein in their veins might rush right through an intro and hurry up and "fix" a doll. To my way of thinking, since each one has its own heritage, so to speak, they would be best left as they are--and much more recognizable when photographed, as well.


    Your thoughts?


    This is fun! ;)

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    I don't believe I' been called "clever possum" till just then.


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    A shouting possum?

    Did I shout?

    Beg pardon! I will endeavor to communicate without doing so.


    That being said, and your wording having been rendered so beautifully, I guess I'm abashed. Did I set this in motion? 

    Without you, it wouldn't be happening. In all due respect to Andy, it may well be he will love the idea and appreciate it as a part of IUOMA, but separate from Traveling Toys.Or, we may find he would welcome a change to his scene. And it occurs to me how he did indeed get the ball rolling, for without the initial idea of toys that travel, I doubt either of us would ever have begun our ideas--together or singly.

    I'm still struggling with this one. I'll get back with you later, after a further bit of thought, followed by a message to young Andrew.


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    I'm sorry. Facetious me!


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Sounds like me and my typing skills!


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Forgot to mention earlier, how I've left it up to Andy as to how he'd like for us to go. This could take a while, as he's rather busy.
  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Duty calls me too. I hope we can continue shortly.

    Take care. Hope you've had a great weekend!


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Gosh! I kinda wish we had more time at the moment to discuss details and such. But I can wait. I wouldn't like to continue without us both working as team, and, as Andy decided for me what we should be called while you were away, I felt I had to sign for us both that all was not settled. You'll see if you go visit the discussion he'd already set up. I think he's lost on the idea of the name I'd asked him for.  Perhaps he'd rather not reply to that one.

    Have a lovely holiday weekend upcoming, and do keep in touch once time will allow such contact. I will endeavor to do the same.

    Ciao for now!


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    As are we here at the Studio's central location. So much is going on, it really is too too much for words. So, thank you , yes, those 2 weeks really hit the spot!


    It is just incredible just how very much there is to do today. It seems I can't keep up with the juggling act. After next week, I imagine things will get much better.

    Take care! Be seeing you in 2!


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Wow! Thank you for thinking of me. 

    It is really a choice to be made when things are quieter in our world. The Possum bunch (a wildly imaginative but crazy group currently comprising a gaggle of more women than men along with one cat and one dog) are really too busy to handle any further commitment. The generating of new works to keep a blog rolling forward is really more consumptive of our free time than is suggested. 

    In other words, no fun when there are already too many irons in the fire.

    Thank you for the thoughts on fairness toward Andy. He really has his hands full already and it would be best not to try and take over (however unintentional such a takeover might seem to those of us participating) even a small corner of his turf.

    Similarly, I can see where you're coming from as far as your own needs for time.

    Maybe it is the better thought to free up the space on our timetables and relax about it for the time being. I'll let you know if this changes. Please keep me apprised as well in return, if you will.

    Thanks awfully for the time end mental effort already taken toward a project which may or may not fly in future, but which I suspect could go far if nurtured.

    And let's trade art sometime--once you and I are both ready for it.



  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn


    Very tired, grumpy, sore necked. headachy, and ready to take to my bed in a perfect snit.

    Hate headaches. Hate. Passionately. Company did leave, but now I can't stand people. This will adjust shortly, not sure when exactly. Look for me to come up for more air at some point next week.

    NO MORE company for at least 2 months.

    End of story.

    Hope your month shapes up better than mine has done thus far.



  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)

    hi, dear martha, how are you these days, i sent a letter in this weekends to you, although i made it two weeks ago, but being a little busy after i changed a  job, and it's a big pitty that there no mail office in the road to the new company. i hope the letter can arrive safely.

    best regards


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    I'm up for air, but busy as a fly in a horse barn as I'm headed out shortly for a bit of a wee adventure with friends.

    Just 5 days off with no duties to speak of. Sounds like heaven after the spring we've had!

    I'll try and stop by at some point on my return.



  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    If you wish to view possum art at its best, take a peek at the newest look over at the Studio's blog. We possums enjoy sprucing up, no matter the weather! ;)


    Tell me, do you ATC at all?

    Just curious.

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    DDendum: Trip's postponed till late next week, so if you're about and up for a bit of interaction here, I'll be online a fair amount at the weekend.


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Hundertwasser! You lucky woman, you!!! I adore his work, would love to live in one of the buildings he designed. I love that free form work!


    Please tell Giles it is quite acceptable for bears of distinction, such as himself, to keep a bit of a tum and enjoy lounging. It is a bear's jog, after all.


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Got a theme?

    We could do a twofer or a one to one, take yer pick!

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    WOW!!! Thanks so much!!!

    Very cool.

    Sadly, with elderly folks in not very good condition, I feel constrained to remain stateside.

    Wish we could meet up somewhere someday!!!

    Let's think on it in a few years........