Karen Champlin


Bellingham, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1980 to 1983 and 2010 to 2013….2022 to ???
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Art is long…Life is short.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Karen Champlin
215 w holly st. B-31
Bellingham, Washington
98225 USA


Comment Wall:

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  • DKeys

    Hi Karen, glad it arrived and you like it-stay warm!!
  • CrackerJack Kid


    Snailmail is PO Box 151, Hancock, NH 03449. 

    Looking forward.



  • Julie Ayres

    Thank you very much for the art. I love it!
  • Kris Naylor

    You're welcome Karen. Glad you like it. It was great fun to make. See you in the mail!
  • Susanna Lakner

    Hi Karen, I sent you the "Q" pages and I saw today the "news", that you are out from the project. What a pity...:-(

    Anyway, the pages are yours if you like it, I make a new for Tiziana. NO problem!!!

  • jon foster

    Got your work in the mail today...I love your style. Keep up the good work.
  • David Stafford

    thanks, Karen...I'm new to the genre so I'm still feeling my way along....
  • Mary Jo Cartledgehayes

    I'm glad you like it, Karen. Hard to imagine David Stafford is new to this genre, because his work, like yours, is spectacular.
  • Hélène LAGACHE

    Thank you very much for the art

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Got a hunch you'll like this one. It's a deep fried Southern Six-Pack of ATC backgrounds, hot from our studio's oven of ideas, and FREE for anyone who would like to use them.


    While I'm at it, lady, how about a little trading? I'm ready for some fun using my own non-digital arsenal and some snazzy cards just ripe for color! What do you say?


  • Wendy Barber

    Thanks Karen. I'm still trying to work my way around the site. Which fabric group are you referring to?
  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Yes! Excellent!

    Can hardly wait! I have a few things to try out this time.


  • David Stafford

    Word of the Day: Asemic...sounds faintly medical...Check out these free asemic fonts from Letterror....

    Printed Word and Written Word



  • Kris Naylor

    Your mail arrived yesterday and I absolutely love it! Thanks very much!
  • David Stafford

  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    3 en route tomorrow afternoon!


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Okay, say it'll finally get on the road tomorrow. Hope you really like what I'm sending. It's a bit off the cuff. We had FUN working on it for you! ;)
  • David Stafford

    Hey,  wait until you see the March issue....


  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    hi Karen

    just a little line to let you know that you can keep the T you'll receive, it is for you...

    I sent a new one to Tiziana Baracchi already.

    take care
  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    They're on their way! 


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

  • Susanne Müller-Baji

    Thanks!!! What a lovely piece.
    As soon as I get the hang of it I will try to scan it and post it in the blog, too. Not all of the links actually work on my computer so this will need a bit of time, obviously.
    Your piece made me realize how much I miss my box of bits and pieces. I am moving studios right now, so I have to make do with the materials I have at hand... As soon as I have access again to my stamps, envelopes, stencils, french frie forkes (lovely material!) I will get something a bit more elaborate on the way to you.
  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    that's nice, let's trade ...i have been doing it already with the other ATC rebels!


  • Wendy Barber

    Thank you so much. I really need something in the mail. Can I send you something too?
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    hi Karen! Thank you for the TWO super collage cards that came in today's mail! I have not had time to scan and blog them, but they are wonderful...love the "house" with the screening and piece of map, naturally. Well, they both are amazing and I  am very lucky to have them...adding them to my "Champlin Collection"!

    and about that twine that I used to bind the ITHACA boekies...the only twine i have so far...good, smooth, strong. And you can't imagine WHERE I bought it? Check out "Paper Source" in Highland Park!

    I kid you not, girl...when I was in Chicago last September, I stayed with an old classmate of mine in Arlington Heights. She does a lot of card art and scrapbooking. She said that she just HAD to take me to this fabulous store in Highland Park. It blew my mind...but I was limited to how much I could buy and carry back with me to Greece. But they have great stuff! go and enjoy the place for me!

    And happy "boekie" making!!

  • cheryl penn

    I received your asemic tablet. Its FAB - o my word - I LOVE your work - thank you :-)
  • Austin Wills James


       An envelope containing 3 ATCs (2 of the appropriate size,& 1 oddball) is beginning it's journey from my house to yours today. I'm also working on another postcard destined for you, that one will most likely depart tomorrow.


  • Austin Wills James

    I've missed me too, the job I started before the holidays was draining all of my energy & willpower to create anything. However, last Saturday, the manager pushed me one step too far; & unleashed the verbal gattling gun at all Geminis are born with. Recieving MA from you & everyone else was the only reason I didn't just lose it months ago. =)


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    look out! You could be getting a little something extra here before too long.....

    (not telling)


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Could you stand a further mailing? Our ATC chops were barely warming up last time! I'm still oiling my joints on this one. 

    Maybe by Friday I can have 2 more en route to you, if you'd care for more.


  • Bifidus Jones

    Morning, Karen--how are you? How's Zena?
  • Bifidus Jones

    Glad to hear you and Zena are well. I've got some fun ideas rolling around in my head too. I've started a series of holy cards--I'll send you one. Cheers.
  • Wendy Barber

    Got my card. Thanks!
  • Austin Wills James

    Those were my first 3 ATCs, my apologies for the odd sized one. I included the buttons since some of your pieces include 3 dimensional elements & I always get excited when folks include items for me to use (ArtistStamps, etc.) I'll send some more art  & music soon, I'm visiting my mom, Cindy Wills this week. (So a card may show up beofre any music does.)


  • Susanna Lakner

    Dear Karen,

    Many thanks for the wonderfull ATC collection!


  • Winged Heart

    Thank you Karen for the card, : )
  • Poison Label Productions

    Did you leave because i am behind in my mailings?
  • David Stafford

    Well, either it will get to me or it will raise the consciousness of someone up the street...thanks in advance....(I think the post person will figure it out, "the rubber stamped stuff goes to the guy at 137")


  • Winged Heart

    Hi Karen, thank you for thinking about me, that is kind of you. But since I just started in creating art and such I do not have alot to trade with you. I am sorry, but thanks any way : )
  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Just got your three beauties this afternoon! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! These are now my 3 top faves of all time. You are just so good!!!!!!!

    I just scanned 'em in, so you can see them in my Photos here shortly!!!!!!

    :)   :)   :)   :)   :)

  • David Stafford

    whew!...Outgoing ATC for you this morning...nuthin' special but I thought it deserved commemoration...film at eleven
  • Test Tower

    Hi Karen - Yes! I did receive 3 ATC beauties from you on Wednesday. I will be posting them shortly. Those cards were nicely made and I am enjoying them very much. I also enjoyed your enthusiasm - you wrote "Let's trade"! I will be happily sending something to you in the immediate future.  Cheers, Test

  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    Hi Karen..I received your beautiful ATCs and have already posted them in my blog:


    I'll be sending you mine next week! Thank you very much!!


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    You got the "Windmills" boekie, Karen? Glad it arrived ok...is all the SNOW gone? We have it "snowing" toonight, but it is not really SNOW...just some rain-mush. Hope Spring comes soon for all of us!
  • Jen Staggs

    You are so flipping amazing.  I opened that felt piece today and literally, LITERALLY got goosebumps from my ankles all the way up my arms.  I Can't stop staring at it!  Thank you for sharing part of your history with me- it really means so much!  You will have to tell me more about these two beautiful people!!
  • Bethany Lee

    Regarding trading ATCs...I am in the middle of preparing for my move in April, so I'm not making any time commitments with anyone. Perhaps after my move, I'll check back with you, k??
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Yes, yes, Karen, I got your message...and I KNOW that you sent the Happy Mail! And it really came on a day that put a smile on my face. thank you, sweetie!

    On the blog I put thye question, just to see if anyone else would understand that HelloKitty could come from you! i love it! thanks xxx

  • prettylily

    Your welcome, Karen.  I am enjoying the group.  Look for more in the future.  
  • Louise Kiner

    Hi Karen,

    I received your mail today and it made me and my postbox extremely happy. It's amazing to look at. Actually, I can't stop looking at it.


  • Plush Possum Studio-Rose McGuinn

    Hi Karen:

    Down with something yucky at Mail Call time means we haven't caught up yet. If your next 3 to us had already arrived at the PO Box, it may have to wait as long as several days before any of us can get there. right now, two of us are sick, one's tied at home due to her asthma needing to be protected against the wildfire (2 of 'em!) smoke here and about. Our bicoastal affiliates, along with our midwest and heartland ones obviously won't be by in time. ;)

    In udda woids, sorry, friend! I'm too sick to run errands. Hope to be better by next week. Some ghastly crud not worth going into here, especially if it's close to meal time. (ahem!)

    Will keep ya posted.
